
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
clausius (熵的单位)
德子波Klauder wavelet
斯尾气处理Claus tail gas treatment
斯尾气处理Claus tail-gas clean-up
斯尾气灼烧炉Claus tail-gas incinerator
斯硫磺回收Claus sulfur recovery
切口疲notch fatigue
刻痕疲notch fatigue
亚古陆Laurasia land
亚板块Lourasian Plate
伦兹一伯拉伊一克拉克方程Lohreng-Bray-Clark equation (预测地下油气黏度)
美国能源部伦斯•利弗莫尔国家实验室Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
美国伦斯•贝克莱实验室Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
伦级数Laurent series
伦群Laurent ian
伦造山运动Laurentian orogenesis
lor an
务市场labour market
务费用labour cost
动事故labour accident
动力平衡表balance sheet of man power
动力管理manpower management
动卫生labour hygiene
动密集型产业labor intensive industry
动密集型产业labour concentrated industry
动密集度labour intensity
动管理management of labour
动经济学labor economics
动量labor capacity
埃德船级社代理人Lloyd's agent
单缸内燃机Lauson engine (筛选试验用)
古皮德介质Goupillaud medium
古皮德层状地层模型Goupillaud layer-earth model
国际工组织International Labor's Organization
声致疲acoustic fatigue
多普勒一惯性一兰组合导航系统Doppler-inertial-Loran integrated navigation system
弯曲疲flex fatigue
弯曲疲试验endurance bending test
抗弯曲疲能力resistance to bending fatigue
抗扭疲torsional endurance limit
抗表面疲能力resistance to surface fatigue
极限疲应力limiting fatigue stress
波浪冲击疲wave slamming fatigue
液相克斯过程aqua Claus process
滚动接触疲rolling contact fatigue
判据fatigue criteria
安全系数fatigue safety factor
寿命fatigue lifetime
开裂fatigue cracking
折断fatigue failure
折断fatigue break
损坏fatigue breakdown
敏感部位fatigue sensitive location
破坏fatigue rupture
破坏fatigue break
磨损fatigue wear
腐蚀开裂fatigue corrosion cracking
裂纹断裂试验fatigue crack test
裂纹扩展fatigue crack propagation
裂纹探测仪fatigue crack detector
裂缝fatigue fracture
设计波浪fatigue design wave
持续试验protracted test
载荷fatigue loading
积累疲损伤cumulative fatigue damage
简化疲分析方法simplified fatigue analysis method
累计疲cumulative fatigue
累计疲损伤比cumulative fatigue damage ratio
纯疲破坏pure fatigue failure
结构疲损坏structural fatigue failure
耐弯曲疲试验fatigue bending test
耐疲极限fatigue endurance limit
腐蚀疲开裂corrosion fatigue cracking
艾克斯格法Exlog method
节点疲设计joint fatigue design
英国埃德船级社Lloyds Register of Shipping
德流变仪Baroid rheometer
通用疲曲线universal fatigue curve
钻杆疲裂纹drill pipe fatigue crack
钻柱疲drill string fatigue
马克林级数Maclaurin series