
Terms for subject Business containing 前 期 | all forms | in specified order only
交货提前期delivery lead times
前期准备工作make first-phase preparation
前期望利润率prior expected profit
以新债券换旧债券公债提前转期advance refunding
到期以前ante diem
到期前交货pre-mature delivery
到期前偿还prematurity repayment
前半期first half
前后期adjacent period
前后期之间所得税分摊interperiod income tax allocation
前期完成工作work down in previous period
前期建筑priority construction
前期投资计划front-loading project
前期损益profit and loss for previous period
前期损益调整adjustment of prior period gain or loss
前期收益调整数adjustment of earning of prior period
前期滚存账户brought forward account
前期滚存账目brought forward account
前期结转损失brought forward loss
前期结转损益loss and profit brought forward
前期结转损益loss and gain brought forward
前期调整数prior-period adjustments
前期负担费用的投资计划即投资者采用分期付款方式投资,期末获得固定利率的收益,但前期须负担开办费、服务费等费用front loading plan
合同到期前的违约breach of contract before performance is due
合同期前成本pre-contract cost
完工提前期completion lead time
前期因素lead time factor
居前日期priority date
我方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
提前一期预测one-period-ahead forecast
提前日期的支票ante-date cheque
撤销前期定货cancelling former order (C. F. O.)
撤销前期订货cancelling former
日期提前支票ante dated cheque
未到期前交货pre-mature delivery of futures
满期前均有利息interest to their maturity
满期前都带有利息interest to maturity
结息期前预计余额anticipate balance
结息期前预计利息anticipate interest
采购提前期procurement lead time
重新安排还债期限前约定的应偿还债务contractual debt service due prior to rescheduling