
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
中外合资经营企业动管理规定Regulations on Labour Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
以最少动取得最高效率achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimum labour
保用品article for labour protection
力密集型产品labour-intensive product
务价值value of labour service
务协定条款labour agreement clause
务合作cooperation of labour services
务合作cooperation in labour services
务市场labour service market
务提供rendering of service
务支岀expenditure of labour service
务费labour charge
务费亦缩为 s.c.service charge
务费labour service fee
动供给量quantity of labour supply
动力构成structure of labour force
动力的数量和结构size and structure of labour force
动力调配deployment of labour force
动力费用总额total labour cost
动力转移transfer of labour force
动合同制system of labour contract
动生产指标indicator of labour productivity
动生产率测定productivity measurement
动积累accumulation of labour
动管理supervision of labour
合社代理人Lloyd's agent
合银行Lloyds Bank (London, 伦敦)
埃德亦缩为 LldLloyd
埃德保险人Lloyd's underwriters
埃德保险公司代理行Lloyd's Agent
英国埃德公司Lloyd and Companies
埃德国际银行Lloyd's Bank International Limited
埃德承保厅The Room
埃德航空保险公司Lloyd's Aviation Underwriters' Association
埃德船级协会代理人Lloyd's Agent
埃德船级社Lloyd's Register (of shipping)
埃德船级社制冷机合格证书Lloyd's Refrigeration Machinery Certificate
埃德船级社船机设备合格证书Lloyd's machinery certificate
埃德船舶登记Lloyd's Register
多米尼加自由贸易区埃罗中部Centro de los Héroes
工保险workman's insurance
氏保险协会Society of Lloyd's
氏海上货物保险单Lloyd's S.G. policy
氏海损担保书Lloyd's average bond
氏船级社验船师surveyor of Lloyd's Register of Shipping
氏鉴定人Lloyd's surveyor
资争执双方约定为准备协商而使紧张缓和下来的期间cooling-off period
资关系relations between labour and capital
资关系现场检查人员field examiner
资关系调整labour-management adjustment
资双方达成的协议collective agreement
资对抗the antagonism between labour and capital
资总协定blanket agreement
资纠纷调解labour trouble conciliation
可转移动力transferable labour force
国民动银行Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (Roma, 罗马)
国际货物与务标准分类International Standard Classification of all Goods and Services
失业动力unemployed labour force
工不公平做法unfair labour practice
已转移的动力transferred labour force
廉价动力cheap labour
德国氏船级社Germanischer Lloyd
忠诚酬fidelity commission system (即延时付回扣制)
分配distribution according to work (labour)
分配原则principle of distribution according to work
资纠纷公司的托运货物hot cargo
有偿的paid labour
根据合同雇佣use labour on a contract basis
living labour (与物化劳动 (materialized labour) 相对)
直接动人员direct manpower
直接动人员direct labour
直接动人员需求direct labour requirement
社会动生产率social productivity
累计accumulated labour
舍林一普公司Schering-Plough Corporation
英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付务报酬的风险提供保险E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers
行业工合同labour contract
造就高素质的动力create a highly skilled workforce
,薪金与津贴emoluments, services and allowances
动所获unearned revenue
动所获unearned income