
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 区划 | all forms
专属经济区渔业开发和管理综合援助计划Comprehensive Programme of Assistance in the Development and Management of Fisheries in Exclusive Economic Zones
专属经济区计划Exclusive Economic Zones Programme
东南亚促进负责任捕捞规范区域行动计划Regional Plan of Action to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices in South East Asia
保护东南太平洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the South-East Pacific
保护东南太平洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划Plan of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the Southeast Pacific
北部地区研究和技术合作计划Cooperative Program in Research and Technology for the Northern Region
区域粮食安全计划委员会Action Committee on Regional Food Security
区域计划管理规划Regional Programme Management Plan
协助发展中国家执行《负责任渔业行为守则》区域间计划FishCode Programme
协助发展中国家执行《负责任渔业行为守则》区域间计划Interregional Programme of Assistance to Developing Countries for the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
南太平洋区域森林遗传资源计划South Pacific Regional Initiative on Forest Genetic Resources
地中海区域水产养殖计划Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Programme
太平洋区域环境计划Pacific Regional Environment Programme
太平洋地区粮食安全计划的扩展期Expansion Phase of the Regional Programme for Food Security in the Pacific
意大利/粮农组织合办的拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区农业和乡村发展规划、政策和项目培训计划Italy/FAO Training Programme on Agricultural and Rural Development Planning, Policies and Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
技术合作计划项目 - 区域间及应急基金TCP Projects - Inter-regional and Emergency Facility
技术合作计划项目 - 区域间及应急基金TPI
拉丁美洲区域水产养殖计划Regional Aquaculture Programme in Latin America
林业促进当地社区发展特别行动计划Special Action Programme in Forestry for Local Community Development
林业促进当地社区发展计划Forestry for Local Community Development Programme
欧洲/中东区域食品辐射协调研究计划Coordinated Research Programme on Food Irradiation for the Region Europe/Middle East
欧经委区域空气污染对森林影响评估和监测国际合作计划International Cooperative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests in the ECE Region
水产养殖促进当地社区发展计划Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme
湿润和半湿润热带地区草原及饲料作物发展计划Programme for Development of Pasture and Fodder Crops in Humid and Sub-Humid Tropical Regions
维多利亚湖渔业管理及发展区域应用研究计划Regional Programme of Applied Fisheries Research for the Management and Development of the Fisheries of Lake Victoria
西部中大西洋区域间发展及管理计划Interregional Development and Management Programme for the Western Central Atlantic
非洲区域植物保护计划Regional Plant Protection Programme for Africa
非洲区域粮食计划Regional Food Plan for Africa
饥饿和脆弱性区域计划Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme