
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
上升趋rising trend
上升趋upward trend
下降趋falling trend
下降趋downward trend
不公平竞争优unfair competitive advantage
与某一趋相拟合fit a trend econometrics
以最不利形为基础的预测方案pessimistic scenario
以最不利形为基础的预测方案worst case scenario
历史趋historical trend
政策态policy stance
比较优comparative advantage
比较成本优comparative cost advantage
消除趋变化后的产出detrended output
消除趋detrending method
相对优comparative advantage
相对成本优comparative cost advantage
竞争优competitive advantage
竞争劣competitive disadvantage
绝对优absolute advantage
财政态fiscal stance
货币政策态monetary stance
货币政策态monetary policy stance
《趋与评述》Trends & Comments
trend value
变量trend variable
国内生产总值trend GDP
比率trend rate
线line of best fit
线linear regression
线regression line
线line of closest fit
线trend line
线linear regression line
轨道trend path
通货膨胀structural inflation
通货膨胀trend inflation
退detrending method
通货膨胀走趋同convergence in inflation performance EC, G7, monetary policy
长期趋long-term trend