
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一体化发机发电机/起动机integrated engine generator/starter
一台发机不工作one engine inoperative
一台发机不工作时的参考进场着陆速度reference landing approach speed one engine inoperative
一台发机不工作时的悬停hover one-engine-inoperative
一台发机不起作用one engine inoperative
一次使用的发expendable engine
一次性启expendable kick stage (阶段)
一次性涡轮发机概念expendable turbine engine concept
一次性涡轮发机设计思想expendable turbine engine concept
万向传装置gimbal drive assembly
万向悬挂式固体火箭发gimballed motor
万向架支承的固体火箭发gimballed motor
万向架支承的发gimballed engine
三元流three-dimensional flow
三喷气发机飞机tri-jet aircraft
三度空间运three dimensional motion
三流发three-stream engine
三相滑环感应电3-phase slip-ring induction motor
三相笼型感应电3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor
三角平triangular libration point
三轴三通道驾驶仪three-axis automatic pilot
三轴发three shaft
上下波的频率fluctuated frequency
上下波的频率条件下fluctuated frequency condition
上升时的气热通量aerodynamic heat flux during ascent
上游压力扰upstream pressure perturbation
下一代发next engine
下一代离子发next ion engine
旋翼的下弯止droop stop
下推自pushdown automaton
下舱机组活休息室lower deck mobile crew rest
产设备维修maintenance of real property facilities
不协调uncoordinated maneuver
不可逆电传non-reversible electric drive
不定期发机拆卸unscheduled engine removal
不定期发机撤换unscheduled engine removal
不定期发机撤换率unscheduled engine removal rate
不定期维修活unscheduled maintenance action
不定期维修活unscheduled maintenance actions
不带附属设备的发bare engine
不稳定的章unstable nutation
不稳定的章模式unstable nutation mode
不稳定运unstable motion
不规则振random vibration
不起unstart (超声进气道激波达不到设计位置)
不起检测unstart detection
不起预防unstart prevention
态约束条件dynamic constraint
与发机有关的原因engine related cause
专利自报告系统automated patent reporting system
专用移无线电specialized mobile radio
专用移无线电private mobile radio
专用自交换机private branch exchange
专用自测试设备special purpose automatic test equipment
业务活分类管理activity classification management
业务活business activity mapping
倒立式发inverted engine
倒缸发inverted engine
候选发candidate engine
分子力学模拟molecular dynamics simulation
分子力学能molecular kinetic energy
分子运kinetic molecular theory
分布式孔径半主激光引导头distributed aperture semiactive laser seeker
分析、决策、作与学习模式pattern for analysis, decision, action and learning
分离流separation flow
分离系统制split system breaker
分级燃烧复合式发staged combustion compound engine
分级起staged start
刚体力学dynamics of a rigid body
化学力低空导弹chemical-powered low altitude missile
化学力学机理chemical-kinetic mechanism
化学力轰炸机chemically power bomber
北美防空司令部战术自话务网系统Norad tactical Autovon system
各系统自测试语言automatic test language for all system
合同活申请contractual action request
吊舱/发机短舱站位nacelle station
后勤支援活计划logistics support plan
后勤自数据处理系统automatic automated logistics data processing system
后发机室after engine room
后轮制rear wheel brakes
后部力控制器组件aft power controller assembly
后飞行甲板力配给箱aft flight deck power distribution box
后骨架使倾斜作aft frame tilt actuator
向下运的研究downwash study
圆盘振disk vibration
圆锥壳振conical shall vibration
圆锥运分析程序coning motion analysis program
备用力装置emergency power unit
备用发机仪表standby engine instrument
备用发机指示器standby engine indicator
备用自驾驶仪alternate autopilot
复合运combined motion
复杂流complex flow
工作的机枪externally-powered machine gun
力武器externally-powered weapon
外侧发机关闭outboard engine cutoff
外侧发机熄火out-board engine cut off
外/内部扰external or internal disturbance
外场态刹车field dynamic braking
外场操作与服务自automation of field operations and services
外接电源电external energizer (向发动机惯性起动机提供原动力的小电动机)
外接起电源external starting power
外涵加力涡轮风扇发duct-burning turbofan
外涵道燃烧加力涡扇发duct burning turbofan
外涵道燃烧加力涡扇发duct-burning turbofan
外燃冲压发external combustion ramjet
外燃发external combustion engine
外燃活塞发external combustion piston engine
外相干目标指示externally coherent moving target indicator
外相干目标显示器externally coherent moving target indicator
外膨胀冲压式喷气发external expansion ramjet
外部冲压发external ramjet
外部扰external perturbation
外部起电源external starting power
多体力学multibody dynamics
多参数自收集处理系统automatic multiparameter collection processing system
多发机仪表教员multiengine instrument instructor
多发机直升机multi engine helicopter
多发机证书multi engine licence
多发机证书multi-engine licence
多发机配套装配表multiple engine build-up list
多头攻丝机攻丝力头tapping unit
多媒体自交换系统automated multimedia exchange
多振系统multishaker system
多排汽缸的活塞式multibank engine
多普勒自处理装置Doppler automatic reduction equipment
多普勒霄适自导航系绣radar Doppler automatic navigation (system)
多步机multistep maneuver
多燃烧室发multichamber engine
多用自数据交换机versatile automatic data exchange
多用途、价廉先进涡轮发versatile, affordable, advanced turbine engine
多用途核心发multiple application core engine
多用途磁盘驱装置multipurpose disk drive unit
多用途空中机战斗支援飞机multi-purpose airmobile combat support vehicle
多用途自检査和诊断系统multipurpose automatic inspection and diagnostic system
多电发机与机翼系统more electric engine and wing system
多管发multichamber engine
多系统自测试设备multi-system automatic test equipment
多路调制器行项目multiplexer action item
多轴态响应指数multi axial dynamic response criteria
多轴振multiaxis shaker
多道可转变压器multi-channel rotary transformer
多重摄multiple perturbation
射束横向移速度cross beam velocity
射流量系数jet momentum coef
射流式自驾驶仪fluidic autopilot
射流脉频率jet pulsation frequency
小型发机分部small engine division
小型战术空中机平台small tactical aerial mobility platform
小型涡轮发机先进燃气发生器small turbine advanced gas generator
小型燃气涡轮发small gas turbine engine
小型自卫星minor autonomous satellite
小型自检索装置compact automatic retrieval device
小容量冲压发机进气系统low volume ramjet inlet system
小扰方程small perturbation equation
小扰方程small perturbation
“小斗犬”自制导系统Bullpup automatic guidance system
螺旋桨小螺距限fine pitch stop
螺旋梁小距限fine pitch stop
开发活development activity
开始移时间move off blocks
开环运unlooped umbilical
异常姿态机unusual attitude (unusual attitude maneuver)
引信启规律actuation law of fuze
炸弹引信旋翼制arming vane stop
引射力装置产生的升力ejector lift (垂直推力)
引擎起系统engine starting system
意志故意volitional wilful act
成对发coupled engines
成本驱的概念cost driven concept
成都发集团有限公司Chengdu Engine Group Co., Ltd
战区自化指挥与控制信息管理系统theater automated command and control information management system
战场自化管理battlefield automation management
战场自化管理计划battlefield automation management plane
战斗机强化机enhanced fighter maneuverability
战斗机攻击机fighter attack maneuvering
战斗机空气力学研究fighter aerodynamic development
战斗机空气力学研究fighter aerodynamics development
战斗行combat action team
战术情报与相关活tactical intelligence and related activities
战术机tactical maneuver
战术系统力评估propulsion assessment for tactical system
战术自任务计划系统tactical automated mission planning system
战术自数字转换开关tactical automatic digital switch
战术计算机自计划tactical computer automation plan
战略文电自转接网strategic automatic message switching operational network
战略空军司令部自化总信息网strategic air command automated total information network
战略空军司令部自指挥和控制系统strategic air command automated command and control system
战略行strategic action
战略警报决策后行时间strategic warning post-decision time (收到警报作出决定后到敌行动开始之间的时间)
持续运转发sustained motor
指令发机压力比engine pressure ratio command
指令性整体式火箭冲压发demand mode integral rocket ramjet
指定流工艺demand flow technology
指示传indicator driver
型式type of disturbance
最低发机高度minimum engine altitude
最佳启控制optimum start control
最佳气系统分析optimal pneumatic system analysis
最佳自控制optimum automatic control
最大态响应maximum dynamic response
最大制能量速度maximum brake energy speed (它是关于总重、高度、温度、跑道坡度、风量以及制动结构的函数。它的值必定小于V₁)
最大开伞peak opening shock
最大的致器电压maximum actuator voltage
最大脉maximum pulsation
最大起飞状态的发机压力比engine pressure ratio of maximum take off
最大连续状态的发机压力比engine pressure ratio of maximum continuous
最小冲击脉冲minimum impulse
最小波压力边界minimum dynamic pressure boundary
最强的搏maximum point of impulse
最终装配自系统测试final assembly automated system test
最高点发机点火器apogee motor igniter
力的重航空器flying machine
有差式自驾驶仪displacement autopilot
有引导的作战活controlled operation
有意振抗干扰intentional jitter anti-jamming
有意振抗干扰装置intentional jitter anti-jamming unit
有效自交换effective angular velocity
有翼导弹气特性aerodynamic characteristics of winged missile
有自瞄准具的炮塔airborne gunlaying turret
有质ponderomotive force
有限力矩电limited torque motor
服务活报告in service activities report
标准态模型standard dynamics model
标准和核力舱standard and nuclear propulsion module
标准特性的自驾驶仪bogey autopilot
标准硬盘驱standard disk drive
标准类型的发type engine
标准自重新计划系统standards automated reschedule system
标准航站自替换系统standard terminal automation replacement system
标准试验发standard testing motor
标称角nominal momentum
植物plant dynamics
民用发commercial engine
民用发civil engine
优化aerodynamic optimization
传感器组件pneumatic sensor assembly
传输aerodynamic transfer
伺服弹性模型aeroservoelastic model
伺服机构pneumatic servomechanism
低空控制系统barometric low altitude control system
作动器air flow actuator
作动系统pneumatic actuation system
aerodynamic side
侧负荷aerodynamic side load
元件aerodynamic element
冲击起动系统air impingement starting system
刚度矩阵aerodynamic stiffness matrix
前缘除冰带pneumatic leading edge boot
力中心aerodynamic focus
力中心aerodynamic center
力交感aerodynamic coupling
力偏航耦合aerodynamic yaw coupling
力偏航耦合参数aerodynamic yaw coupling parameters
力充气装置aerodynamic inflation aid
力制动aerodynamic braking
力增稳系统aerodynamic stability augmentation subsystem
力增稳系统aerodynamic stability augmentation system
力子系统pneumatic power subsystem
力实验室gas dynamics laboratory
力布局aerodynamic configuration layout
力当量直径aerodynamic equivalent diameter
力影响aerodynamic influence
力扭矩变换器aerodynamic torque converter
力操作阀pneumatic operated valve
力操纵能力aerodynamic maneuver capability
力-流体动力风洞aero-hydrodynamic tunnel
力焦点aerodynamic focus
力焦点aerodynamic center
力矩阵aerodynamic matrix
力良好aerodynamic cleanness
力飞行测试aerodynamic flight test
力驾驶杆输人信号aerodynamic stick input
加载aerodynamic loading
加速aerodynamic acceleration
升力效应effect of aerodynamic lift
单元组合仪表packaged pneumatic instruments
参考aerodynamic reference
发动机aerospike engine
和结构模型aerodynamic and structural model
和结构试验用遥控无人驾驶靶机drones for aerodynamic and structural testing
响应aerodynamic response
喷嘴airblast atomizer
基地式调节仪表pneumatic local control device
声学设计aero-acoustic design
外形aerodynamic fairing
外形优化aerodynamic shape optimization
风洞内测量空气动力的天平aerodynamic balance
威胁分析系统aerodynamic threat analysis system
安全活门pneumatic relief valve
导管pneumatic tube
导管pneumatic tubing
工作aerodynamic work
布局aerodynamic configuration
带除冰pneumatic boot deicing
带除冰系统inflatable tube deicing system
带除冰系统pneumatic boot deicing system
幅伞aerodynamical panel parachute
干扰aerodynamic disturbance
建模aerodynamic modeling
开关push switch
式座舱压力调节器pneumatic cabin pressure regulator
式自动驾驶仪fluidic autopilot
弹射器air ejector
弹性不稳定型aeroelastic instability type
弹性优化aeroelastic optimization
弹性分析aeroelastic analysis
弹性剪裁aeroelastic tailoring
弹性响应控制control of aeroelastic response
弹性性能aeroelastic performance
弹性控制aeroelastic control
弹性旋翼实验系统aeroelastic rotor experimental system
弹性模式aeroelastic mode
弹性模数aeroelastic mode number
弹性灵敏度aeroelastic sensitivity
弹性研究aeroelastic research
弹性研究机翼aeroelastic research wing
弹性算子aeroelastic operator
弹性系统aeroelastic system
弹性耦合aeroelastic coupling
弹性能量aeroelastic energy
弹性行为aeroelastic behavior
弹性计算aeroelastic computation
弹性试验aeroelastic tests
弹性问题aeroelastic problem
弹道再人大气层飞行器aeroballistic reentry vehicle
损失aerodynamic loss
空气动力控制aerodynamic controls
推进相互作用力aerodynamic propulsive interactive force
操作aerodynamic operator
操纵台pneumatics control panel
效应系数aerodynamic influence coefficient
数据aerodynamic datum
数据库aerodynamic database
数据文件aerodynamic data file
数据识别组件aerodynamic coefficient identification package
斜坡aerodynamic ramp
方程aerodynamic equation
检测装置pneumatic checkout unit
模块aerodynamic module
模型aerodynamic modeling
模型不匹配aerodynamic model mismatch
模型参数aerodynamic model parameter
模型结构aerodynamic model structure
模型识别aerodynamic model identification
模拟aerodynamic simulation
气源配置系统pneumatic air distribution system
注油枪air power gun
air-driven pump
活塞pneumatically operated piston
活门pneumatic valve
aerodynamic flow
液压泵air driven hydraulic pump
液压试验控制台pneumatic hydraulic test console
滞后aerodynamic lag
激光器gas dynamics laser
激波修正量position error
air-actuated mortar
热力弹性飞行器aerothermodynamics elastics vehicle
热力边界aerothermodynamic border
热效应aerothermoelastic effect
热试验计划aerodynamic heat test plan
状态aerodynamic state
破碎aerodynamic fragmentation
稳定aerodynamic stabilization
空气分配系统pneumatic air distribution system
pneumatic tube
系数aerodynamic factor
系数仪表设备aerodynamic coefficient instrument package
系数测量实验aerodynamic coefficient measurement experiment
系统pneumatic system (飞机上一种动力系统,其工作流体为压缩空气或其他气体。用气动系统来带动的一些系统有紧急情况下的起落架或襟翼,正常或紧急制动装置以及尾伞打开装置)
系统手动调节器pneumatic system manual regulator
缺陷aerodynamic defect
网格aerodynamic mesh
脉冲除冰pneumatic impulse deicing
自动驾驶仪pneumatic autopilot
自旋稳定火箭aerodynamically neutral spin stabilized rocket
航天器两级重复使用轨道器aerodynamic spacecraft two stage reusable orbiter
表面位置aero surface position
表面位置指示器aerosurface position indicator
表面控制aero surface control
表面组件和检验aerodynamic surface assembly and checkout
装置pneumatic drive unit
装置air drive unit
aerodynamic angle
解体aerodynamic disintegration
设备aerodynamic facility
设计点aerodynamic design point
试验装置pneumatic test set
调节阀pneumatic valve
转角aerodynamic roll angle
载荷air load
aerodynamic roll
逻辑线路pneumatic logic
pneumatic operated valve
阻力系数aerodynamic drag coefficient
阻尼复位控制damped aerodynamic righting attitude control
除冰带pneumatic deicer boot
除冰系统inflatable tube deicing system
除冰系统pneumatic deicing system
除冰系统pneumatic boot deicing system
除冰系统控制器pneumatic deicing system controller
隐形技术aerodynamic stealth technique
雾化airblast atomization
雾化器airblast atomizer
气体力学实验室gas dynamics laboratory
气体力循环gas power cycle
气体理学理论kinetic theory of gas
气体分子运Kinetic theory of gas
气体发生器起装置燃料阀gas generator starter fuel valve
气体发生器起装置燃料阀开关gas generator starter fuel valve switch
气体发生器起装置的氧化剂活门开关gas generator starter oxidizer valve switch
气体膨胀驱gas expansion
气体起系统gas start system
气体驱陀螺惯性平台gas driven gyro inertial platform
气压制pneumatic actuator
气压波的高度fluctuating pressure levels (层)
气压波的高度fluctuating pressure level (层)
气流控制调节器和作airflow control regulator and actuator
气流自处理分析automatic flow process analysis
气象自咨询站automated weather advisory station
渐近展开摄技术asymptotic expansion perturbation technique
焊剂层下自弧焊automatic submerged arc welding
爆震发detonation engine
爆震磁流体detonation-driven mhd
球塞式电ball piston motor
球形爆炸的直接启direct initiation of spherical detonation
加拿大甘达尔自空中交通系统Canada Gandar automatic air traffic system
研制的发development motor
研制的发development engine
程序作控制指令program action directive
火箭的程序俯仰转pitch-pause point
程序数字自控制programmed digital automatic control
程序纵向自测试programmed lateral automatic test
程序自测试设备programmed automatic test equipment
程序自电路测试器programmed automatic circuit tester
程序计划和控制自数据系统program planning and control automated data system
射流turbulent jet
紊流turbulence energy
编程的横向自测试programmed lateral automatic test
编程自化数据programmable automation data
压力unsteady pressure
喷气式发动机pulse-jet engine
式喷气发动机pulse jet engine
式喷气发动机pulse jet
式喷气飞机pulse jet
式空气喷气发动机pulsejet engine
温度fluctuation temperature
燃烧器pulse combustor
透平impulse turbine
除冰带pulsating deicer boot
风洞intermittent wind tunnel
风速gust velocity
脉冲发pulse motor
脉冲式喷气发pulse jet (既不包含压缩机也不包含涡轮的喷气推进发动机。空气通过进口阀的栅格进人发动机,当空气被加热时,进口阀关闭。通过排气喷管的膨胀产生推力,且当内部压力降低时,进口阀重新打开。这个循环快速重复地进行。脉冲式喷气发动机和冲压式发动机相似,但它有个显著的优点,即在零速前进时也能产生推力)
调谐振陀螺tuned oscillation gyro
调速电气传adjustable speed electric drive
谐振脉冲发resonant pulsejet
谐运harmonic motion
逃逸机escape maneuver (飞行)
选择性移目标指示器selective moving target indicator
选择性自监测selective automatic monitoring
选择性自计算匹配与定位系统selective automatic computational matching and positioning system
选择自雷达识别设备selective automatic radar identification equipment
锁定销作low pin actuator
阀操valve operation
shock tube
隔离器shock isolator
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