
Terms for subject Librarianship containing | all forms
一体服务模式integrated service mode
个性信息服务customized information services
个性图书馆主页customized library homepage
个性服务personalized service
个性服务individualized service
个性服务customized service
个性服务模式personalized service mode
个性检索界面customized search interface
个性知识检索individualized knowledge retrieval
个性门户customized portal
中美数字高校图书馆合作计划China-American Digital Academic Library
中美百万册书数字图书馆合作项目中美数字高校图书馆合作计划China-American Digital Academic Library
美国国会图书馆书目强咨询组Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team
书目记录变通知服务Bibliographic Notification (OCLC)
人力资源优配置optimized allocation of the human resources
人性借阅管理模式people-oriented borrowing management model
和管理optimization and management
联合国教科文组织保存非物质文遗产国际公约Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
信息公开information openness
信息检索可视information retrieval visualization
信息载体多样variety of content carriers
借阅流通自动系统automated circulation system
美国学文摘》光盘数据库CA on CD
美国学文摘》光盘数据库Chemical Abstracts on CD
学防霉chemical mold prevention
古籍数字建设digital development of ancient books
可修改拓展的自动系统revisable and extendable automation system
可视工具visualization tool
国际间文交流international cultural exchange activities
图书情报档案一体integration of library-information-archives
图书情报档案一体integration of LIA
图书文book culture
图书馆业务管理集成系统一体图书馆系统integrated library system
图书馆个性library customization
图书馆自动技术library automation technology
图书馆自动管理系统library automation management system
多元文素养multicultural literacy
多文群体服务service to multicultural population
差异定价differential pricing
与升级enhancement and upgrade
快餐文snack culture
快餐文fast food culture
情景注意元数据contextualized attention metadata
数字与可视信息时代digital and visual information age
数字地图digital map
数字资料digitized materials
专题cultural topics
创新工程cultural innovation project
品位cultural taste
多元主义cultural pluralism
服务功能cultural service function
熏陶cultural edification
社团图书馆literary society library
程度education level
管理者cultural manager
艺术culture and art
资产cultural property
遗产机构cultural heritage agency
cultural center
无形文遗产intangible cultural heritage
智能的分类intelligent classification
期刊自动系统automated serials system
标准标目standardized heading
档案文产业archival culture industry
模糊分类fuzzy classification
流通自动系统automated circulation system
知识组织智能服务intelligent service of knowledge organization
社会书签social bookmarking
社会网络Social Networking (e. g. Linkedin, Mashable)
科学文献老obsolescence of scientific literature
汉字simplified Chinese
编目brief cataloging
经济效益最大maximum commercial benefits
结构信息标准促进组织Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
编目社会socialization of cataloging
编目自动系统automated cataloging system
网络信息资源规范standardization of e-resources
网络文帝国主义cultural imperialism of the Internet
美国图书馆协会一美国国会图书馆罗马列表ALA-LC Romanization Tables
自动图书馆系统automated library system
自动环境automation environment
草根文grass-roots culture
藏借阅咨一体collecting-circulating-reading-consulting integration
资源优配置optimizing allocation of resources
资源信息resources informatization
软件服务software as a service
采访自动系统automated acquisition system
采购自动系统automated acquisition system
标准quantitative standard
非物质文intangible culture
非结构文本unstructured text
高度集成highly integrated