
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
交变疲强度fatigue strength under reversed stresses
冲击疲试验repeated impact test
斯准则Routh criterion
斯判据Routh criterion
森判据Lawson criterion
压缩疲试验repeated compression test
在反转n周次下的疲强度fatigue strength atn cycle
密度弗德数densimetric Froude number
尾流斯特哈尔数wake Strouhal number
德相似Froude similarity
德缩尺Froude scaling
弯曲疲flexural fatigue
弯曲疲期限flexible life
弯曲疲极限endurance bending strength
弯曲疲试验repeated bending test
弯曲疲试验机fatigue bending machine
扭曲疲试验repeated torsion test
扭转疲试验机reverse torsion machine
拉压疲试验repeated tension and compression test
振动疲强度fatigue strength under oscillation stresses
普朗特一葛渥修正Prandtl-Glauert correction
临界fatigue criticality
光谱组合fatigue spectra combination
判据fatigue criterion
加载fatigue loading
实验数据fatigue data
寿命fatigue life
寿命fatigue limit
寿命endurance life
循环加载的寿命试验life cycling test
应力fatigue stresses
应力范围fatigue stress ranges
应变repeated strain
强度cyclic strength
循环计数fatigue cycle counting
性能fatigue properties
抗力fatigue resistance
断裂repeated stress failure
极限fatigue limit
极限endurance lim it
特性fatigue behaviour
破坏fatigue break down
破坏fatigue failure
破坏endurance failure
破裂fatigue fracture
系数factor of fatigue
螺栓fag bolt
裂纹endurance crack
设计fatigue design
评定fatigue evaluation
负荷fatigue load
限度fatigue range
限界fatigue limit
材料额定值fatigue rating (of material)
耐疲fatigue durability
渥-德哈托判据Glauert-Den Hartog criterion
跃移弗德数saltation Froude number
轴疲shaft fatigue
静力疲static fatigue
面内疲载荷in-plane fatigue loads