
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
增值unearned increment
而获gain without pains
动有关的费用labor-related costs
专业务成本professional service cost
使用大量力的labor intensive
债务偿还占货物和务出口额的%debt service as a % of exports of goods and services
全国动力周转率Labor Turnover, National
全国资关系法national industrial law
公证人的酬notary’s commission
减去商品及务的进口额less imports of goods and services
力之重新调配redeployment of labour
力价值labor value
力储备labor reserve
力减少labour cutback
力削减labour cutback
力密集型项目labor-intensive projects
力密集的工业labor intensive industry
力密集的技术labor intensive technique
力进口国labor-importing countries
力集约程度labor intensity
personal service
务交易service transaction
务产生基础折旧用service-yield basis of depreciation
务产能service capacity
务保险单service policy
务单位service unit
务合作labour cooperation
务合同contract of service
务合同service contract
务合同contract for service
务和支助费service-and-support fee
务成本service cost
务成本之原则cost of service principle
务支付service payments
务经济service economy
务费cost of services
务项目service account
介绍labor exchange
动人数total labor force
动力Labor Force
动力参加率Labor force participation rate
动力吸收量labor absorption
动力垄断labor Monopoly
动力培训研究manpower training study
动力大量剩余市场substantial-labor-surplus market
动力市场market for labor
动力市场区labor-market area
动力比率labour ratios
动力流动性labor mobility
动力的垂直流动性vertical labor mobility
动力短缺地区能吸收剩余劳动力的市场Labor Shortage Area Surplus Labor Market
动力观念labour force concept
动力迁移labor migration
动后备军labor reserve
动密集的labor intensive
动密集货物labour-intensive goods
动强度labor intensity
动条件labor condition
动流动性labor liquidity
动生产率productivity of labour
动生产率指数labor productivity index
动管理labor management
动经济labor economics
埃德公司The Corporation of Lloyd's
埃德保险人Lloyd’s Underwriters
埃德检验报告Lloyd’s Survey Roport
埃德海报Lloyd’s List
埃德船名索引表Lloyd’s shipping index
埃德船舶年鉴Lloyd’s Register
埃德船舶货物保险单Lloyd’s S.G. Form
埃德证书Lloyd’s certificate
工介绍所exchange ex. ;change
工价值labor value
工关系labor relations
工协会labour associations
工市场labor market
工流动性mobility of labor
工神圣sacred labor
工組织labour organization
工红利股票labour profit shares
工输入国labor-importing countries
工通货labor currency
工险workmen's compensation insurance
方代表shop deputy
公司The Corporation of Lloyd's
氏代理Lloyd's agent
氏公证行Lloyd’s Surveyor
氏承保人Lloyd's underwriters
氏检查员Lloyd's surveyor
氏海上保险单格式Lloyd's S.G. Form
氏海损契约Lloyd's Average Bond
氏海损契约格式Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"
氏航运杂志Lloyd's List and Shipping Gazette
氏船机证书Lloyd's Machinery Certificate
氏船级Lloyd's class
氏船级社Lloyd's Register of Shipping
氏船舶奖状Lloyd's medals
氏验船协会Lloyd’s Register of Ships
labour and capital
labor and capital
资争议labor dispute
资关系labor management relations
资冲突hostility between capital and labour
资协会industrial partnership
资协议trade agreement
资协议labor Agreement
资协调industrial harmonization
资和谐industrial harmony
资纠纷labour troubles
资纠纷labor trouble
资谈判collective bargaining
厂商动力周转率labor turnover, firm
同一水平的动力流动性horizontal labor mobility
商品及务交易current transaction
固定determinate service
国际力协会international mens’association
国际动补偿办法international labor compensatory facility
国际工会议international labour conference
国际工组织International Labor Organization
国际工评论international labour review
国际金融公司偿付的务和支助费用IFC service and support fee
woman power
1947 年资关系法Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947
廉价动力cheap labor
德国氏船级社Germanischer Lloyd
意大利埃德公司Lloyd's Triestino
提供务的合同contract for the supply of labor
政府对商品和务的经常开支government current expenditure on goods and services
无形immaterial labor
日本动组合总同盟General Federation of Japan Trade Unions
最终商品和final goods and services
有组织的organized labor
流动工制migrant labor system
港口务法附加税surcharge according to port labour law
港口工法附加税surcharge according to port labor law
熟练skilled occupation
熟练和半熟练skilled and semi-skilled labor
美国工联合会AFL American Federation of Labour
美国工联合会-产业工会联合会劳联-产联AFL CIO American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organization
美国资关系委员会Labor Relations Commission
联合joint services
节省动的创新labour-saving innovations
英国氏协会鉴定人Lloyd’s Surveyor
英国《氏日报》航运方面的报刊Lloyd's List
英国氏船舶动态日报Lloyd's Shipping Index
英国氏船舶登记簿Lloyd's Register
货品及务输入imports of goods and services
货品及务输入import of goods and services
货品及务输出exports goods and services
货品及务输出export goods and services
货物与goods and services
货物及goods and services
货物和务出口额exports of goods and services
资本酬remuneration of capital
还本付息额占货物和务出口额的百分比service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services
进口务费,税金和保险费imported labor, tax and insurance
闲散动力idle labor
雇佣动力employed labor force
需要大量力的工业产品labor intensive industrial product
需要大量力的货物labor-intensive goods
非要素non-factor services