
Terms for subject Electronics containing 加热 | all forms | in specified order only
三级加热开关three-heat switch
不除氧加热nondeaerating heater
中压给水加热medium-pressure feedwater heater
中性束加热neutral beam heating
串联阴极加热series cathode heating
二级加热系统two stage preheating circuit
介质加热dielectric heating oven
介质加热设备dielectric heating equipment
低压快速加热化学汽相淀积low-pressure rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition
低压给水加热low-pressure feedwater heater
低温加热low-temperature heater
低频加热low-frequency heater
余热加热recuperative heater
便携式加热装置portable heating device
内置加热built-in heater
再沸腾加热reboiled heating valve
再生式加热bleeder heater
再生气体加热regenerating gas heater
冲击波加热shock-wave heating
冷却剂加热coolant heating-up
冷壁单片式快速加热处理/微波遥控等离子体多重工艺处理反应器cold-wall single-wafer rapid thermal/microwave remote-plasma multiprocessing reactor
冻结密封加热freeze seal heater
分别加热阴极separately heated cathode
分区加热zone heater
刚性表面式加热rigid surface heater
前进波加热progressive wave heating
加入热added heat
加压热冲击pressurized thermal shock
加热bringing up
加热不稳定性heating instability
加热剥皮器heated-wire stripper
加热区域heated area
加热周期warm-up cycle
加热器加热时间heater warm-up time
加热器启动电流heater surge current
加热器启动电流heater-starting current
加热器壳heater box
加热器棒束heater rod bundle
加热器电压heater voltage
加热器疏水泵heater drain pump
加热器组heater bank
加热器阴极heater cathode
加热工作台heating stage
加热干燥heat drying
加热式除氧器heat deaerator
加热强度intensity of heating
加热感应器线圈heating inductor (coil)
加热承片台heating stage
加热时间warming up time
加热时间常数heating time constant
加热模式heating pattern
加热清洗heated scrub
加热温度偏差heat temperature deflection
加热温升,准备时频率漂移warm-up drift
加热加杂质激活impurity activation
加热heating lamp
加热灯簇bank of heat lamps
加热燃料油跳闸warm-up oil fuel trip (OFT)
加热的最高限度heated ceiling
加热的空气preheater air
加热管圈heating coil
加热管圈heater coil
加热管束heating tube bundle
加热管道heating duct
加热线圈work coil
加热范围heating range
加热螺管heating coil
加热记录器heating register
加热、通风与空调设备heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment
加热速率heat up rate
加热heating capacity
加速加热氮气中退火rapid thermal N2 annealing
加速热循环accelerated thermal cycling
加速热阻试验accelerated heat resistance test
半导体加热与温度测量研讨会Semiconductor Thermal and Temperature Measurement Symposium
双级加热转换开关two-heat switch
反应堆容器加热reactor vessel heating jacket
同流加热recuperative heater
加热铝平面化工艺aluminum-planarization by postheating process
启动加热start-up heater
吸收加热absorption heating
圆片级等温焦耳加热电徒动测试wafer-level isothermal Joule-heated electromigration test
埋入加热元件embedded heating element
埋弧加热submerged heating
埋管加热immersion heating unit
基载热网加热basic preheaters
多流程式加热multiflow heater
大体积混凝土内热量增加heat rise in mass concrete
夹套式加热jacket heating
套式加热jacket heater
套式加热系统jacket heating system
对流加热convection heater
封闭式加热closed heater
射束加热阴极beam heated cathode
γ射线加热gamma heating
射频加热radio frequency heating
射频加热区熔再结晶radio frequency heated zone-melting recrystallization
尖峰加热peak preheaters
局部加热local ized heating
并联阴极加热parallel cathode heating
微波加热microwave heating (extremely high frequency heating)
微波加热装置microwave applicator
微波快速加热化学汽相淀积microwave rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition
快速加热rapid thermal
快速加热低压化学汽相淀积rapid thermal low pressure chemical vapor deposition
快速加热低压金属有机物化学汽相淀积rapid thermal low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
快速加热再氧化的rapid thermally reoxidized
快速加热化学汽相淀积rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition
快速加热多重工艺处理rapid thermal multiprocessing
快速加热常压化学汽相淀积rapid thermal atmospheric-pressure chemical vapor deposition
快速加热氧化亚氮再氧化rapid thermal N2O reoxidation
快速加热氧气中再氧化rapid thermal Q reoxidation
快速加热氧气中退火rapid thermal O2 annealing
快速加热氧气中退火rapid thermal anneal in O
快速加热汽相外延rapid thermal vapor phase epitaxy
快速加热等离子体增强化学汽相淀积rapid thermal plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
快速辐射加热rapid radiation heating
快速辐射加热超低压化学汽相淀积rapid radiation heating, very low pressure chemical vapor deposition
加热total heating surface
感应加热变流器work heat transformer
感应加热应力改善技术induction heating stress improvement
感应加热电解炉inductive heating electrolytic
感应加热设备induction heating equipment
感应容器加热induction vessel heating
感应平板加热induction plate heater
感应环加热induction ring heater
感应电流加热current-induced heating
扩散加热效应diffusion heating effect
抽头式加热tapped heater
抽汽加热蒸发器bled-steam evaporator
挠性表面加热flexible surface heater
排汽加热exhaust steam heating
接触加热contact heating
放电加热铜蒸气激光器discharge-heated copper-vapor laser
无铁芯感应式加热coreless-type induction heater
最高加热速率maximum heat up rate
最高压级抽汽回热加热top heater
末级加热给水温度final feedwater temperature
柔性表面式加热flexible surface heater
加热nuclear heating
核反应堆热介质加热不均匀系数nuclear hot channel factor
模块化等离子体加热蚀刻系统modular plasma therm etching system
横向磁通加热transverse flux heating
欧姆加热线圈ohmic heating coil
气体冷却剂加热coolant gas heat-up
气体电加热electric gas heater
氮气加热nitrogen heating
氮气加热系统argon heating system
加热water heating bath
汽缸法兰螺栓加热系统casing flange and bolt heating system
汽缸法兰螺栓加热装置cylinder flange heating appliance
汽轮机第一段抽汽加热top heater
沥青加热bitumen heater
沥青加热asphalt heater
法兰加热flange heating
浸入加热单元immersion heating unit
浸没加热immersion heater
浸没式电加热electric immersion heater
涡流加热eddy-current heating
用两种燃料混合加热dual firing
温热加工warm work
湿态加热试验damp-heat test
激光加热laser-induced heating
激光加热焊台生长laser-heated pedestal growth
火炬加热torch heating
灯丝加热filament heater
炉壁加热wall tube
热加料hot charging
热加速可靠性合格不合格试验thermal accelerated reliability go-nogo testing
热敏电阻加热heater of thermistor
热电加热thermoelectric heat pump
热电加热装置thermoelectric heating device
热空气加热hot-air heater
热网加热heating network hot water heater
热网加热heater for heating network
热耗增加率incremental heat rate
热过载加热器元件thermal-overload heater element
焦耳加热陶瓷熔融炉joule heated ceramic melter
特高频加热microwave heating (extremely high frequency heating)
独立加热independent heating
独立电弧加热independent arc heating
环形加热ring heater
生水加热raw water heater
生活用水加热apartment hot water converter
用感应加热消除应力induction heating stress improvement
用抽汽加热给水的热交换器系列bled-steam feed-heating train
加热electric warming
加热resistance heating
加热保温系统electrical trace heating system
加热保温系统electrical heat tracing system
加热器叉形线electric heater connector
加热器管束heater rod bundle
加热器组heating resistor battery
加热器连接器electric heater connector
加热electric heating chamber
加热工作服electrically heated clothing
加热扫描electric heat tracing
加热故障探测electric heat tracing
加热electrically heated rod
加热稳压器electrically heated pressurizer
加热蒸憾器electrically heated distilling apparatus
加热装置electric heating unit
加热负荷electric heating load
电介质加热dielectric heater
电伴随加热系统electrical trace heating system
电伴随加热系统electrical heat tracing system
电子束表面加热electron-beam surface heating
电对流加热electric convection heater
电水加热electric water heater
电流加热自动装置automat with electric heating
电阻加热线圈ohmic heating coil
电阻加热元件electrical resistance heating element
电阻加热元件resistance-heating device
电阻加热resistance-heating unit
电阻加热器组heating resistor battery
电阻加热堆竭型电炉resistance heated pot type furnace
电阻加热效应resistance heating effect
盐水加热brine heater
直接directly heated
直接加热direct heating
直接加热式串联电弧炉direct heating series arc furnace
直接加热式导电床电弧炉direct heating conductive hearth arc furnace
直接加热式还原熔炼电弧炉direct heating reduction smelting arc furnace
直接加热式非导电炉床电弧炉direct heating nonconducting hearth arc furnace
直接加热的热控管directly heated thermistor
直接加热的热敏电阻directly heated thermistor
直接加热灯丝battery tube
直接加热阴极heater cathode
直接用电阻加热设备direct resistance heating equipment
直接电加热direct electrical heating
直接电阻加热设备direct resistance heating equipment
真空加热压花板vacuum heated tooling plate
石英-红外线加热quartz-infrared heater
硅碳加热silicon carbide heating rod
硼酸加热boric-acid heater
碳化硅加热silicon carbide heating rod
磁滞加热hysteresis heating
磁滞加热hysteresis heater
离子加热阴极ionic heated kathode
离子加热阴极ionic heated cathode
移动加热traveling heater method
移动式红外加热infra-red portable heater
稳压器加热pressurizer heaters
空气加热器元件air-heater elements
空气加热器腐蚀air-heater corrosion
立式热网水加热vertical system water heater
管道加热保温pipe tracing
红外加热infra-red heating
红外加热元件infra-red heating element
红外加热infra-red heater
给水加热feedwater heating
给水加热feed heater
给水加热feed-heating plant
给水加热系统feedwater-heater arrangement
给水加热装置feedwater-heater arrangement
给水循环加热circulation feed water heater
给水高压加热high-pressure feedwater heater
绝对加热效应absolute heating effect
绝缘胶带式加热元件insulated tape heating element
加热阴极separately heated cathode
自保持加热元件self-contained heating unit
蒸发加热evaporating heating surface
蒸汽加热的蒸发器steam heated evaporator
蓄电池加热battery heater
蓄电池加热灯丝battery filament
螺旋盘管加热spiral heater
螺栓加热bolt heating
螺栓加热bolt electric heating rod
螺栓电加热electric bolt heater
表面式加热surface type heater
超高真空快速加热化学汽相淀积ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition
轴封漏汽加热shaft seal leakage heater
辐射加热燃烧室radiantly heated barrel
通风加热干燥机aeration-heated drier
部件加热unit heater
配电盘加热electric-panel heater
重油加热heavy oil heater
钟罩式加热bell furnace
钨丝加热气源gas source with a tungsten filament
钨的快速加热化学汽相淀积rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition of tungsten
钽丝加热气源gas source with a tantalum filament
铁芯感应式电加热core-type induction heater
铠装式加热元件sheathed heating element
间接加热电子管indirectly heated valve
间接加热电弧炉indirect heating arc furnace
间接加热电阻炉indirect resistance oven
间接加热电阻炉indirect resistance oven
间接加热电阻炉indirect resistance furnace
间接加热电阻炉indirect heating resistance furnace
间接加热的热控管indirectly heated thermistor
间接加热的热敏电阻indirectly heated thermistor
间接加热阴极separately heated cathode
间接加热阴极indirectly heated cathode
间断加热intermittent heating
防凝结加热anti-condensation heater
防护式加热元件protected heating element
阴极加热时间cathode heating time
阴极加热速度cathode heating rate
阴极加热速率cathode heating rate
除气器加热元件gas deaerator heating element
零功率氮冷加热zero energy nitrogen heating thermal reactor
雷达天线罩加热antenna radome heater
顶部加热hot topping
高压加热high pressure heating
高压加热high pressure heater
高压加热器入口联成阀composite valve at high pressure heater inlet
高压加热器出口联成阀composite valve at high pressure heater outlet
高压加热器投入率high pressure heater availability rate
高压加热器旁路门high pressure heater bypass valve
高通量加热high flux heater
高频加热high frequency current heating
高频加热high-frequency heater
高频感应加热high frequency induction heater
高频电流加热high frequency current heating
高频电流加热high-frequency heating
高频电流加热microwave oven
鳍片型加热装置fin-type heating unit
鼓泡加热bubble heating