
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一般位general potential
一般趋general run of things
三相电triphasic potential
三相电动three-phase electromotive force
三维趋分析three-dimensional trend analysis
三角形连接电动delta electromotive force
上涨的趋upward tendency
下跌趋downward tendency
不对称电unsymmetrical potential
不对称电unsymmetric potential
不规则趋irregular trend
不降落电drop-free potential
严格对角优strictly diagonal dominance
中子阱测井neutron-gamma well logging
中子阱测井neutron well logging
中子阱测井neutron logging
中子阱测井neutron log
中子阱测井neutron-gamma well log
中等地medium relief
临界电critical potential
dominance (度)
一持续—强度指数prevalence-duration-intensity index
偏向directional preponderance
区图predominance area diagram
构象preferential conformation
dominant tree
树木dominant tree
氧化态dominant oxidation state
生物dominant organism
dominant socials
积分dominating integral
级数dominating series
藻类物种dominant algae species
转移removal of dominance
金属物种dominant metal species
会计趋accounting trend
估量噪声电动psophometric electromotive force
伽莫夫Gamow barrier
potential energy
geopotential (的)
不稳定性potential instability
potential force
单位geopotential unit
厚度geopotential thickness
坡度geopotential slope
potential head
position head
potential differential
序列sequence of potentials
geopotential number
geopotential meter
水头potential head
水头position head
涡量potential vorticity
涡量absolute potential vorticity
geopotential energy
英尺geopotential foot
potential surface
level surface
高度图absolute geopotential topography
位移displacement potential
位置优position advantage
低地low relief
体电bulk potential
体积力body force potential
假设电hypothetical electrical potential
假设电hypothetical electric potential
photo potential
光电效应photovoltaic effect
光电电photoelectrical potentiometer
光电电photoelectric potentiometer
全球长期趋long-term global trend
全电full potential
分子间intermolecular potential energy
分层设色地merged relief map
分布的离中趋dispersion of distribution
分析趋analytical trend
分段电graded potential
分离separation potential
分解电decomposition voltage
表面摩擦时的刮伤趋scoring susceptibility
化合亲和combining affinity
化学partial potential
化学chemical potential (μ)
化学chemical potential
化学能梯度chemical potential gradient
化学chemical potentiometer
化学能chemical energy potential
区对优comparative advantage of a region
升降趋检验test for upward or downward trend
半波电half-wave potential
单位电unit potential
单电极电single electrode potential
卖主控制均cooperative equilibrium
卤仿生成haloform formation potential
差连接法idiostatic method
equipotential surface
同步电动synchronous electromotive force
向上趋分析upward trend analysis
向量vector potential
听觉auditory sense modality
suction potential
吸湿hygroscopic potential
吸附absorption potential
吸附理论adsorptive potential theory
吸附理论adsorption potential theory
吸附等温等线adsorption isotherm isopotential
商情趋周期分析business trend and cycle analysis
噪声noise potential
噪声电动psophometric electromotive force
土吸力soil suction potential
土壤液化潜soil liquefaction potential
geographical features
geographic features
分带topographical zoning
分带topographic zoning
landform map
hypsographical map
hypsographical chart
morphological map
orographical map
surface situation
physical chart
orographic map
morphologic map
hypsographic chart
图制图landform mapping
校正correction for relief
特征relief feature
误差terrain error
走向grain of the country
起伏地区broken terrain
地下水污染groundwater pollution potential
地电ground potential
地质趋分析geological trend analysis
地质趋分析geologic trend analysis
地重力高度geopotential height
地震活动趋预测prediction of seismic activity
地面天气形预报图prebaratic chart
均匀uniform potential flow
测定人体的坐椅姿sitting posture
塑性plastic potential surface
处于劣lost ground
复配优compound ascendant fungi
外力potential of external force
外加电动impressed electromotive force
外加电动applied electromotive force
外电external potential
外电external electrical potential
外电external electric potential
外电动external electromotive force
外观电appearance potential
多变决策形multivariate decision situation
范围天气形large-scale weather situation
大地水准面geoidal potential
天气和技术趋weather and technology trend
天气形meteorological situation
天气形weather prospect
天气形短期气象weather trend
天气形weather situation
天气形synoptical situation
天气形meteorologic situation
天气形general weather situation
天气形synoptic weather map
天气形synoptical chart
天气形synoptical weather map
天气形synoptic chart
天气形预报weather prognostics
天气形预报general inference
天气趋weather prospect
天气趋weather trend
天气趋weather outlook
局部腐蚀pitting potential
市场价格趋tendency of market
市场走market behaviour
带有抽头的电tapped potentiometer
开裂趋cracking tendency
引力gravitational potential well
引潮tide-producing potential
引潮tide-generating potential
弗兰克一康登能曲线Franck-Condon potential curve
张量tensor potential
张量tensor well
弱对角线优weak diagonal dominance
弹性clastic potential
弹性elastic potential
强消毒产物生成high disinfection byproduct formation potential
规律law of the situation
tactical situation
tactical setting
总三卤代甲烷生成total trihalomethane formation potential
总化学能计算法total chemical potential energy approaches
总有机卤化物生成total organic halide formation potential
总有机卤素生成total organic halogen formation potential
总电combined potential
总电化学total electrochemical potential energy
恒定能原理principle of stationary potential energy
恒电流电constant current potentiometry
战术态marked map
所有权优ownership advantages
信号flag signal
持续型趋persistence tendency
持续性趋tendency of persistence
持续性趋persistence tendency
指数exponential well
指数型趋曲线exponential trend curve
振动vibromotive force
振荡电oscillatory potential
振荡电动oscillating electromotive force
摩尔电化学molar electrochemical potential energy
收缩为主要趋的脉动pulsation but in which the essential trend is contracting
收集电collecting potential
器导管radiator duct
器底板radiator bottom plate
散射scattering potential
路面最大抗滑maximum skid-resistance potential of surface
最小能原理principle of minimum potential energy
最小能原理法method of minimum potential
最小化学minimum chemical potential energy
最小的比较劣least comparative disadvantage
最小重力minimum gravitational potential energy
有效地available relief
有效电action potential
未来发展趋预测alternative future
本征垒二极管intrinsic-barrier diode
本征垒晶体管intrinsic-barrier transistor
杂散电动stray electromotive force
等级pecking order
标准化学standard chemical potential
标准态化学standard chemical potential
标准极normal electrode potential
标准氧化standard oxidation potential
标准氧化还原standard oxidation-reduction potential
标准电standard electrode potential
标准电动standard electromotive force
标准电极normal electrode potential
标准电池电动standard electromotive force of the cell
标准还原电normal reduction potential
标量scalar potential
标量scalar potential field
tree vigor
树冠长过重top heaviness
核位nuclear potential
核的散射nuclear potential scattering
核间互作用internuclear potential
桥梁拱bridge camber
横卧姿accumbent posture
横轴同步电动quadrature-axis synchronous internal voltage
positive potential
gas potential
梯度gas potential gradient
气候长期趋secular trend in climate
气压趋pressure tendency
气压趋barometrical tendency
气隙磁动air-gap mmf
氧化还原控制redox control (in bleaching)
氧化还原电redox potential
氧化还原电oxidation-reduction potential
氧化还原电突变redox potential discontinuity
氧化还原电突变oxidation-reduction discontinuity
梯度water potential gradient
梯度hydraulic potential gradient
能的估计estimating water potential
水位变化趋tendency of stage
水力位potential hydroenergy
水文情hydrological regime
水文情hydrographical regime
水文情hydrologic regime
水文情water regime
水文情hydrographic regime
水文趋预报basic hydrologic forecast
水流streaming potential
水流flow potential
水流情regime of flow
水流情flow regime
汇率走tendency of exchange rate
污染pollution potential
污染潜pollution potential
污泥发泡foaming potential of sludge
污泥脱水sludge dewatering potential
污泥脱水dewatering potential of sludge
活化电activation potential
活化能activation energy barrier
streaming potential
函数liquid potential function
流体的和力场fluid potential and field of force
流动电streaming potential
流速函数velocity potential function
浓集concentration potential
渗压potential of penetration pressure
渗析压osmotic pressure potential
渗透seepage potential
渗透防渗osmotic potential
温差电thermoelectrical power
温差电thermoelectric power
温差电效应thermoelectrical effect
温差电效应thermoelectric effect
漂浮电floating potential
晶核potential nucleus
潜在膨胀shrink-swell potential
潜水位diving trim
旺盛期fire peak
蔓延spread of fire
蔓延fire spreading
蔓延fire spread
蔓延指数fire spread index
火力优fire superiority
火灾损害潜fire severity
火花电spark potential
焓电enthalpy potential
牛顿位Newtonian potential
牛顿位函数Newtonian potential function
spherical well
spheric well
理论theoretical potential flow
理论theoretic potential flow
生化biochemical energy potential
生化甲烷biochemical methane potential
生态ecologic potential
生态优ecologic dominance
生态地理趋ecogeographical divergence
生活型优life-form dominance
生物甲基烷biological methane potential
生物甲基烷biologic methane potential
生物电bioelectrical potential
生物电bioelectric potential
生物降解biodegradation potential
由高区向低势区toward low potential from high potential
由高面和非渗透遮挡共同封闭enclosed jointly by higher potential plane and impermeable barrier
power potential
均衡balance of potential
electrical potential difference
difference of potential
差示滴定potentiometric differential titration (法)
galvanic series
放大器potentiometric amplifier
梯度electrical potential gradient
梯度electric potential gradient
测微计potentiometric extensometer
溶出分析electrometric stripping analysis
滴定法potentiometric method
滴定装置electrometric titration outfit
的能斯脱零值Nernst zero of potential
energy of position
electrical potential energy
衰减器potential attenuator
计式计算器potentiometer type calculator
计轮potentiometric wheel
fall of potential
电动electromotive difference potential
电动generated voltage
电动electrodynamic potential
电动electrodynamical potential
电动electrodynamical force
电动electromotive force
电动单位electromotive unit
电动感应线圈pick-up coil
电动electromotive force source
电化electrochemical potential
电化学electrochemical potential energy
电化电electrochemical potential
电子感应电动betatron electromotive force image
电子电electronic potentiometer
电容电动capacitive electromotive force
电机电electromechanical potentiometer
电极均衡electrode equilibrium potential
电标量electrical scalar potential
电标量electric scalar potential
电泳电migration potential
电渗electroosmotic potential
电磁electromagnetic potential
电离ionization potential
电离ionic potential
电解电electrolytic potential
界面interfacial potential (能)
界面电interphase potential
界面电动electrokinetic potential
界面电动electromotive force for interface
真空管电valve potentiometer
破坏潜damage potential
硬芯hard core potential
社会经济趋socioeconomic trends
社群优social dominance
稳定stationary potential
稳定stationary potential energy
稳定电steady potential
稳定电stabilizing potential
unipotential (的)
equipotential (的)
同高线equipotential contour
equipotential layer
equipotential method
equipotential plate
equipotential ring
线lines of equal potential
线isothermal line
potentiometric surface
surface of equal potentials
level surface
等价点电equivalent-point potential
等优基因对codominant gene pair
等位geopotential surface
等压面形pressure topography
等压面形isobaric configuration
等效电equivalent potential source
等电加速器constant-potential accelerator
等电系统equipotential system
等电阴极unipotential cathode
等磁magnetic equipotential
等速度线equipotential curve of velocity
等速度equipotential surface of velocity
等重力geopotential surface
策略的优dominance of strategies
缩胀shrink-swell potential
脉动电动pulsating electromotive force
腐蚀电corrosive potential
imaginary potential
虚实徘徊stepping lightly and heavily alternately
虚电virtual potential
补充电boosting voltage
表观电appearance potential
表面surface-potential barrier
表面垒二极管surface barrier diode
表面垒光电二极管surface barrier photodiode
表面垒层晶体管surface barrier transistor
表面垒晶体管surface barrier transistor
表面电surface potential
表面电检测器surface potential detector
表面膜surface film potential
谐和趋分析harmonic trend analysis
梯度negative potential gradient
负压potential of negative pressure
质量趋quality trends
费米Fermi's potential
资源形分析范围analytical region of resources situation
资源形分析范围analytic region of resources situation
资源形因素分析resolution into factors of the resources situation
资源趋的分析analysis of resource trends
逃逸趋escaping tendency
逆电inverse period
逆电动back voltage
逆电动counter electromotive force
选择优selective advantage
速度velocity potential (φ)
速度函数velocity potential function
速度优speed advantage
速度和高度优speed and altitude supremacy
速度电speed voltage
速率电动speed electromotive force
造陆优epeirocratic condition
锐角sharp-cornered well
阳极电anode drop
阳电electropositive potential
阴极cathode fall
阴电electronegative potential
阻尼指数damped potential index
附加位additional potential
附加电动additional electromotive force
降水情precipitation regime
震害damage potential
静电electrostatic potential barrier
非优半球non-dominant hemisphere
非平稳趋non-stationary trend
非点源污染non-point source pollution potential
非稳态non-steady state membrane potential
非线性电graded potentiometer
非零电non-zero electrical potential
非零电non-zero electric potential
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