
Terms containing 力 高 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.上午我发高烧,浑身疲软无力Since this morning I've had high temperature, and I feel generally wretched
tech.上层预应力标高upper prestressing level
tech.下层预应力标高lower prestressing level
avia.不对称推力进场最低高度minimum asymmetric approach height
sport.他的助跑速度快、起跳有力、动作协调、是一名有希望的跳高运动员With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, he is one of the promising high jumper
tech.似动力高quasi-dynamical height
tech.似动力高quasi-dynamic height
shipb.使用高承载力柔性气囊为 1 万载重吨邮轮安全下水use high load-bearing flexible air-bag for 10000 DWT tanker safe launching
shipb.使用高承载力柔性气囊为 1 万载重吨邮轮安全下水use high load-bearing flexible air-bag for 10 000 DWT tanker safe launching
avia.修正压力高flight-level pressure altitude
desert.先进高分辨力辐射仪solution radiometer
avia.先进高生存力航空电子设备计划advanced survival avionics program (美国空军)
mil., air.def.光电倍增管脉冲高度分辨力photomultiplier pulse-height resolution
avia.减推力高thrust reduction altitude
tech.力高dynamical height
expl.加大装药的比例、以提高工程爆破的效力augment the effect of an engineering blast by raising the proportion of charged explosive
tech.力高dynamical elevation
tech.力高dynamic elevation
tech.力高geodynamic height
tech.力高geodynamical height
tech.力高dynamical height
tech.力高度偏差dynamic -height anomaly
tech.力高度偏差dynamical -height anomaly
tech.力高度偏差anomaly of geopotential difference
tech.力高dynamical elevation number
tech.力高dynamic elevation number
tech.力高校正dynamical elevation correction
tech.力高校正dynamic elevation correction
tech.力高系统dynamical elevation system
tech.力高系统dynamic elevation system
tech.动力性高压dynamical anti-cyclone
tech.动力性高压dynamic anti-cyclone
China, polit.努力提高代表工作质量strive to improve the quality of our work related to deputies
agric.劳动力需要高峰peak of labour requirement
avia.区域预报、高空风力和温度area forecast, upper winds and temperature
tech.升高的压力built-up pressure
tech.升高能力climbing capacity
tech.升高荷载应力advancing load stress
shipb.升高载荷应力advancing load stress
expl.力高pressure height
tech.力高discharge head (压缩机)
tech.压力升高pressure build-up
tech.压力升高rate of pressure rise
gen.压力升高十倍a decade of pressure rise
railw.压力升高比rate of pressure rise
railw.压力升高比pressure step-up ratio
tech.压力升高比rate of explosion
tech.压力式波高计pressure-type wave meter
tech.压力的高度discharge head
tech.压力计式波高计pressure meter type of wave recorder
sport., med.压力过高hypertonus
sport., med.压力过高hypertension
tech.双柱高速压力机double-sided high speed press
avia.发动机停车高度能力engine out altitude capability
avia.发动机失效高度能力engine inoperative altitude capability
tech.后开式高性能压力机high performance open back power press
agric.力高suction height
sport.在径赛中、需要有极大的力量推动人体快速前进并保持人体高速运动In running events great force is required to accelerate the body and to keep it in motion at top speed
tech.地重力势高度geopotential height
avia.大气压力高度控制barometric altitude control
expl.大气压力下产生的高温固体物质solid,high-temperature products yielded at atmospheric pressure
gen.大气压力随着高度的增加而减小air pressure decreases as the altitude increases
earth.sc.〔美国〕大陆中部高重力区mid-continent gravity high
avia.太阳能高空动力平台solar high altitude powered platform
sport.实力较差的运动员使用高超的赛跑策略有可能赢得胜利Victory can be won by an inferior runner who uses superior running strategy
tech.容许应力提高increase of allowable stress
tech.容许应力提高系数increasing coefficient of allowable stress
tech.局部高应力high localized stress
avia.已提高的能力expanded capability
earth.sc.平均压力吸引高度mean pressure suction head
expl.应力升高由构件外形和连续变化引起的stress raise
expl.应力增高区岩体内由于采掘工程影响引起应力重新分布后而形成的高于原岩应力的区域stress-concentrated zone
avia.座舱压力高度表cabin pressure altimeter
sport., med.张力过高hypertonia
golf.强力球员的高尔夫球运动power golf
expl.当药包在岩体中爆炸时、炸药在高压力下瞬间转化为高温气体When an explosive charge is detonated in rock, the charge is converted instantly to a hot gas at intense pressure
tech.总静力高total static head
avia.惯性平稳压力高inertial smooth pressure altitude
busin.我方想购进高质量的水力泵The item we'd like to purchase is hydraulic pumps of high quality
avia.抗毁力提高的地下发射井upgraded silo (program, 计划)
tech.抹灰黏结力的提高improvement of plaster bond
avia.指示压力高indicated pressure altitude
avia.指示的压力高indicated pressure altitude
China, polit.提高代表依法履职的能力improve deputies's ability to perform their functions in accordance with the law
tech.提高人力资源的质量upgrading of human resources
tech.提高代替能力increasing exchange power
securit.提高伦敦银行同业贷款利率获利能力的票据LIBOR-enhanced accrual note
busin.提高借款偿还能力enhance loan repayment ability
China, polit.提高党的执政能力和领导水平enhance the abilities of administration and art of leadership of the Communist Party of China
tech.提高出力的设计uprating project
shipb.提高出口商品的竞争能力raise the competitiveness of exports
securit.提高协议收购中谈判能力支持董事采取反收购措施的理由bargaining power hypothesis
tech.提高土壤肥力increasing of soil fertility
tech.提高多种生产的能力raising capabilities for multi-production
China, polit.提高政府执行力和公信力improve the government's ability to perform its duties and strengthen public trust
agric.提高生产力rising productivity
agric.提高生产力raise in productivity
agric.提高生产力increasing productivity
avia.提高生产力计划productivity enhancement program
tech.提高竞争能力boost the competitiveness
tech.提高竞争能力boost competitive power
earth.sc.提高级联能力计划cascade upraising program
busin.提高经济效益能力increasing the incentive for better economic performance
avia.提高防御效果和远程攻击力调制器dexterous manipulator
busin.智力密集型高技术产品intelligence-intensive high-tech products
busin.智力提高intellectual growth
tech.最大动力高maximum power altitude
tech.最高使用压力maximum operation pressure
tech.最高允许压力maximum working pressure
chem.最高允许工作压力maximum allowable working pressure
tech.最高出力maximum output
racing最高出力peak power
agric.最高分蘖力maximum stooling
tech.最高力矩peak moment
agric.最高力量{进化}superior force
tech.最高压力extreme pressure
tech.最高压力指示器peak pressure indicator
tech.最高压力调节器maximum pressure governor
consult.最高名义生产能力nominal maximum capacity
gen.最高听力限度upper limit of hearing
tech.最高吸入压力maximum suction pressure
China, law最高国家权力机关supreme organ of state power
China, law最高国家权力机关highest organ of state power
China, polit.最高国家权力机关the supreme organ of state power
China, polit.最高国家权力机关the highest organ of state power
China, polit.最高国家权力机关的执行机关the executive body of the highest organ of the State power
tech.最高垂直分解力limiting vertical resolution
tech.最高持续出力maximum continuous output
tech.最高排出压力maximum output pressure
chem.最高排出压力maximum delivery
ecol.最高排出压力maximum delivery pressure
sport.最高权力supreme authority
busin.最高权力paramount power
busin.最高权力机关organ of supreme power
China, law最高法律效力highest legal authority
tech.最高燃烧压力maximum combustion pressure
railw.最高爆发压力maximum firing pressure
railw.最高爆发压力peak pressure
railw.最高爆发压力maximum explosive pressure
commer.最高生产能力peak performance
tech.最高生产能力maximum capacity
agric.最高生活力superior vitality
China, polit.最高的法律效力the highest legal validity
China, polit.最高的法律效力have supreme legal authority
tech.最高蒸煮压力maximum cooking pressure
tech.最高设计压力extreme design pressure
gen.最高进气管压力full boost
tech.最高连续出力maximum continuous output
sport.朱建华的助跑速度快、踏跳瞬间爆发力好、动作协调、他是有发展前途的跳高选手之一With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, Zhu Jianhua was one of the promising high jumpers
avia.机场压力高airport pressure altitude
avia.极高剪力extra high shear
gen.极高阻力ultra-high resistance
expl.标准高威力炸药standard high explosive
tech.正常动力高normal dynamical height
tech.正常动力高normal dynamic height
tech.力高架起重机hydraulic gantry crane
gen.汽车电子制动力分配系统在直接制动和转弯制动时,可实现不同的控制策略,具有较高的制动性能和制动稳定性The Electronic Braking Force Distribution EBD system can realize the various control strategies according to braking in line and in turn, and raise the braking efficiency and stability of automobiles under hard braking
sport., psychol.注意力高度集中peak of attention
sport.注意力的高度集中peak of attention
tech.浇筑混凝土的压力高concrete head
tech.海拔高度对大气压力的影响elevation effect on atmospheric pressure
tech.海拔高度影响压力elevation affection pressure
tech.灌筑混凝土压力高concrete head
tech.清偿能力高high-level of liquidity
tech.炉顶高压能力high-top-pressure capability
earth.sc.特高生成压力anomalously high formation pressures
tech.琼斯高低速双转盘水力碎浆机Jones pulper
agric.生命力高supervital (supervitalis)
consult.力高peak of power
tech.电厂最高出力maximum output of the power station
gen.留意一下就会发现,唯一用来替代标准V-6引擎的是一款 V-6混合动力引擎,可见汽车业发展方向是:更高的燃油经济性,更小的扭矩When you discover that the only alternative to the standard V-6 is a V-6 hybrid, you understand in which direction the industry is headed: better fuel economy and less torque
agric.畜力牵引地轮驱动高架式葡萄园喷雾器stilt-type vineyard sprayer for animal draft with ground wheel drive
agric.眼高张力效应hyperophthalmotonic effect
tech.瞬时压力升高momentary rise of pressure
gen.穿甲-高爆力的炮弹armour-piercing high explosive
gen.穿甲-高爆力的炮弹armor-piercing high explosive
tech.粘着力高cohesion height
tech.粘聚力高cohesion height
expl.红十字牌低冻点高威力炸药Red Cross explosive
avia.航空喷气发动机高推力区aerojet high thrust area
shipb.船舶下水使用高承载力柔性气囊use high load-bearing flexible air-bag for ship launching
busin.购买力提高increase of purchasing power
earth.sc.超高压力extreme pressure
avia.超高压力ultra high pressure
tech.超高压合成金刚石压力机super-high pressure synthetical diamond press
tech.超高压合成金刚石压力机super-high pressure synthetic diamond press
tech.超高压电力网super-tension network
tech.超高反力super-high reaction force (护舷)
busin.超高张力的higher high-tensile
tech.超高速空气动力学hypervelocity aerodynamics
avia.超高阻力ultra high resistance
tech.车辆基本阻力能高线car rolling resistance line
gen.过去,人们喜欢高品位的电影,但在今天,民众却对充斥着暴力、裸露镜头以及其他类似情节的电影情有独钟In the old days, people preferred classy and high value movies, whereas today, the common person prefers a movie with violence, nudity, or other things of that nature
avia.速度、重力、高velocity, gravity, height
commer.造就高素质的劳动力create a highly skilled workforce
tech.道岔阻力能高损耗switch resistance loss
tech.力高gravity head
tech.力高gravitational high (的)
tech.力高差给料器gravity head feeder
tech.力高度校正因数gravity elevation correction factor
tech.力高度计gravimetrical altimeter
tech.力高度计gravimetric altimeter
tech.重力位高阶导数higher-order derivative of gravity potential
refrig.重力对流器高度draft head
tech.闭式高速精密压力机straight-side high speed precision press
tech.阻力能高resistance energy head
tech.预应力高强度钢丝shaft plumbing wire
tech.预应力混凝土高压管prestressed concrete high-pressure pipe
tech.预应力混凝土高架道路prestressed concrete elevated road
tech.预应力用高强钢材prestressing steel
avia.飞行压力高flight level pressure altitude
gen.高〔起动〕力矩high torque
tech.高于饱和点压力pressure above bubble point
tech.高产潜力high yield potential
agric.高产能力high-yielding ability
tech.高价位魅力股high-flying glamor stocks
securit.高价魅力股high flying glamour stocks
tech.高低速双转盘水力碎浆机high low pulper
tech.高侧限压力试验high confining pressure test
tech.高倾力推销high-pressure selling
agric.高再生能力high regenerative capacity
avia.高冲击力的high impact
avia.高冲击压力high impact pressure
avia.高冲量反推力火箭系统high impulse retrorocket system
tech.高出力high output
agric.高分蘖力high tillering ability
agric.高分蘖力high ability to tiller
tech.高分解力底片high resolution plate
tech.高分解力扫描系统high definition scanning system
tech.高分解力摄像high definition pick-up
tech.高分辨力光very high resolution spectroscopy
mil., air.def.高分辨力图像传输high resolution picture transmission
mil., air.def.高分辨力地形信息high resolution terrain information
tech.高分辨力显影剂high definition developer
geol.高分辨力烃类分析high definition hydrocarbon analysis
busin.高分辨力红外辐射探测器high resolution infrared radiation sunder
tech.高分辨力红外辐射探测器high resolution infrared radiation sounder
mil., air.def.高分辨力脉冲多普勒雷达high resolution pulse Doppler radar
mil., air.def.高分辨力雷达very-high-resolution radar
avia.高分辨力雷达high-resolution radar
gen.高分辨能力质谱仪high resolution mass spectrometer
tech.高切力区area of high shear
shipb.高切力研磨high shear grinding
tech.高切力硏磨high shear grinding
tech.高剪力区area of high shear
anim.husb.高力虉草koeleriagrass (Phalaris tuberosa var. hirtiglamis Batt. et Trab.)
tech.高功力装置high-capacity unit
avia.高加速度压力显示highly accelerated stress screening
tech.高动力循环状态hyperdynamical circulatory state
tech.高动力循环状态hyperdynamic circulatory state
tech.高动力性循环hyperdynamical circulation
tech.高动力性循环hyperdynamic circulation
avia.高升力high lift
avia.高升力控制器high lift control unit
avia.高升力控制系统high lift control system
avia.高升力数据分析器high lift data analyzer
avia.高升力数据集分析器high lift databus analyzer
avia.高升力机翼high-lift airfoil
avia.高升力系统high-lift system
gen.高压力高密度high pressure high density
tech.高压力电离真空计high-pressure ionization gauge
tech.高压力电离真空计high-pressure ionization gage
tech.高压力表high-pressure manometer
tech.高压压力表delivery gage
tech.高压压力表discharge gage
tech.高压压力表high-pressure manometer
tech.高压压力表discharge gauge
tech.高压压力表delivery gauge
refrig.高压压力表high-pressure gauge
tech.高压推力轴承high-pressure thrust bearing
tech.高压水力灭火系统high-pressure hydraulic fire system
tech.高压波纹管式压力计high-pressure bellows manometer
avia.高压活门转换压力switching pressure of HP valve
avia.〔客〕高压涡轮机匣压力turbine case pressure
avia.高压涡轮机匣压力high-pressure turbine case pressure
tech.高压火力发电厂high-pressure steam power plant
shipb.高压电力系统high voltage power system
agric.高压电力网power grid
tech.高压电力网high-tension network
tech.高压电力网探测器power grid detector
tech.高压蓄力器high-pressure accumulator
tech.高反力high reaction force (护舷)
tech.高反力型high reaction force
anim.husb.高发酵力酵母high attenuating yeast
tech.高地应力区位置locality of high natural stress area
gen.高威力炸弹high capacity bomb
expl.高威力炸药high powder factor
expl.高威力炸药peerless explosive
expl.高威力炸药strength explosive
expl.高威力炸药通常在起爆器材起爆作用下,利用爆轰所释放的能量对介质做功的炸药。对 8 号雷管敏感且以超音速作用的炸药的统称high power explosive
tech.高威力炸药high-strength explosive
expl.高威力炸药通常在起爆器材起爆作用下,利用爆轰所释放的能量对介质做功的炸药。对 8 号雷管敏感且以超音速作用的炸药的统称high explosive
tech.高威力炸药high explosive
expl.高威力起爆药包strong primer
expl.高威力雷管起爆炸药detonation-sensitive high explosive
tech.高层大气动力学upper atmospheric dynamics
tech.高层大气热力学upper atmospheric thermodynamics
tech.高层大气空气动力学upper atmospheric aerodynamics
tech.高层空气污染潜力high air pollution potential
tech.高岭土动力膜kaolin dynamic membrane
tech.高峰小时单向最大输送能力one-way maximum peak hour passenger capacity
busin.高工资、低劳力high wage, low labor
nautic., tech.高应力high peak stress
avia.高应力high tension
avia.高应力high stress
tech.高应力区highly stressed zone
tech.高应力区region of high stress
tech.高应力区area of high stress
tech.高应力的heavily stressed
tech.高应力纤维high stress fiber
mil., air.def.高度分辨能力elevation resolution
avia.高度压力开关altitude pressure switch
avia.高度压力开关接头-真空马桶altitude pressure switch adapter-vacuum toilet
tech.高度受力的highly stressed
avia.高度能力altitude capability
China, polit.高度重视并且采取坚决有力措施maintain a high degree of vigilance and take firm and effective measures
tech.高异常压力high abnormal pressure
tech.高异常压力abnormal overpressure
geol.高异常地层压力anomalously high formation pressure
tech.高张力high strength
tech.高张力high tension
avia.高张力high tensile
tech.高张力异形钢筋high-tensile deformation bar
avia.高张力生铁high tensile cast iron
tech.高张力釉stiff glaze
tech.高张力钢筋high-tensile reinforcing steel
chem.高强力人造high tenacity rayon
chem.高强力人造high-strength rayon
busin.高强力人造丝high tenacity rayon
tech.高强力帘线high tenacity cord
tech.高强力耐纶丝high tenacity nylon filament
tech.高强力钢丝high-tensile strength wire
tech.高强力黏胶丝viscose high tenacity yarn
tech.高强力黏胶纤维high tenacity viscose fiber
tech.高强力黏胶纤维high tenacity staple fiber
agric.高扩散阻力high diffusion resistance
tech.高技术威慑力high technology deterrence
construct.高抗拉力螺栓用钢steel for high tensile bolts
avia.高拉伸力安全检验high tensile safety repair
tech.高拉力high-tensile strength
tech.高拉力high tension
avia.高拉力high tensile
tech.高拉力异形钢筋high-tensile deformed steel bar
shipb.高拉力钢high tensile steel
tech.高拉力钢筋high-tensile steel
tech.高拉力钢筋的电加热electrical heating of high-tensile bars
tech.高拉力钢筋的电加热electric heating of high-tensile bars
avia.高拉力铸铁high tensile cast iron
expl.高振幅应力纵波上向传播high amplitude SV wave upward propagation
sport., med.高排出量心力衰竭high output heart failure
sport., med.高排出量心力衰竭hight output heart failure
tech.高推力钻机high thrust rig
tech.高推力钻机high thrust drill
tech.高握裹力钢筋high-bond reinforcing bar
tech.高握裹力钢筋high-bond bar
tech.高效动力变换输送efficient power-shift transmission
tech.高断力熔断器high breaking capacity fuse
tech.高斯应力曲面Gaussian stress quadric
tech.高斯引力常数Gaussian gravitational constant
tech.高斯磁力仪Gaussian magneto meter
securit.高智力产业high intelligence industry
avia.高比推力high specific impulse
agric.高水分输导能力high water-conducting capacity
tech.高水头水力发电厂high head hydropower plant
tech.高水头水力发电站high head water power station
tech.高水头水力发电站high head hydropower station
tech.高水头水力枢纽high waterhead hydraulic system
sport.高水平的体力是所有田径运动项目取得良好成绩的必要条件A high level of strength is essential to good performance in all athletic events
tech.高浓度气力输送机high mixture ratio pneumatic conveyer
expl.高温力学性能mechanical behavior at high temperatures
tech.高温力学性能mechanical behaviour under high temperature
tech.高温力学性能mechanical behavior under high temperature
tech.高温动力学kinetics of high temperature
tech.高温拉力试验hot tension test
tech.高温拉力试验elevated temperature tension test
tech.高温气体动力学high-temperature aerodynamics
tech.高温气体物理力学high-temperature gas physical mechanics
tech.高温热力学high-temperature thermodynamics
tech.高温热重力测定仪high-temperature thermogravimetrical apparatus
tech.高温热重力测定仪high-temperature thermogravimetric apparatus
tech.高温荷载能力thermal load capacity
tech.高溶解力石脑油high solvency naphtha
tech.高灵压力计ultrasensitive pressure gauge
tech.高灵压力计ultrasensitive pressure gage
tech.高灵敏度低温超导磁力线ultra-sensitive super-conduction cryogenic magnetometer
tech.高爆炸力成型compacting by high explosive
tech.高爆炸力成形high explosive compacting
agric.高生产力high productivity
construct.高生产率压力机high production press
tech.高生产能力high productive capacity
tech.高生产能力high-rise capacity
gen.高生产能力high capacity
avia.高生存力飞系统survivable flight control system
tech.高界面张力high interfacial tension
tech.高真空测量压力表high-vacuum gauge
tech.高真空测量压力表high-vacuum gage
tech.高矫顽磁力high coercivity
tech.高碳高张力钢high-carbon high-tensile steel
tech.高碳高张力钢线high-carbon high-tensile steel wire
tech.高磁场梯度磁力分选脱硫desulfurization by high gradient magnetic separator
tech.高程压力elevation pressure
avia.高空动力飞行平台high altitude powered platform
mil., air.def.高空大续航力high altitude long endurance
avia.高空超高压力动力航空器high altitude superpressured power aerostat
tech.高粘着力钢筋high-bond concrete reinforcing bar
tech.高精密行程控制校直压力机high precision travel-control straightening press
tech.高精度压力计high grade pressure gauge
tech.高精度压力计high grade pressure gage
tech.高精度重力仪high accuracy gravimeter
tech.高级静水压力试验high-level testing (英国)
tech.高置式动力输出轴raised power takeoff
shipb.高耐力警卫舰high endurance cutter
soil.高肥力high fertility
avia.高能动力射线照相术high energy dynamic radiography
tech.高能水下动力源high energy underwater power source
tech.高能螺旋压力机high-power screw press
chem.高解像力干版high resolution plates
agric.高贮水能力high water-storing capacity
tech.高超音速气体动力学extreme high-speed gas dynamics
tech.高超音速空气动力学hypersonic aerodynamics
mil., air.def.高距离分辨力单脉冲high-range-resolution monopulse
tech.高进气孔隙压力测头high air entry piezometer tip
agric.高适应力high adaptability
tech.高透力X射线hard X-ray
gen.高通过倉旨力通信系统high capacity communications system
gen.高速力学研究所日本仙台Institute of High Speed Mechanics
avia.高速压力high-speed pressure
tech.高速压力机high-speed blanking press
tech.高速弯曲力矩high-speed bending moment
chem.高速强力试验机high speed tension testing machine
tech.高速气体动力学high-speed aerodynamics
tech.高速电力机车electrical express locomotive
tech.高速电力机车electric high-speed locomotive
tech.高速电力机车electrical high-speed locomotive
tech.高速电力机车electric express locomotive
avia.高速空气动力high speed aerodynamic
avia.高速空气动力构型软件high speed aerodynamic configuration software
tech.高速计算能力high-speed computational capability
anim.husb.高遗传力遗传力高低的范围,尚无明确的界限,一般视高于 0.4〜0.6(或40%〜60%)的估计值为高遗传力high heritability
chem.高遮盖力着色料high-hiding colour
tech.高遮盖力着色料high hiding colour
chem.高遮盖力着色料high-hiding color
tech.高遮盖力着色料high hiding color
tech.高重力加速环境high gravity environment
avia.高重力环境high gravity
tech.高鉴别力fine resolution
tech.高铁力铸铁high-strength cast iron
avia.高阶动力学high-order dynamics
tech.高阶弹性力学high order elasticity
tech.高阻力high drag
tech.高限压力中断器high limit relay
tech.高频冲击力high-frequency impact loads
avia.高频压力high-frequency pressure
tech.高频压力指示器high-frequency pressure indicator
expl.高频应力波传播high-frequency stress waves propagation
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