
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
世界工联合会World Confederation of Labour
以单位动力成本为基础的实际有效汇率ULC-based real effective exchange rate
以单位动力成本为基础的实际有效汇率unit labor cost-based real effective exchange rate
债务疲debt fatigue
全球动力套利global labor arbitrage
labor service
动人口working population
动人口economically active population
动人口labor force
动力working population
动力economically active population
动力-产出增量比率incremental labor-output ratio
动力-产出比率labor-output ratio
动力供应labor supply
动力参与labor force participation
动力参与率labor participation rate
动力参与率participation rate
动力参与率labor force participation rate
动力市场labor market
动力市场刚性labor market rigidity
动力成本labor cost
动力投入labor input
动力收入labor income
动力的流动性labor mobility
动力贮存labor hoarding
动力重新配置reallocation of labor
动密集型labor intensity
动密集型labor intensiveness
动所得labor income
动生产率labour productivity
动生产率productivity of labor
动生产率labor productivity
工协议union contract
工协议labor contract
工协议collective labor agreement
工协议collective bargaining agreement
联-产联American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
资关系industrial relations
资关系labor relations
资纠纷industrial dispute
资纠纷labor dispute
单位动力成本unit labor costs
单位动力成本unit labor cost
国际工局International Labour Office
国际工组织International Labour Organisation
标准化单位动成本normalized unit labor cost
核心工标准core labor standards
紧张的动力市场tight labor market
美国工联盟及产业工会联合会American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
自主动力independent labor force
自雇动力independent labor force
调整疲adjustment fatigue
资本-动力比率capital-labor ratio
边际动产出比率incremental labor-output ratio
动力成本nonlabor cost
动所得unearned income
非工资动力成本nonwage labor costs