
Terms for subject China containing 区域 | all forms | in specified order only
《中华人民共和国民族区域自治实施纲要》Outline for the Implementation of Ethnic Regional Autonomy in the PRC
交通管制区域area under traffic control
人 口集中区域population-concentrated area
依照宪法、民族区域自治法和其他法律规定的权限行使自治权exercise the power of autonomy within the limits of their authority as prescribed by the Constitution, the Law on Regional National Autonomy and other laws
促进区域协调发展promote balanced development among regions
促进区域协调发展promote the coordinated development of all regions
划定区域defined area
区域划分geographic division
区域化管理zoning management
区域协调发展balance regional development
区域协调发展coordinated development of all regions
区域协调发展balanced development among different regions
区域发展总体战略overall strategy for regional development
区域差别difference between regions
区域开发、改造regional development and renovation
区域性集体合同region-wide collective contract
区域戈分geographic division
区域投资regional investment
区域法院district court
区域组织district organization
区域自治regional autonomy
区域自治的民族nationality exercising regional autonomy
区域防洪规划regional flood control planning
危险区域dangerous areas
在本行政区域in the respective administrative areas
地方行政区域local administrative region
实行区域自治exercising regional autonomy
实行区域自治exercise the power of autonomy
实行区域自治exercise regional autonomy in the administrative area
实行民族区域自治institute ethnic regional autonomy in the areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities
属于本行政区域的具体行政管理事项specific administrative matters pertaining to their respective administrative areas
所在区域within the area
投资区域investment region
指定的区域designated place
有关民族区域自治制度、特别行政区制度、基层群众自治制度的法律laws pertaining to systems for regional ethnic autonomy, special administrative regions and primary-level mass self-governance
有效区域effective areas
本行政区域local administrative region
本行政区域an respective administrative area
本行政区域范围内within such jurisdiction
机场净空保护区域airport obstacle clearance protection zone
民族区域自治Ethnic regional autonomy
民族区域自治制度the system of regional national autonomy
民族区域自治制度autonomy system of ethnic regions
民族区域自治制度the system of autonomous ethnic minority areas
民族区域自治政策the policy of regional ethnic autonomy
民族区域自治法Law on Regional National Autonomy
民族区域自治法the Law on the Autonomy of Ethnic Minority Areas
民族区域自治法the Law on the Autonomy of Ethnic Minority Regions
海关特殊监管区域special customs surveillance zone
港区水域waters of the port areas
特定区域in a given area
生态脆弱区域ecologically fragile regions
确认的行驶区域confirmed map of the area to travel
禁养区域area where breeding of livestock and poultry is prohibited
统筹区域发展coordinate regional development
统筹区域发展balance development among regions
统筹区域发展ensure coordinated development of different regions
统筹区域发展ensure proper balance in regional development
统筹区域经济协调发展ensure well-balanced development of regional economies
统筹区域经济协调发展coordinate economic development in different regions
统筹经济社会和区域协调发展make overall planning for a coordinated economic, social and regional development
落实区域发展总体战略implement the overall strategy for regional development
行政区域administrative division
行政区域administrative area
行政区域administrative regions
行政区域划分administrative division
规定本行政区域特别重大事项的地方性法规local regulations governing especially important matters of an administrative area
讨论、决定本行政区域内的重大事项discuss and decide on major issues in their respective administrative areas
调离本行政区域be transferred away from the corresponding administrative area
责任区域responsibility area
代表迁出本行政区域a deputy move out of his administrative area
限定区域restricted zone
非政权性的区域组织district organizations which are not organs of political power
鼓励区域协作encourage cooperation between different region