
Terms for subject Automobiles containing | all forms
中转务包干费agreed lump-sum transshipment labor charge
交变反复应力引起的疲断裂repeated stress failure
交变应力下的疲极限endurance limit under reversed bending stresses
交变弯曲疲强度fatigue strength under reversed bending stresses
低周疲断裂low-cycle fatigue
修理工动生产率labour productivity of repairman
点接触剥落疲强度spalling strength
动态疲耐久性试验dynamic endurance test
动力功率单位,1 马力=10人力man power
动指南维修程序,零件名称及工时flat-rate manual labor guides [manuals]
动环境学条件学,适应性human factors
动班次working shift
动生产率labour productive rate
动生产率labor efficiency
斯莱斯汽车有限公司Rolls-Royce Motor Limited
反复扭转疲试验台reverse torsion machine
在工作条件下疲试验fatigue test at working stress levels
在工作条件下疲试验fatigue test under service conditions
在工作条件下疲试验fatigue test at operational stresses
多次压缩疲compression fatigue
对疲的忍受极限tolerance boundary
阴极射线Braun tube
引起表面点蚀接触疲pitting fatigue
弯曲应力作用下的脉动疲强度pulsating fatigue strength under bending stresses
弯曲疲寿命flex life
弯曲疲性试验fatigue bending test
弹簧疲spring fatigue
扭转疲试验机torsional fatigue tester
抗疲螺栓antifatigue bolt
拉伸疲性试验fatigue tension test
振动疲强度fatigue strength under vibratory stresses
振动疲极限vibration fatigue limit
滚动疲rolling fatigue
滚动表面疲rolling-element fatigue
熟练动力skilled labor
生产工人direct production labor
fatigue pitting
力学mechanics of fatigue
变形性fatigue deformability
到损坏的寿命fatigue life
耐久寿命endurance life
强度极限endurance strength
强度指数fatigue strength exponent
强度极限与静载荷下抗断强度极限之比endurance ratio
折断损坏fatigue breakage
endurance failure
损坏区fatigued area
损坏的扩展progress of fatigue
数据强度特性,极限fatigue data
断口fatigue rupture
曲线拐点knee of S-N-curve
持久极限endurance limit
德语极限图【英语】fatigue-limit diagramDauerfestigkeitsschaubild
极限试验fatigue limit test
耐久fatigue ratio
点蚀的金属表面pitted surface
特征fatigue characteristic
材料现象fatigue phenomenon
破坏的迹象evidence of fatigue
磨损rolling fatigue
荷重endurance stress
裂缝扩展的特征伤痕clamshell mark
裂缝扩展的特征伤痕conchoidal mark
裂缝扩展的特征伤痕arrest mark
汽车-降低工效界限fatigue-decreased proficiency boundary
直接生产direct production labor
组合压力脉冲与振动疲试验combined pressure pulse and vibration fatigue test
脉动交变压力疲试验pressure pulse fatigue test
蚀疲材料在腐蚀条件下承受反复应力而变坏的现象corrosion fatigue
表面因接触疲损坏的碎屑fatigue debris
表面层接触应力强度surface durability
表面擦伤疲chafing fatigue
表面点蚀疲寿命pitting fatigue life
表面疲特性surface fatigue rating
材料转轴式弯曲疲试验机rotating beam-type ma chine
英国邓禄普 Dunlop 轮胎公司轮辋的邓克槽轮辋具有锁止安全槽,与相应的邓禄普轮胎匹配Denloc groove of rim
轮齿的疲损坏gear tooth fatigue breakage
边缘处产生的end fatigue
间接辅助工人的indirect labor
限制疲强度极限的应力范围fatigue range
非疲性破坏non-fatigue failure
韦勒疲耐久,寿命试验Woehler test
驾驶人疲driver fatigue
高周疲断裂high-cycle fatigue