
Terms for subject Ecology containing 区分 | all forms | in specified order only
农业气候分区agroclimatological zoning
分区治理regionalization control
分区漫灌check flooding irrigation
分布区不重叠种形成allopatric speciation
区域性分布regional distribution
危险度分区risk zoning
土地利用分区land use zoning
土壤环境容量区域分异division of soil environmental capacity
城市噪声分区noise division in urban area
植物分布区plant distribution area
生态分区ecological zoning
生态分区ecological regionalization
生态脆弱分区regionalization of ecological fragility
管理分区management zone
综合分区comprehensive zoning
自然保护区分classification of natural conservation area
rDNA 转录间隔区分rDNA internal transcribed spacer ITS analysis
适宜性分区division of suitability
防治区划分dividing of prevention region
风险大气区域分布应急电脑软件area locations of hazardous atmospheresALOHA