
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一捆头货one bundle of piece goods
三角形配天线delta matching antenna
配封接unmatched seal
配指示器mismatch indicator
配条件mismatch condition
配负载unmatched load
配负载incoordination load
串联配电阻器series matching resistor
二元binary matching (法)
亚麻联linen pot
亮度luminance matching
亮度brightness matching
人机man-machine matching
配晶体optically matched crystal
光学配滤波optical matched spatial filtering
光学配滤波optic matched spatial filtering
光学配滤波器optical matched filter
光学配滤波器optic matched filter
光致二向色配空间滤波器photodichroic matched spatial filter
光谱spectrum matching
全息配滤波器holographical matched filter
全息配滤波器holographic matched filter
色纬felling marks
分辨率acuity matching
兹堡加价法Pittsburgh plus pricing
兹堡平板玻璃公司Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company (美国)
头货piece goods
piece dying
染织物piece-dyed fabric
整合连接accordant connection
阻抗matching impedance
配三合透镜matching triplet
配体积matched volume
配信息组matching field
配元件matching unit
配元件matching element
配元件特性matching components characteristics
配光学matching optics
配准确度matching accuracy
配原理matching principle
配变阻器matching transformer
配可变光阑matching iris
配同轴电缆matching coaxial cable
配器matching box
配圆锥线法matched conical method
配圆锥线法matched conic method
配外壳matching can
配封接match sealing
配封接matched seal
配封装envelope match
配延迟线matching delay-line
配式热照射检测器matched bolometrical detector
配式热照射检测器matched bolometric detector
配弧match arc
配技术matching technique
配振荡器matched generator
配接收天线matched receiving antenna
配插头matching plug
配放大器adapter amplifier
配时间match time
配束matched beam
配条件matched condition
配条件matching condition
配条件match condition
配板matching disc
配柱matched column
配棒matching post
配棒matching pillar
配模锻斜度matching draft
配比较matched comparison
配滤光片探测matched filter detection
配滤波matching filtering
配焊接面积matching bond area
配用电阻网络matching resistance network
配电流matching current
配电路building-out circuit
配电阻matched load resistance
配电阻build-out resistor
配的存储体系matching storage hierarchy
配盒matching box
配短截线pill transformer
配短截线matching stub
配磁铁matching magnet
配穿孔卡matching punch cards
配窗matching window
配窗口片matching diaphragm
配箱matching box
配线圈matched coil
配终端reflexless terminal
配终端器matched termination
配终端负载non-reflecting termination
配罐matching can
配脉冲matching pulse
配脉冲拦截matched pulse intercepting
配自耦变压器matching autotransformer
配荷载matched load
配衰减器matched attenuator
配试管matched test tube
配负载功率matched load power
配负载功率available power
配负载电阻matched load resistance
配辐热检波器matched bolometer detector
配输出matched output
配过渡matching transition
配透镜matched lens
配门match gate
配问题matching problem
配问题marriage problem
配阶层matching hierarchy
配阻抗天线matched impedance antenna
单向unilateral matching
单板flitch matching (胶合板)
参量过程相位phase matched for parametrical processes
参量过程相位phase matched for parametric processes
双向配衰减器bilaterally matched attenuator
四极quadrupole matching
图像配法image matching technique
图像配系统image matching system
图形graphical matching
图形pattern matching
图形graphic matching
图形chart matching
地形配制导胶片topographical matching guidance film
地形配制导胶片topographic matching guidance film
地形配系统terrain-matching system
基于配程序概率based matching programme probability
基于配程序概率based matching program probability
基于灰度影像grey value based matching
基于灰度影像area based matching
基于特征影像feature based matching
基于解译影像interpretation based matching
增益gain matching
天线配网络antenna matching network
天线配装置antenna matching unit
奥林克铜绿Olympic green
奥林克铜绿Olympic bronze alloy
奥林克青铜Olympic bronze
奥林克青铜合金Olympic bronze alloy
奥林斯山Olympus Mons
奧林克运动会设施指比赛设施及管理设施等Olympic institution
存储器memory match
宽频带broadband matching
导航地图navigational map-matching
局部模式local pattern matching
peak matching
峰值peak matching
峰值peak match
Y 形Y-matching
彩色配滤光片colour matching filter
彩色配滤光片color matching filter
影像image match
折射率index matching
折射率配晶体index matched crystal
指数exponential matching
掩模mask matching
时间temporal match
stellar map matching
景像scene matching
晶体crystal matching
晶界配度matching at the boundary
最佳optimum match
最佳best matching
条件颜色conditional match
极化polarization matching
极大maximum matching
标记配电路pip-matching circuit
梯度配滤波器gradient matched filter
配透镜mode matching lens
模型pattern matching
模型model matching
模板templet matching
per animal
比例尺配分析法scale matching analysis technique
波前wavefront matching
波导matching of waveguide
波导配负载waveguide match load
波导管配膜片waveguide matching plate
波阵面wavefront matching
point matching
配法point matching method
点阵lattice matching
电介质配板dielectrical matching plate
电介质配板dielectric matching plate
电键配附加器keyer adapter
电阻配变换器resistance-matching transformer
目视边缘配坐标仪visual edge match comparator
phase match
着色配单位colour-match unit
着色配单位colour-matching unit
着色配单位color-matching unit
着色配单位color-match unit
矩阵matrix matching
短截线stub matching
等色colour matching
系统system matching
级间stage matching
级间配压气机matching of stages
结构化事物的matching structured object
缩绒织物布web of felted fabric
能量energy matching
脉冲matching of pulses
脉冲配法pulse matching technique
自动automatic matching
colour matching
colour match
color match
苏库拉硬木Sucupira (一种产于中美洲光亮深棕色硬木)
角相位angle phase matching
trial match
负的速度negative stuffing
负载matching of load
edge matching
连接linkage convention
连续配继电器rematching relay
inverse matching
速度speed matching
速度velocity match
速度velocity matching
速度speed match
部分配检索partial match retrieval
锐度acutance matching
锐度acuity matching
镜像image match
阻抗配变压器impedance-matching transformer
阻抗配变换器impedance converter
阻抗配线圈impedance matching coil
阻抗配负载箱impedance matching load box
松密封腊Apiezon grease
松真空泵用油Apiezon oil
松脂Apiezon grease
松蜡Apiezon wax
配封接non-match sealing
配数据non-matched data
非临界相位non-critical phase matching
非常色散相位anomalous dispersion phase-matching
非线性相位配效应non-linear phase-matching effect
项目配法matching item
颜色colour matching
颜色colour match
颜色color matching
颜色color match
高度highly matched