
Terms for subject Chemistry containing | all forms
伸张疲tension fatigue
低循环疲计数器low-cycle fatigue counter
低循环高温疲low cycle high temperature fatigue
修斯等式Clausius equality
修斯-莫索提方程Clausius-Mossotti equation
二段脱硫Claus process
裂化装置Cross unit
斯蓝三氧化二铑的烧碱溶液Claus blue (caustic soda solution of rhodium trioxide)
斯裂化炉Cross furnace
微量化学试剂Kraut's reagent
雷克斯法Chlorex process
克拉珀龙-克修斯方程Clapeyron-Clausius equation
冯布恩反应von Braun reaction
冯布恩溴化氰反应von Braun cyanogen bromide reaction
伦西姆Lr lawrencium
伦酸Laurent's acid
利铵醋酸盐laurolinium acetate
务出口export of labour service
厄图Laue photograph
地铵申硫酸盐laudexium methylsulfate
埃德镜Lloyd mirror
德力辛laudexium methylsulfate
氏肉瘤Rous sarcoma
氏肉瘤病毒RSV (Rous sarcoma virus)
维森试剂Lawesson's reagent
压缩疲compression fatigue
局部循环疲local cycle fatigue
工人动生产率worker labour productivity
德弗瑞兹汽相裂化过程De Florez cracking process
德-弗瑞兹筒式直立加热炉De Florez upshot heater
德-弗瑞兹筒式直立加热炉De Florez cylindrical heater
抗疲anti-fatigue (agent)
抗疲尼龙帘子线fatigue resistant nylon cord
搓擦疲fatigue under scrubbing
斯克普喹啉合成Skraup quinoline synthesis
极限疲变形limiting fatigue deformability
橡胶疲fatigue of rubber
热疲破损thermal-stress fatigue failure
热疲破损thermal -stress fatigue failure
贝规则Traube's rule
变形fatigue deformability
失效准则fatigue failure criterion
破坏fatigue break-down
试样fatigue testing specimen
限度limit of fatigue
科尔施电量计Kohlrausch coulometer
科尔施稀释定律Kohlrausch's dilution law
耐屈挠疲flex stiffness
耐屈挠疲flex fatigue resistance
耐疲容器fatigue-proof vessel
防疲橡胶fatigue-proof rubber
竞定aloctin (芦荟中抗癌成分之一)
aloesin (芦荟中抗菌成分之一)
高尔-芒克斯氯酸制造Gall-Montlaux process
高尔-芒克斯电解槽Gall-Montlaux cell
麦克德真空规Mcleod vacuum gage
麦克德真空规Mcleod vacuum gauge
麦克德真空规Mcleod gauge