
Terms for subject Electronics containing 加权 | all forms | in specified order only
优先级令牌组加权公平排队priority token bank weighted fair queuing
修正加权权重系数modified weighting factor
加权优先排队weighted priority queue
加权优先级队列weighted priority queue
加权偏差方均值mean square of weighted deviates
加权剩余矩量法weighted residual moment method
加权占空因数weighted duty cycle
加权和阈值逻辑运算weighted-sum threshold LO
加权噪声比weighted noise ratio
加权回波路径损耗weighted echo path loss
加权密度近似weighted density approximation
加权工作比weighted duty cycle
加权平均weighted average
加权平均功率因数average power factor
加权平均占用时间weighted average holding time
加权平均完成时间weighted mean finishing time
加权平均速度weighted mean velocity
加权当量连续感知噪声级weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level
加权循环法weighted round robin
加权指数weighted index method
加权指数法weighted index method
加权故障覆盖率weighted fault coverage
加权最短加工处理时间流程图weighted shortest processing time scheme
加权用户平均额定值weighted average user rating
加权相关规则处理器weight associative rule processor
加权相关规则处理器应用开发板weight associative rule processor application development board
加权相关规则处理器软件开发工具weight associative rule processor software development tool
加权脉冲宽度weighted pulse width
加权蠕动法weighted creep method
加权轮转算法weighted round robin
加权重复weighted repetition rate
加权量程weighting range
加权随机图样weighted random pattern
加权随机早期检测weighted random early detection
加权馈送逻辑weighted-feed logic
动态加权循环法dynamic weighted round-robin
变换域加权交错矢量量化语音压缩方案transform domain weighted interleave vector quantization voice compression scheme
后校准加权平均值weighted average of post adjustment
噪声加权滤波器noise weighting filter
噪声加权滤波器传递函数noise weighting filter transfer function
地区加权降雨量area-weighted precipitation
基本加权控制器basic weighter controller
指数加权移动均值技术exponentially weighted moving average technique
按比例加权回波路径损耗scaled weighted echo path loss
时间加权平均值阈限值threshold limit value for time weighted average
时间加权绝对误差值积分integral of time-weighted absolute value of the error
普通加权最小二乘方conventional weighted least square
最小加权均方误差滤波器minimum-weighted mean square error filter
最小加权绝对误差滤波器minimum-weighted absolute error filter
加权噪声比unweighted noise ratio
自适应加权码分复用adaptively weighted code-division multiplexing
蜂窝鉴权和话音加密cellular authentication and voice encription
负荷加权的等效供电中断持续时间按年按月load weighted equivalent interruption duration annual, monthly
迭代加权最小二乘方iterative weighted least square
速度加权半麦克斯韦分布函数velocity-weighted half-Maxwellian distribution function
顺序加权因子法sequential weight increasing factor technique
频率加权平方误差frequency-weighted squared error