
Terms containing 化学会志 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.化学会志英国杂志名Journal of Chemical Society
gen.化学会志Journal of the Chemical Society
gen.化学会志, 帕尔金汇刊,第 I 辑: "有机与生物有机化学"Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions, I: "An International Journal of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry"
gen.化学会志,帕尔金汇刊,第 II 辑: "物理有机化学"Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions, II: "An International Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry"
gen.化学会志,道尔顿汇刊: "无机化学"Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: "An International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry"
chem.英国化学学会杂志Journal of the Chemical Society
chem.化学工业协会杂志Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry
el.化学工业学会杂志英国Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry
gen.化学工业访会志Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry
earth.sc.国际生物化学联合会生物化学杂志编辑委员会IUB Commission of Editors of Biochemical Journals
gen.工业与应用数学会控制与最优化杂志SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization
gen.日本化学会志Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan
tech.污水净化学会杂志Journal of the Institute of Sewage Purification
gen.化学学会会志Journal of the Electrochemical Society
gen.皮革技师与化学师协会志Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists & Chemists
gen.美国化学学会会志Journal of American Chemical Society
chem.美国化学会志Journal of the American Chemical Society
gen.美国制革化学家学会志Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association
earth.sc.美国化学会会志Journal of the American Chemical Society
chem.美国化学学会杂志Journal of the American Chemical Society
gen.美国化学工程师学会志AIChE Journal
gen.美国油脂化学家学会志Journal of the American Oil Chemists'society
gen.美国酿造化学家协会志Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists