
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
到底项目turnkey operation
一些意外事件甚至有经验的承商都无法预测Some contingencies can't be foreseen even by an experienced contractor
一切括在内的条件inclusive terms
一向使用的usual packing
一揽子承合同contract packages
一次使用a non-returnable container
一般来说租赁含金融租赁和管理租赁两种类型Generally leases include two types, finance leases and operating leases
万花筒式kaleidoscopic packaging
三家公司承这次股票的发行Three companies underwrite the share issue
上面列举的各种机械和材料应括在工厂设备里All such machinery and materials as are enumerated above shall be included in plant equipment
兑市场forfeiting market
兑市场a forfeiting market
括农业的就业情况employment excluding agriculture
期限括头尾两天clear days
括机组的租赁dry lease
括海损险free for average
括海损险free from average
括附加股Xri (ex right issue)
不合适的inadequate packing
不完善imperfect packing
不退还的the non-returnable packing
不适当的the unsuitable packing
专业工程承商联合委员会committee of associations of specialist engineering contractors
专业承contracting by specializations
业主将最后一笔款子付给了承The final payment was made by the owner to the contractor
业主应提供一切可能的帮助使承人完成合同The owner shall render all assistance available to enable the contractor to fulfil the agreement
两个标签用细绳系在裹上Two labels were tied on to the parcel with thin string
中国出口商品装公司China National Export Commodities Packaging Corporation
中性neutral can
空白纸中性装单neutral packing list
为了人员和财产的安全承商必须遵守一切现行的法律、法令和规章制度For the safety of persons and property, the contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations now in effect
习惯装法conventional packaging
合同sub-contracting agreement
二手second-hand packing
二手承associate contractor
余数standby commitment
你应该把这货仔细地包捆好You should tie up the parcel carefully
你方价格须括包装费及运到我方仓库的费用Your price is to include packing and delivery to our warehouse
你方应用结实纸袋装水泥You should pack the cement in stout paper bags
你方订货即将生产完毕,我们急盼你方指示,每个装外面用何标记Your order has nearly been completed and we are urgently awaiting your instructions regarding label ling to each package
供一次使用one-service packing
免费the packing free
项目grass-root project
全部创建的工程承方式turn key
全部财产,括有形的和无形的,都已岀售了All the property n., both tangible and intangible, has been sold
公共事业机构实行行政费干制introduce the system of fixed outlays in the public institutions
公司计划保持年度红利为每股6.5美元不变,含3.5美元的期中红利The company plans to keep its annual dividend unchanged at $6.5 per share, which includes a $3.5 interim payment
公开市场open market chartering
兹通知贵方,带装的机器神户船上交货价为7000美元We are pleased to inform you that the price of the machine is $7000 packed and delivered FOB Kobe
农场承farm contractor
hive off
办法sub-contract arrangement
办法sub-contracting arrangements
协议sub-contracting agreement
商对可靠性的要求subcontractor reliability requirements
商联合会federation associations of specialist and subcontractors
契约制度system of subcontract
安排sub-contract arrangement
安排sub-contracting arrangements
分散装法fractional packing
分级及装设备the grading and packing facility
分隔装法fractional packing
利润干额fixed profit quotas
别处未括在内not elsewhere included
副承associate contractor
加固reinforced packing
加固the reinforced packing
一条船hire a boat
上已标岀毛重和净重Gross and net weight have been marked on package
产到户fixing output quotas for individual household
产到户contracting production with the individual household
产指标target stated in a contract for fixed output
工作、 工程等出去put work, a project, etc. out to contract
含关系containing relation (管理数学)
contract labour
发包contract system
工制subletting of labour
工包料material and service
工合同type of contract
工合同contract labour agreement (契约)
工头group piece work contractor
工头labour contractor
工契约lump sum contract
工带料labour and material
工建筑be built by contract
干到户all-round contracts with the household
干制overall rationing system
扎货物do up good into parcels
add in
括一切的权利要求blanket claim
括一切费用all expense
括一切费用在内的all-round (prices, 价格)
括一切费用在内的价格all round
括交货费用在内的价格delivered price
括估算费用在内的总费用total costs including imputed costs
括佣金价格price including commission
括偷窃及提货不着险在内的保险coverage including theft, pilferage and nondelivery
括兵险include war risks
括出口包装费include export packing
括单独海损赔偿include particular average
括卸货费在内的运费free out (船方不负担卸货费用)
括在内figure in
括在内的inclusive, including
括常规测试、检査和校验在内的正式可靠性分析formal reliability analysis including normal testing, inspection and checking
括平舱费在内的船上交货价free on board, trimmed
括清理及平仓费用在内的离岸价格free on board stowed and trimmed
括清理费在内的离岸价格stowed or FOBS free on board stowed or free on boardship
括装卸费在内的运费free in and out (船方不负担装卸费用)
括装船和起岸的驳运风险include all risks of crafts to and from the vessel
括装船时驳运的一切风险include all risks of crafts while loading
括装船费用在内的运费free in
括装货including loading
括运费的价格delivered price
括追加权一起购入call of more
括首尾日期both dates inclusive
the guaranteed suitable
2500的棉花被那场大火烧毁了2500 bales of cotton were destroyed in the fire
godown rent
the warehouse rent
charter (船、飞机、车辆等)
租用船只或飞机的租费chartered freight
租用船只或飞机的租费charter freight
farming of taxes
税业务税farm tax
税制the tax farming
纸费the wrapping charge
罗万象embrace all things
罗万象的协定all embracing agreement
或捆扎货物pack up
装上的缺陷faulty packing
装上的缺陷fault in packing
装不符the variation in packing
装不良fault in packing
装不良faulty packing
装不适应远洋运输insufficiently packed for ocean voyage
装与保存packing and preservation
装与标签规定packing and labelling regulations
提单批语装内容显露content exposed
装单a packing list
装单位a packing unit
装和装潢packing and presentation
装容积the bale capacity
装工业package industry
装工业the packaging industry
装工业packaging industry
装工程package engineering
装应按装运指示印上标记并编号Packages should be marked and numbered, as per shipping instructions
装开缝bag seam open
装很重要,因顾客很容易从外观上判断Packaging is very important because customers are likely to judge by appearance
装情况packing condition
装技术packing technology
装方式the manner of packing
装明细表packing Hst
装机a sack filler
装污染bale discoloured
装物料packing material
装的缺陷a fault in packing
提单批语装破损broken packing
提单批语装破损翻修broken repaired
装破裂the broken package
装箱要明显地贴好标签指明到达地点The containers must be label led clearly to show where they are going
装精美的beautiful packed
装纸the wrapping paper
提单批注 装脆弱frail case
装装璜packing and presentation
装要求packing instruction
装设备packaging facilities
装货物cargo in package
装货物the baled cargo
装费packing cost
装费另计packing extra (由买方负责)
装费和邮寄费另行计算Packing and postage are extras
装费在内packing included
装部packing department
装零售货物package goods
装麻袋the baler twine
wrap (物)
裹单dispatch note
裹寄存处parcel check room
裹清单a parcel bill
裹运价less-than carload rate
裹运费less-than-carload rate
裹运费LCL rate
裹邮务parcel post
身工indentured labourer
租船运费合同contract of affreightment
运合同contract of freightment
运契约exclusive patronage contract
迹成本曲线envelope cost curve
迹曲线envelope curves
underwrite (股票)
underwriting (股票)
the monopoly of sale
销权exclusive sales right
销生产制度putting out system
销辛迪加underwrite syndicate
北大西洋承North Atlantic Contractor
北大西洋承no account
半压紧a half-pressed bale
半统合同a semi-turnkey contract
单独海损括在内with average
卖方作出的转合同vendor-maked subcontract
压缩compression packing
压缩装法squeeze packing
original packing
合资经营企业合营企业,合资承joint venture
装费packing included (由卖方负责)
商品的内the makeup of articles
商店里装精美的货品吸引着那些一看见就想买的购物者Well-packaged goods in the store attracted the impulse buyer
啤酒瓶的价格括在销售价之中,这种瓶子是不需退回的The cost of beer bottles has been included in the sale price and such bottles are not to be returnable
在出现危及生命和财产的紧急情况时,承商必须采取必要的救助措施The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property
在家活生产domestic labour
在该商号的全部转合同中都插入了这样一些材料Such insertions were included in all the subcontracts of the firm
在贵港租一条船对贵方非常有利It would prove most conducive to your interest to charter a vessel in your port
堆叠the stacked packing
塑料伸展plastic stretch wrapping
outer packaging
the outer packing
装情况external condition of packing
装的边缘outer edges of the wrapping
多项使用的the reusable tare
all-round responsibility system
大型设备承heavy duty contractor
装得当,货物不易遭风险If properly packed, goods would be protected from peril
如合同价格不逐步上升,承商必须承担成本不断上涨的风险In the event the contract price is not subject to escalation, the contractor will take the risk of the ever-increasing cost
如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承商应迅速重新完成该工程If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work
如样品邮超重,必须付超重邮费If the sample-package is overweight, excess postage has to be paid
如需要对已完工的项目进行检査,承商应提供必要的便利When an examination of project already completed is needed, necessary facilities shall be furnished by the contractor
季节a seasonal contract
实行分制的on a subcontractual basis
客户总是提醒我们注意,所有货物都应妥善Clients always ask us to see to it that all the goods are well packed
喷塑料薄膜封存装法cocoon packing
将寄去保险附加单一张,扩大保险范围把陆运险也括在内A rider to the policy will be sent, which extends the policy to cover overland insurance
将货物分成lot out goods in parcels
分装商品customer-size package
海运收据parcel ticket
裹柜台服务over the counter small package service
货样a small sample
小型small packing
常态面消费率normal rate of bread consumption
平邮a seamail parcel
库存未用装物not-used packing supplies in storage
之后,发现质量不能使人满意When unpacking the bale we found that the quality is unsatisfactory
break bulk (取样或分运)
开启承opening of bid
开启承open bid
彳艮遗憾,经检査发现,5架摄像机由于装马虎而损坏We regret to say that on examination, 5 movie cameras were found to be damaged, owing to negligent packing
征求承invite bid
很重的a weighty package
的工作lump work
总安装的转合同general installation subcontract
总承合同general contracts
感谢你方对我方人造革提感兴趣Thank you for your interest in our manmade leather bags
成套turnkey plus project
我们十分遗憾地发现短重1235公斤,尽管装完好无损We greatly regret to find that there is a shortage of 1235 kilos though the packing remains intact
我们对质量和装要求很严,不能马虎一点We are very particular about the quality and packing
我们想询问括你方佣金的价格We would like to inquire your price including our commission
我们所能找到的惟一解释是裹标签有误The only explanation we could find was that the parcels were incorrectly label led
我们打开时,发现短衫与样品不一样When we unwrap ped the parcel, we found the blouse is not the same as the sample
我们把公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转给"顶峰"有限公司We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings
我们査明,破袋是由于装不当所致We made sure that the broken bags were due to improper packing
我们正在考虑如何革新产品的工艺和We are considering how to innovate in the workmanship and packing of our products
我们的货用牢固的新木箱装,每箱2台,各用塑料小口袋一只包好Our goods are packed in new strong wooden boxes, each box containing 2 sets in individual small plastic wrapper
我们相信贵方会特别注意货物的We trust that you will give special care to the packing of the goods
我们认为你方报价不合适,因为这种手提价格现在正在下跌We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for the travelling bag is on the decline at present
我方产品每台定价100美元,括附件费用在内,非常好销Our product is a good seller at the price of US 100 per set including the cost of accessories
战略性外strategic outsourcing
所有裹上的标志都清楚无误The marks on all packages were legible
所有货物都妥善装,以免运输途中损坏All the goods are well packed so as to avoid damage in transit
所有货物都应妥善装,以免运输途中被损坏All the goods should be well packed so as to avoid damage in transit
the bale packaging
a sack and bale machine
a bale machine
a baling press
pack press
packing thread
a pack house
packing charge
the baling charge
裹的封皮tear at the cover of a parcel
work contract
turnkey job (使建筑安装工程达到投资或使用)
小段allot responsibility for (certain phases of work)
与经营contract and administration
人对修复损毁工程负有责任The contractor shall be responsible for the restoration of the damaged work
人履行合同情况评价contractor performance evaluation
保证书contract bonds
养护contract maintenance
the responsibility system
contracting-out system
劳动labour only subcontractor
合同contract for projects
商供应和装备的contractor furnished and equipped
商受到警告,不照此办理可能会被取消其承包的资格The contractor is warned that failure to do so may disqualify him from the contract
商同意遵守该国的法律、规则以及道德准则The contractor agrees to abide by all laws, rules and codes of ethics in that country
商应不折不扣地履行该协议The contractor shall implement the terms of the agreement to the letter
商应将损坏或损毁的工程加以重建或修理The contractor shall reconstruct of repair damaged or destroyed work
商应尽力不使自己违反本合同的各项条款The contractor shall try his best not to fail to act in accordance with the provisions of this agreement
商应尽力保证项目准时完工Contractor is to do his best to ensure the completion of the project without delay
商应尽力解决设备问题Contractor shall use its best endeavours to resolve the problem of equipment
商应支付各种可收回的费用The reimbursable costs shall be paid by the contractor
商应支付因仪表的位置或安装不当而支出的费用The contractor shall pay for the expense resulting from the improper location or installation of the apparatus
商应经常用电话与供应商或制造商取得联系The contractor shall often have to set in touch with the suppliers or manufacturers by phone
商应该熟悉现场上一切与施工有关的情况The contractor should be familiar with all conditions on the site which relate to the performance of the works
商必须负责设计、工程、采购、建造等等的工作The contractor must be responsible for the design, engineering, procurement n., construction and so on
商按发票金额加15%将此货投保The contractor insured the goods at invoice value plus 15%
商提供的设备contractor furnished equipment
商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions
商支配的总时间total contractor controlled time
商有权将这次转租延期一个时期The contractor shall be entitled to renew this sublease for a further period
商聘任王先生作为与本合同有关的中介人The contractor engages Mr. Wang as his mediator in connection with the contract
商识别号contractors5 identification number
商该以应有的勤奋和敏捷来履行其施工任务The contractor shall fulfil the works with due diligence and expedition
商须以书面形式呈交一份工程进度表The contractor shall submit a statement of all proposed schedule of the work in writing
建筑安装工程的安装turnkey delivery (启用)
工程contracting industry
工程contract work
工程应付费用cost accrued on construction contract
拆屋者house breaker
控制的估价measurement in contract control
服务turnkey service
落选lose a bid
技术数据technical data package
投资investment lump-sum contracting
投资收入是无形贸易项目,括股利和贷款利息Investment income, an invisible transaction, covers dividends and interest on loan
挂式装箱the hinge-cover container (容器)
指定受让assigned contractor
件计算的责任限制per package limitation liability (范围)
劳动力allot responsibility according to (labour power)
按劳承allotting responsibility according to labour
挪威海上Norwegian Contractors
挪威承协会Norwegian Contractors
the bale packaging
损坏tom bag
据我方运输行称,有600运输的一批货遗失Our forwarder informed us that the shipment consisting of 600 parcels was missing
撤销承withdraw a bid
支付给分人的金额amount paid to subtractors
政府工程承government contractor
政府征收的预和赋税不应括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
散装装法bulk packing
货提货不着the non-delivery of the entire package
易开the pull tab packaging
星期日和节假日括在内Sundays and holidays included
普通的租赁至少含两个方面,即承租人和出租人An ordinary lease consists of at least two parties i.e. lessee and lessor
最佳承商控制时间optimal contractor-controlled time
最好是含一切let's be safe and include everything
装的板条箱an unpacked crate
装的货物goods unpacked
装货the unpacked cargo
本地区使用的证券括证券、债券或可兑换债券The securities used in this area shall include bonds, debentures or convertible debentures
本订单,括其正面及反面的条件与条款,已经过细致的研究The order, including the conditions and terms on the face and reverse side, has been studied careful ly
机组干的联产承包the all-round contract system with the mechanized group as the basic unit
机组干的联产承包all round contract system with the mechanized group as the basic unit
杂货的常规装与装运方法conventional methods of packing and handling general cargo
条形the strip packing
来回程租船round-trip vessel
the bale breaking
根据下列规定条件,承商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below
根据今天签定的协议,该公司业务将由承人来经营The business of the company will be conducted by the contractor according to the agreement signed today
根据此处开列的条款,应由承商完成接管验收Takeover tests should be carried out by the contractor according to the provisions herein
裹短重2千克The package is 2 kilograms underweight
此报盘括你方 5%的佣金The offer includes your commission of 5%
此目录含我方目前所能供应的全部产品This catalogue comprises our present availabilities of all products
此货将按所要求的方式We will pack the goods after the man-hour as requested
水泥应用结实纸袋The cement is presumed to be packed in stout paper bags
测量装的大小measure the size of a package
海运shipping parcel
特别special packing
用买家自己的材料去装的出口订单export order for manufactures packaged in buyer's own packing
由于承商的破产,已指派了一名清算人,业主便终止了该承包The owner terminated the employment of the contractor because a receiver has been appointed on account of contractor's insolvency
由于没有手推车或其他搬运工具,我们运送这些裹非常不方便It is rather inconvenient for us to move all these packages for lack of handcart or other carrying implements
由于生产能力有限,产品的一部分由转商工厂生产Owing to the limited manufacturing capability, part of the products will be made in the factories of
真空the vacuum packaging
tom bales
礼品gift packing
美国礼品裹运输普通许可证general license GIFT
税收farming of taxes
箱运价tariff for tare carriage
粗心大意的imprudent packing
紧密的compact packing
紧身装法contour packing
缓冲solution packing
美国转商协会American Subcontractors Association
美国钻井承商协会American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
kobo (尼日利亚辅币)
考虑到含于此的契约与协议,以及下文所提供的付款,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenant and agreement herein contained, and of the payments hereinafter provided, it is mutually agreed as follows...
考虑到含于此的契约与协议,以及将由缔约双方予以履行,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to be executed by the parties hereto, it is mutually agreed as follows...
联合销人underwriting syndicate
联合承公司joint venture
美国联邦公平装和标签法案Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act
船方运费括装卸gross terms
薄膜a skin-pack
薄膜a skin-packing
薄膜the shrink-pack
薄膜the blister pack
行李裹托运consignment of luggage and parcel
财产授予人的剩余财产括其遗嘱在内The Settlor's residuary estate includes the testament of the settlor
财政responsible for (one's finance)
货物装损险breakage of packing risk
货物用纸板箱The goods were packed in cardboard boxes
货物税款不括在调整后发票价格内Excise taxes are excluded in adjusted invoice price
贴膜a skin-packing
贴膜a skin-pack
资本货物括制造其他商品所用的机器、建筑物和原料Capital goods consist of machinery, buildings and raw materials used to make other goods
起泡the blister packing
人规范更改通知subcontractor specification change notice
合同subcontract change notice
商可制订适当的条款以避免发生干扰The subcontractor can make proper terms to avoid interferences
商有机会出席仲裁,这样他就能提出证据The subcontractor is given an opportunity to be present in arbitration so that he can submit evidence
商特种分析和模拟技术subcontractor special analysis & simulation technology
工厂subcontracting factory
更改通知subcontract change notice
软体software package
适合海洋运输的packing suitable for ocean
适合海运的the seaworthy packing
遇有政府向承商征收税款,关税等情况时,雇主应向承包商补偿全部金额When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount
发运单dispatch note
配套a fitting package
鉴于装完好,短重无疑发生在装运之前Beyond doubt, the shortage in weight occurred prior to shipment as the packing keeps intact
销售承商协会Distribution Contractors Association
销售费用只括日常开支Sales cost just includes the day-to-day expenses
防水water proof packing
防水water-proof packing
防水纸the waterproof papering
防漏leakage-proof packing
防潮纸the waterproof paper packing
美国阿拉斯加石油承Alaska Petroleum Contractors
除了装,我们对其他方面都满意We are satisfied with everything except for packing
除非你方另有通知,我们将在装箱上按所给的图样刷唛头Unless otherwise advised, we will mark the packages as per the drawing given
除非另有说明,我们不把你方的佣金括在报盘内Unless otherwise specified, we won't include your commission in our offers
staff of life
免纳销售税Bread is exempted from sales taxation
coupon's for bread
coupons for bread
行业bread industry
项目服务承project services contractors
项目服务承project services contractor
预先装的商品prepackaged goods
额外装费extra package
额外费用也括在报价内The additional cost is also included in the quoted price
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