
Terms for subject Business containing 动作 | all forms | in specified order only
以支票作存款流动金check book money
作业自动化系数coefficient of automation of operation
作为动态过程的竞争competition as a dynamic process
偿还技术合作活动支助费用reimbursement of support of technical cooperation activities
动作介质actuating medium
动作分析表motion analysis sheet
动作循环cycling of events
动作循环cycle of motion
动作方式motion pattern
动作方式mode of motion
动作时间分析motion time analysis
动作时间表motion time table
工人动作时间表motion time table
动作本身acting selves
动作次数/每分钟operations per minute
动作画面motion picture
动作研究action-oriented study
资方对工人劳作的动作研究motion study
动作经济原则principle of motion economy
动作节省motion economy
动作要素motion elements
动作要素element of motion
动作规划action-oriented program
动作规律研究law of motion study
劳动代表工作会议works council
双手动作过程图two handed process chart
吉尔布雷斯动作经济原则Gilbreth principles of motion economy
回厂工作运动back-to-work movement
基本动作elementary movement
基本动作时间basic time of motion
基本动作时间basic motion time
基本动作研究basic motion study
基本标准动作basic standard motion
动作和小动作macro motion and micro motion
对称动作symmetrical movements
工作人员更动labor overturn
工厂操作自动简化self-curtailment of operation
工时与动作研究time and motion study
微细动作分析micromotion analysis
微细动作研究micromotion study
微细动作研究micro-motion study
微速动作研究memo-motion study
按作业活动分配制造费用activity-based overhead
操作人员机动性operator's maneuver
操作活动operating activity
无意识动作unconscious act
时间动作效应time motion efficiency
时间动作研究time-motion study
时间和动作分析time-and-motion analysis
最佳动作best move
最小动作minimum movement
机动工作时间flexible working hours
机器开动时作业in-cycle work
校正动作报告corrective action report
汇率自动平衡作用self-balancing act of exchange rate
流动工作制flux-job system
流动工作制flow job system
简单动作simple motion
细致动作要素detailed work factor
经济动作motion of economy
经济合作行动纲领action program for economic cooperation
联合动作combined motion
联合动作combined activity
动作废制automatic cancellation
自动化操作automated operation
自动化操作法automatic operating method
自动化操作设备automatic operating equipment
自动操作系统automated operating system
自动程序设计、预算与操作鉴别automated programming, budgeting and operational evaluation
自动稳定作用automatic stabilization
自由动作free motion
财务传动作financial gearing
连续动作计算机continuously acting computer
重体力劳动作labor-consuming process
金本位制自动调节作用automatic self-correcting mechanism of the gold standard
动作valve event
非现场作业活动non-field operational job
预定动作时间制predetermined motion time system