
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上升向上趋通道技术分析ascending up trend channel
上升平行趋通道技术分析ascending parallel trend channel
上升趋线upward trendline
上涨的趋stronger tendency
上涨趋forward movement
下行趋moderating trend
下行趋线技术分析downtrend line
下跌的趋falling tendency
下跌的趋downward tendency/trend
下跌趋downside trend
下跌趋down trend
下跌趋线down-curving trendline
下降趋线downward trendline
下降趋线descending trendline (技术分析)
下降趋通道技术分析descending trend channel
下降趋通道declining trend channel
不能持续的unsustainable momentum
与预期的走相反moving against the anticipated trend
专业优professional advantage
两日转two-day reversal
中性趋证券价格变动很小的平稳趋势neutral trend
中期趋intermediate trend
主要principal momentum
主要趋primary trend (技术分析)
主要趋primary movement
主要趋prevailing trend
乘强劲头出售sell on strength
价格price momentum
价格上升趋price tend upwards
价格变动趋price fluctuation trend
价格变化趋price move in trend
价格和成交量趋指标price and volume indicator
价格趋price trend
企业盈利和宏观经济都不温不火的经济形goldilocks scenario
位置田径跑道的内圈指交易中占据有利位置inside track
地位privileged position
低迷走poor performance
先下手者优first-mover advantage
先行者优first-mover advantage
减缓监管政策的周期性趋2008 年 G20 峰会为各国财长设定的目标之一mitigating against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy
利率变化趋interest rate trend
利率走interest rate trend
利用规模优leveraging its scale
加快的趋accelerating trend
加速趋accelerating trend
成本inferiority cost
表决权股inferior-vote right stock
头指标momentum indicator
逆转reverted direction
半强semi-strong form
半强市场semistrong-form market
半强市场效率semistrong form of market efficiency
半强效率semi-strong efficiency
半强有效市场假说semistrong-form efficient market hypothesis
单一线性趋模型single linear trend model
卖方行业的趋in seller's industry trends
价格振荡指标detrended price oscillator
价格振荡指标无论价格的长期趋势是否明显,短期价格的波动都是不可避免的detrended price oscillator DPO
双趋线double trendline
股价反复向上的趋mixed uptrend
发展momentum of development
合理趋rational trend
周期性趋seasonal trend
V 型走V formation
基本规模和趋分析common size and trend analysis
基本走primary trend
基本趋线basic trendlines
减缓deceleration of growth
增长growth momentum
增长趋growth movement
增长趋减弱moderation of growth momentum
多头攻趁利好消息,强力买人bull raid
多头造为抬高市价而买人bull compaign/movement
general trend of development
general trend
交易投资者随市场上其他人下单的大小和方向来决定自己的投资方向和大小momentum trading
投资者momentum player
投资者momentum investors
操作者momentum player
大市走macro market trend
大趋trends broad
大趋primary movement
季节性趋seasonal trend
宏观经济走macroeconomic trends
宏观趋macro market trend
对市场趋的看法outlook for the market
小优small advantage
证券价格小趋minor trend
左右市场的market power
巩固的专项优defensible niche (某公司占据某类市场很大份额的特别股)
市场国际化优market internalization advantages
市场走market's momentum
市场趋market tone
市场趋分析market trend analysis
底部两日转two-day reversal bottom
延续了下跌走continuing a bearish run
延长的 V 型趋技术分析extended V formation
引领市场走的股票bellwether stock
弧形趋线技术分析curving trendline
外汇watering exchange
效应weak form effect
美元weak dollar
soft spot
货币soft currency
货币low-powered money
strong form
市场hard market
市场有效性strong-form of market efficiency
有效市场strong form market
有效市场strong-form efficiency market
有效性strong-form efficiency
美元hard dollar
在一总体上较弱的市场上保持坚挺的某种证券或某组证券hard spot
证券hard spot
货币hard currency
银行strong bank
不利belly up
分析situation analysis
总趋trends broad
成交量市价趋volume price trend
成交量股价趋volume price trend
成交量趋volume trend
基金contra fund
拥有特别优ownership of specific advantage
持续性竞争优sustained competitive advantage
指数套利股价走测试index arbitrage tick test
提前行动优early mover advantage
收敛趋convergent trend
放慢趋moderating trend
放缓趋decelerating trend
整个市场发展趋macro market trend
整体趋integrative trend
整理趋sideways price movement
无明显趋的市场spotted market
有税收优的投资tax-advantaged investment
有股权优的债务debt with equity upside
杠杆收购中的管理优management advantages in LBO
横向趋线horizontal trendline
横盘走股市呈trade sideways
次级趋证券价格涨或跌后的反向变动趋势secondary trends
次要趋又叫"中期趋势",持续时间为三周到几个月不等secondary trends
证券市场次要趋second trend
股市每周走weekly movement
比较优theory of comparative advantage
水平趋线horizontal trendline
技术分析图表leg up
涨跌趋线advance-decline line (ADL)
混乱局mixed bag
熊市趋技术分析bear trend
牛市趋技术分析bull trend
盈利earnings momentum
看涨趋upward trend
短期趋short swing
确保交易中的策略性优secure a tactical advantage in transaction
穿透趋线的有效性validity of trendline penetration
突破趋线breaking of trendline
第三级趋tertiary movement
等成交量走equivolume charting
简单线性趋模型技术分析simple linear trend model
箱形趋rectangle (技术分析)
红色趋线技术分析red trendline
经济下降趋economic downturn
绘制的抛物线趋技术分析plotted parabolic trend
综合指数停止下滑头、升16点、达到5000点composite stopped the declining momentum, gaining 16 points to 5000
联合的趋agglomerative tendency
股价走historical price graph
股权收购与利润短期趋tender offer and short-swing profit
股票交易的优advantages of stock trades
股票价格趋stock chart
股票的走examining graphs of a share's performance
背离趋divergent trend
待发hunkering down
蓝色趋线blue trendline
走低market fall
行业总体趋industry trends broad
认购方报价走bid tick indicator
证券价格走off the curve
调整价值趋trend of adjusted value
偏软downward movement
向上股价向上运行head up
向下股价向下运行head down
趋降downward movement
跟风者trend follower
交易技术分析trend trade
分析momentum analysis
反转trend reversals
和关联性分析trend and correlation analysis
基金momentum fund
trending market
投资momentum investing
指数momentum index
指标momentum indicator
振荡指标momentum oscillator
效应trend effect
比率分析trend ratio analysis
线股票柱状图表中trend line
跟踪技巧trend-following technique
跟踪法trend-following method (该法认为股价的发展趋势一旦形成,就要持续一段时间)
转变量trend reversal amount (技术图形分析中造成股价趋势改变上下波动的交易量)
追随者trend follower
通道技术分析trend channel
趋同趋convergent trend
技术分析图表leg down
downside trend
反转down reversal
大附线bearish belt hold
小阳线技术分析bearish harami
downside deviation
跟踪股票走following progress of stock
近期趋near term trend
逐日变化趋minor trend
金融趋financial trends
长期趋major trend (技术分析)
长期趋预测trend projection
阻止下跌趋stem the tide
随后走如股市大幅上涨后又大幅回落secondary movement
随大go along
集中持股优building up advantage in terms of shareholdings
非趋价格摆指标detrended price oscillator
顶部两日转two-day reversal top
指标技术分析commodity channel index