
Terms for subject Wushu containing | all forms
push down
独立push down and stand on one leg
仰身饮酒drinking wine stance with torso inclining backward
保持稳定姿keep stable position
俯身探海端酒hold wine-cup stance with torso bent forward to probe into sea
单鞭下single whip and push down
太极拳起commencement of taichi-chuan
头翻弓步端酒carry wine stances in bow-step after headstand flip
fixed position
独立push down and stand on one leg -left right style
弓背姿hunched position
捋挤stroke and push
捋挤deflect and squeeze
提手上raise hands and step up
提膝独立斟酒pouring wine stance with one knee raised
closing form
独立stand on single leg
独立跨虎stand on one leg in tiger-ride stance
穿掌下pierce palm and push down
肩肘的姿shoulder and elbow position
蛇身下snake creeps down
调整姿adjust one's position
太极拳commencing form
beginning form
踉跄步拐肘仰身饮酒drinking wine stance in totters with elbow bent and torso inclining backward
醉卧lying stance of a drunkard
醉卧lying position of a drunkard
转移刺ceding parry