
Terms for subject Statistics containing | all forms
不完全组设1/4incomplete block design
不完全组设计incomplete block design
世界主要渔地图FAO Map of Major Fishing Areas of the World
世界主要渔地图FAO Major Fishing Areas
全域two-celled universe
中心置信1/4central confidence interval
二次信赖quadratic confidence interval
sample subplot
内估1/4剖intrablock estimate
内估计数intrablock estimate
内变异intrablock variance
抽样框架area frame
域分类areal breakdown
域取样zonal sampling
域坐标areal grid
域统计range statistics
间组估计数interblock estimate
间组变异interblock variance
间组方差interblock variance
十分位间interdecile range
半开1/4half-open interval
半开half-open interval
单侧置信1/4one-sided confidence interval
单侧置信one-sided confidence interval
双侧置信two-sided confidence interval
双向裂设计two-way split-plot design
双向裂设计split-block design
变化1/4湓げvarying-interval prediction
变化variation range
变化间预测varying-interval prediction
四分位间quartile range
四分位间interquartile range
分类帐regional breakdown
分项列出regional breakdown
序列geographic series
抽样area sampling
E型type E region
D型type D region
C型type C region
B型type B region
A型type A region
实验小sample plot
实验小trial plot
实验小experimental plot
工作working plot
平衡不完全balanced incomplete block
平衡不完全组设计balanced incomplete block design
待挤乳holding area
拒绝interval of rejection
按地分类by regions
接受interval of acceptance
接受interval estimate
接受acceptance interval
接受confidence interval
重赛量测的散布scatter band
数字化分digital divide
数字化分electronic information gap
无差别indifference zone
无差别zone of indifference
最具选择性置信most selective confidence interval
最短置信1/4shortest confidence interval
最短置信shortest confidence interval
标准都市统计standard metropolitan statistical area
次级小sample subplot
次级试sample subplot
百分值centile range
等待holding area
粮农组织主要捕捞FAO Map of Major Fishing Areas of the World
粮农组织主要捕捞FAO Major Fishing Areas
interval class
FAO统计FAO Statistical Area
统计精度statistical precision interval
估计技术missing plot technique
置信1/4interval estimate
置信1/4interval of acceptance
置信1/4acceptance interval
置信1/4confidence interval
置信1/4渖舷upper limit of confidence interval
置信1/4湎孪lower limit to confidence interval
置信interval of acceptance
置信acceptance interval
置信confidence limit
置信interval estimate
置信间上限upper limit of confidence interval
置信间下限lower limit to confidence interval
混杂split-plot confounding
设1/4split-plot design
设计two-way split-plot design
设计split-block design
设计split-plot design
连接linked blocks
部分平衡不完全组设计partially balanced incomplete block design
部分混partial confounding
随机组析因设1/4randomized block factorial design
随机组析因设计randomized block factorial design
随机组设1/4randomized block design
随机组设计randomized block design
非参数置信distribution-free confidence interval
预测1/4forecast interval
预测1/4prediction interval
预测forecast interval