
Terms for subject Securities containing 动机 | all forms | in specified order only
中央流动资金机制central liquidity facility
伦敦清算机构的自动支付系统clearing house automated payment system
信息自动收报机news ticker
利益动机interest motives
卖方动机seller motivations
国际投资背后的动机motivation behind international investing
投机性动机speculative motive
投机性的持币动机speculative motive for holding money
投机活动speculation activity
投机的动机motives for speculation
抢购……的投机活动speculate on
报价驱动机quote-driven mechanism
更加复杂的披露动机more complicated motives of disclosure
机动业务ambulatory business
流动性危机liquidity crunch
流动性危机crisis of liquidity
流动性危机扩散liquidity crisis spread
流动资金调控机制liquidity adjustment facility
清算机构的自动转账系统clearing house automated transfer system
清算机构自动转账系统clearing house automated transfer system
监管联动快速反应机制prompt reaction mechanism of joint supervision
私利动机interest motives
股票 联动交易机制joint trading mechanism
股票交易所自动执行机构Stock Exchange Automated Execution Facility
自动柜员机网络ATM network
自动证券行情收报机security ticker
自动调整机制automatic adjustment mechanism
获利动机profit motive
证券投机中抬高股价的活动bull operation
赢利动机profit motive
随机变动假设random walk hypothesis
预测价格随机波动anticipated prices fluctuate randomly
预防性动机precautionary motive
黄金流动机gold flow mechanism