
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一定形态的动量amount of labour in a certain form
一般务费cost of common services
不得no pay for no work
则无获no gain without paid
收入unearned revenue
而获unearned income
而获gain without pain
而获free load
不正当动行为unfair labor practice
不熟练动力green labour
不熟练边际unskilled marginal worker
专业性professional services
世界动平均单位average unit of universal labour
世界动平均单位average unit of labour on a worldwide basis
世界平均动力集约度average labour intensity in the world
世界平均动生产率average labour productivity in the world
丧失动力be incapacitated
丧失动力be disabled
丧失动能力抚恤金incapacity pension
丧失动能力的低能人口incapacitated and mentally deficient persons
丧失部分动力partial disablement
个人务报酬remuneration for personal services
个人务报酬compensation for personal services performed
个人动产品individual products of labour
个人动时间individual labour time
个人必要individual necessary labour
个体individual independent labour
个体动者laborer working on his own
个体动者manual worker
个体动者individual labourer
个体动者individual worker
个体动者individual workman
中外合资企业动工资管理labor and wage management in Chinese-foreign joint ventures
中老年动者middle and old aged workers
主要动者key worker
义务labor of love
义务compulsory labour
产业部门动生产率指数index of labour productivity by industry
产出动比率output-labor ratio
产品中的活动份额labor content of products
体力动者manual laborer
倍加的简单multiplied simple labor
倍加的简单和不熟练multiple of simple and unskilled labor
债务偿还占货物和务出口额的%debt service as a... % of exports of goods and services
偿债peonage labour
储存labor hoarding
先行previous labour
先进企业动生产率best practice labor productivity
福德小零件敏捷测验Crawford small parts dexterity test
全员动生产率labor productivity of total workers
全员动生产率overall labor productivity
全员动生产率all-personnel labour productivity
全行业资谈判industry-wide bargaining
全部商品和all goods and services
公共性财产和collective goods and service
公共设施和community facilities and services
公有企业动关系法law of labor relations in public industry
共同labor in common
具体concrete labour
具体的有用concrete useful labour
农业工制farm labour system
农场动者farm hand
农村农民外流rural exodus
冲淡如熟练工作非熟练工的工作dilution of labour
分层次流动的务市场labor market with a hierarchical mobility
利用动发明labor-using invention
剩余surplus labor force
剩余劳动surplus labour
剩余surplus labor
剩余动产品surplus labour product
剩余动力surplus work force
剩余动力市场surplus labour market
剩余动时间surplus labor time
功绩酬merit pay
加强动管理improving labour management
加强工安全与改善劳工卫生enforcement of labour safety and improvement of sanitation for labour
加强工安全与改善劳工卫生enforcement of labour safety and improvement of sanitation for labor
伦兹曲线Lorenz curve
力不足deficit of labour power
力不足scarcity of labour
力介绍所manpower exchange
力供求labor demand and supply
力保养maintenance of manpower
力分配allocation of labour
力削减labor cutback
力和材料合同contract for labour and material
力固定immobility of labour
力密集工业labor-intensive industry
力总供应aggregate supply of labour
力总预算aggregate manpower budget
力承包alloting responsibilities according to labour force
力流动性mobility of labor
力流动性labor mobility
力流动性论theory of labor mobility
力短缺labor shortage
力积蓄labour reserve
力等级labor grade
力紧缺manpower in great demand
力老龄化aging of the labour force
力节省labor saving
力训练manpower training
力调配deployment of manpower
力过剩redundancy of labour
力配置allocation of the labour force
力需求曲线labor demand curve
力非流动性immobility of labour
labor in service
labour service
务供应弹性elasticity of supply of service
务出口service export
务出口国labor-exporting country
雇主与雇员务协议service agreement
雇主与雇员所订务合同contract of service
务和支持费service-and-support fee
务商品labor service as a commodity
务市场market of service
务市场分析labor market analysis
务市场区labor market area
务市场开发market development for service
务市场状况labor market condition
务市场经济学labor market economics
务市场经营labor service marketing
务市场经营labor marketing
务市场需求曲线market demand curve for service
务总额total service
务成本cost of service rendered
"务成本"原则cost of service principle
务报酬compensation for services
务捐助contribution in services
务捐助contribution in service
务损失loss of service
务收益income on service
务流动flow of service
务相关成本labor related cost
务相关费用labor related fee
务证券security of service
务账户labor service account
务账户service account
务费labor service expense
务费labor service charge
务费charge for service
务费与净销售比率ratio of labor cost to net sales
务费指标service indicator
务费用service expense
务费用cost of service
务输入净额net imports of service
务输出export of service
务输出净额net exports of service
务进出口labor service export and import
务进出口贸易service import and export trade
务进口协议service import agreement
务进岀口公司service import and export company
务进岀口公司labor service export and import company
务需求demand for service
务需求弹性elasticity of demand of service
务项目劳务产品service product
务项目包括运输费、保险费及银行费用等service account
动与时间详细分析detailed labor and time analysis
动专业化specialization of labor
动中技术含量skills involved in the labor
动义务labor due
动二重性dual nature of labor
动分工division of labour
动分工differentiation of labour
动分红profit-sharing accounting to work
动分级labour grading
动券labor note
动券labor certificate
动刺激计划Work Incentive Program
动单位labor unit
动卡labor card
动合同indenture deed
动周期labor campaign
动周转率labour turnover
动商品论commodity theory of labour
动地区化localization of labor
动外化alienation of labour
动大军labor army
动大军labour army
动安全labor safety
动安全保护制度labor safety protection system
动安全保护措施labor safety protection measures
动安全保护设施labor safety protection facility
动安全保护费用labor safety protection expense
动安全保障labor safety protection
动安全卫生法law of labors safety and sanitary
动安全措施labor safety measures
动安全设施labor safety devices
动安全费用labor safety expense
动局labor bureau
动市场market of labor
动市场market for labor
动市场缺陷imperfections in job markets
动年龄labor age
动强度work strength
动强度intensity involved in labour
动强度测量measure of labor intensity
动形成价值labor creates value
动态度attitude toward labour
动态度attitude to labour
动意外事故work accidence
动所得earned income
动所得最高税额maximum tax on earned income
动所得的well earned
动手册labor handbook
动换班系数coefficient of the allocation of labour force in shifts
动政策labor policy
动政策范围extent of labour policy
动效用labour availability
动服务labour service
动权right to work
动标准法labor standard law
动活动分析movement study
动流动表labor flow table
动测量外加时间allowance in work measurement
动消耗consumption of labour
动生产率labor of productivity
动生产率净值net value productivity of labor
动生产率指标indicator of labour productivity
动生产率提高increase of labour productivity
动生产率计划plan for labour productivity
动生产車productivity of labour
动登记册labor registers
动的主人lords of labor
动的人abstract existence of man as a mere workman
动的可用性labor availability
动禁令labor injunction
动考核labor assessment
动者working man
动者个体经济individual economy of the worker
动者家庭生活支出水平living expenditure level of workers household
动者联盟associations of labourers
动节Labor Day
动质量labor quality
动资本比率labor-capital ratio
动阶级labouring class
动需要needs for labor
合社冷冻机械证Lloyd's refrigerating machinery certificate
合社海损保证书Lloyd's average bond
合社船级社Lloyd's class
合社船级规范Lloyd's Rule
改商品囚犯生产的产品convict goods
即劳埃德公司,17 世纪末由爱德华・劳埃德在伦敦创办的一家咖啡店发展起来,逐渐成为海上保险和航运业交易场所,并发展成为世界著名的保险组织Lloyd's
共同海损分担担保,保证及救助协议Lloyd's Average Bond, Guarantee and Salvage Agreement
共同海损契约担保Lloyd's average bond
氏意外险报道周刊Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports
氏承保人协会Lloyd's Underwriters Association
氏海上保险单格式Lloyd's S. G. Form
氏海事情报劳氏日报是海运专业报Lloyd's List
氏"海损担保"格式Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"
氏船级社包括英国及世界各国海运货轮Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping
氏船级第一级记号first class
氏船级规范Lloyd's Rule
氏船级评定A1级A-1 at Lloyds
氏船舶停港及装货周报Lloyd's Loading List
氏船舶登记簿Lloyd's Register
氏证书Lloyd's certificate
爱德代理人Lloyd's agent
associations of labourers
management and labor
关系labor and capital
资两利benefit both labor and capital
资争端industrial dispute
资争端dispute bet ween capital and labour
资争议法庭labor court
资关系labour relations
资关系management-union relation
资关系labor-capital relation
资关系labour management relations
资关系法law of labor relation
资关系法labor relations law
资关系调整labor relations adjustment
资关系调整法规Labour Relation Adjustment Law
资冲突clash bet ween capital and labor
资协商labor-management talk
资协商缓和期冷却期cooling-off period
资协议agreement between labour and management
行业性资协议trade agreement
资协议collective agreement between employers and employees
资协议labor-management talk
资协议collective agreement between employers and workmen
资协议manning agreement
资协议程序agreed procedure
资协调harmony between labour and management
资双方capital and labour
资合作union-management co-operation
资合谐industrial harmony
资对立labor-management confrontation
资敌视hostility between capital and labour
资相互依赖inter-dependence of capital and labour
资纠纷dispute between capital and labour
资纠纷dispute bet ween capital and labour
资纠纷法庭industrial relation count
资纠纷法庭industrial dispute tribunal
资纠纷津贴dispute benefit
资纠纷调停labor conciliation
资纠纷调解labour conciliation
资集体谈判权right of collective bargaining
逸平衡balance between work and leisure
半熟练semiskilled labor
单位动量labor-content per unit
单位产品动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of product
单位产品耗费动时间labor time spent in producing one unit of products
占用动力appropriation of labour power
占用动时间appropriation of labour time
各尽所能、按分配from each accounting to his ability, to each according to his work
合同规定的contractual service
合理工标准法Fair Labor Standards Act
听觉疲fatigue of hearing
吸收多余soak up surplus labor
吸收更多absorb more labour power
吸收闲散动力absorption of idle labour force
商业动定额commercial labour quota
商业动效率commercial labour efficiency
商业性commercial labour
商品动量amount of commodity labour
商品与goods and services
商品与即国际收支平衡表内四个项目之一goods and services
商品与务出口export of goods and services
商品与务的最终使用final use of goods and services
商品与务项目即国际收支平衡表上的经常项目goods and services account
商品和务交换exchange of goods and service
商品流通领域的动力labor force in commodity circulation fields
伦斯st. Lawrence
在产品中实现的动过程labor process realized itself in a product
在…方面平均耗费的劳动average labour-time expended in...
在职雇员按力平均的资金装备程度average amount of investments in funds and equipment per employed worker
地方动力市场local labor market
复杂compound labour
复杂complex type of labour
多得原则principle of "more pay for more work"
多余动力redundant labor force
female labor
季节性seasonal labor
季节性seasonal laborer
定额动报酬within norm pay
实物动生产率overall labor productivity in kind
少得less pay for less work
就业的民用动力civilian labour force employed
维尔不动点原理Brouwer's fixed point theorem
平均动时间average labour time
平均社会average social labour
平均社会必要动量average socially necessary amount of labour
应力疲断裂stress fatigue crack
强制involuntary servitude
强迫雇佣labour featherbedding
wasted efforts
labor lost
的多头stale bull
扩大动报酬差别increasing differences in remuneration from labour
扭力疲torsional fatigue
扭力疲极限torsional fatigue limit
扭力疲极限torsional endurance limit
承包labour only subcontract
技术性务收入technical services income
投资前研究酬commission of pre-investment studies
付酬制payment by results
分配distribution on the basis of labour
分配each according to one's work
分配distribution according to work
分配to each according to his work
分配distribution according to labour
分配distributions according to work
分配法则law of distribution according to work done
按新增加就业动力平均需要的积累水平average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
搬运务费用cost of handling labor
收取务费charging a labor service fee
改善动管理improving labour management
改善工卫生improvement of sanitation for labour
普通加强动纪律general tightening in labor discipline
最终商品与指消费的商品、劳务使用final goods and services
动能力人口able-bodied population
有偿remunerative labor
有偿paid labor
有形商品与material goods and service
有效effective work
有效动力active labour force
有效动力供给effective labor supply
有效动力需求effective labor demand
有效动时间available labour time
服务业labor in service trade
服务性service type labor
未开账单unbilled services
机器machine labor
机械疲试验mechanical fatigue test
材料与material and service
材料疲fatigue of material
极限疲强度ultimate fatigue strength
希平方律Grosch's square law
横向动分工horizontal division of labour
民用动力civilian labour force
live labor
living labor
human labour
动份额labor content
动报酬compensation to living labour
动生产率live labor productivity
动耗费量consumption of active labour
消费性consumption service
港口动生产率port's productivity
潜在的动力过剩concealed surplus of labour
物化materialized labor
物化动耗用支出consumed amounts of materialized labour
物化动耗费支出consumed amounts of materialized labour
物化动耗费量consumption of materialized labour
物的动交换labor exchange by means goods
生产productive labour
生产动百分率法percentage on production labour method
生产动资本capital producing labour
生产单位产品平均必要动时间average necessary labour-time for producing a unit of commodity
生产工人动生产率labor productivity of productive workers
生产技术准备动量amount of labour for preparing production technologies
生产要素factor services
用基本资产来规定动力数量的系数factor of provision of labour with basic assets
容许度fatigue allowance
损环循环cycles to failure
检验inspection of fatigue
论证evidence of fatigue
试验fatigue proof
试验机fatigue machine
surface of fatigue
社会labor of social character
社会动分配distribution of social labour
社会动分配allocation of social labour
社会动性生产率productivity of social labor
社会平均动熟练程度与强度average degree of skill and intensity prevalent at the time
社会必要动时间socially necessary labor-time
等同的人类labor of equal quality
管接口疲fatigue of pipe
繁重severe service
约定指合同规定的劳务contract service
<美〉公正动标准法规定最低工资、最长工时Fair Labour Standard Act
美国工关系局National Labour Relation Board
美国联一产联American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization
职工动守贝work rules for workers and staff
联合joint service
联合动复合组织composite organization of joint labour
联合工组织joint labour organization
联营企业集团内部提供的service in a group of associated enterprises
脑力mental labour (work)
脑力intellectual employment
脑力mental labour
脑力动者mental worker
脑力动者brain worker
节省save one's pains
节省力发明labor-saving invention
节省力投资labor-saving investment
节省力装备labor-saving equipment
节省力装备labor-saving device
董事酬director's remuneration
血汗sweated labor
血汗sweat labour
血汗动制sweating system
表现为价值的labor represented by value
货币金属的动生产率labor productivity of the currency metal
货物、务与汇款的平衡balance on goods, service and remittances
货物与务出口export of goods and services
货物与务进口额imports of goods and service
货物与务进口额imports of goods and services
资本动力转移capital and labour movement
资本-动比例capital labour ratio
资本动比率capital-labour ratio
资本酬回报remuneration of capital
转包labour only subcontract
轮班shift labor
输入务国labour-importing country
输出exporting service
津贴hardship allowance
降低动周转decreased labor turnover
限定determinate service
震荡疲vibration fatigue
震荡疲检测器vibration fatigue tester
青年动力young labor
静力拉伸疲static tensile fatigue
静力挠曲疲static flexural fatigue
静力疲效应static fatigue effect
动利益unearned advantage
动收入non-labor income
非产业务费用non-industrial service charge
非体力non-manual work
非关键non-factor service
非工业non-industrial service
非物质性non-material service
非生产non-productive labour
非生产unproductive service
非要素non-factor service
非规定动时间nonscheduled hours worked
预付务费advance payment for services
预期社会动节省程度anticipated extent to which social labour is economized
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