
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
下降趋falling tendency
地位的滥用abuse of a dominant position (指欧共体法律中规定的凭自身在价格条件、交易条件、市场实力、限制条件对原材料的控制,对生产或市场实行不利于消费者的限制等优势,企图压倒竞争对手的行为)
策略dominant strategy
保持优地位hold on to favourable position
差的potential (a.)
发挥优exploit the advantages
呈上升趋The tea market is firm with upward tendency
国际形international situation (与国内形势 (domestic situation)相对)
对其他竞争中的供货商取得优gain dominance over other suppliers in competition
巩固竞争中取得的优consolidate the advantage gained in the competition
市场优market domination
市场趋market trend
市场趋不定The tendency of market is uncertain
我们将感谢你方对市场形的澄清We'll appreciate your clarification of the market situation
持续趋persistent trend
控制局dominate the situation
比较优理论theory of comparative advantage
注意市场形watch the market situation
滥用交易中地位abuse of dominant position
物价上涨趋upward trend of prices
物价下跌趋sagging tendency
生产优advantage in production
短期趋short time trend
纺织品市场趋难以确定The trend of the textile market is hard to determine
经济优economic advantages
经济攻economic push
股票行情看涨趋bullish tendency
观察市场形survey market situation
规模劣scale disadvantage (与规模优势 (scale advantage) 相对)
需求预测外推法trend extrapolation method
调整指数trend adjusted indices
适应变化的形accommodate oneself to changed conditions
长期趋major movements
长期趋major trends