
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
下水测量船体主尺度、包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深和基线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
下水测量船体主尺度,包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
主机启动测量曲轴甩档measuring deflection of crankshaft before main engine starting
交货检验survey before delivery
你们一定要在交货 30 天把信用证送来达我方Your L/C must reach us 30 days before delivery.
你方能不能再提一点交货呢?Could you possible effect shipment more promptly?
修理检查prerepairing inspection
修理检查pre-repairing inspection
全速进时急停车试验crash stop ahead test
体纵剖型线bow line
倾船首raked bow
倾船首结构图raked bow constructional drawing
倾艏船raked-bow ship
尖舱fore peak tank
fore sail
弯叶片风机forward-curved-blade fan
弹簧front spring
支架fore poppet
期准备工作initial preparation work
fore master
桅灯foremast lamp
桅灯fore-mast lamp
横缆forward breast rope
置补偿器lead compensator
舱口fore hatch
进航速forward speed
伸出船首柱overhung stem
伸出艏柱overhung stem
启动主柴油发电机测量曲轴甩档measuring deflection of crankshaft before main diesel generator starting
喷油提commencement of fuel injection
在注销有效good till cancelled
在装护墙板检查驾驶室主电缆安装inspecting main cable installation of wheel house before paneling decoration
大修检查preoverhaul inspection
如果你们答应提一个月交货,我们就同意开信用证We will open a L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.
如果贵方能提交货,我们才可接受贵方价格We may accept your price only if you can make an earlier shipment.
安装面板检查船长室、轮机长室和电机员室、隔热inspecting insulation hot for captain room, chief engineer room and electrical engineer room before install panel
安装面板检查船长室、轮机长室和电机员室隔热inspecting insulation hot for captain room, chief engineer room and electrical engineer room before install panel
成本current cost
投入current input
扩音器置放大器microphone preamplifier
投资方案preinvestment programs
cast bow anchor
drop bow anchor cast
drop bow anchor
挖泥船进速度forward moving speed of dredger
排气advance of admission
排气advance of release
进气advance of admission
曲线倾船首柱curved raked stem
曲线倾首柱curved raked stem
曲轴箱crankcase front cover
桥楼舱壁bridge front bulwark
比预定日期提ahead of the original target date
油漆将此处电焊修补和打磨好welding and grinding this area before painting
匹酉wave front matching
测量主机启动曲轴甩档measuring deflection of crank-shaft before main engine starting
测量主柴油发电机启动测量曲轴甩档measuring deflection of crank shaft before main diesel generator starting
测量艉轴管后轴承与衬套直径measuring diameter of fore-after stern tube bearing and bushes
这种商品供过于求At present the supply of this commodity exceeds the demand.
码头沿起重机pier-side crane
磁电火花提magnetospark advance
航行试验后、主机启动测量曲轴甩档after sea trial, measuring deflection of crank shaft of main engine before starting up
航行试验后测量主机启动曲轴甩档after sea trial, measuring deflection of crankshaft of main engine before starting up
船舶进功率ahead power
船舶下水螺旋桨轴安装密性试验fitting tightness test of propeller shaft before launching
艉轴后衬套压人检查inspecting push-up load for stern shaft fore-after bushes
艉轴后衬套压入检查inspecting pushup load for stern shaft fore-after bushes
装船保险由卖方自理insurance to be effected by the seller before loading
装运付现款cash before shipment
装运验讫surveyed before shipment
角度方交会法angular forward intersection
角度提angular advance
贸易outlook for trade
同步推动器advance sync driver
这种商品目缺货,只能少量供应The article is in short supply now. Only a small quantity is available.
造船景光明bright prospect of shipbuilding
重庆卫仪表厂Chongqing Qianwei Instrument Factory
锅炉boiler front
锚链正chain right ahead
镗孔检查轴系中心线定位check center line positioning for shaft system before boring
镗孔检查轴系中心线定位check center-line positioning for shaft system before boring
镗孔检查轴舵系中心线定位inspecting center line positioning for shaft and rudder system before boring
镗孔检查轴舵系中心线定位inspecting center-line positioning for shaft and rudder system before boring
非常抱歉,我们不能提交货I'm very sorry, we can't advance the time of delivery.
驾驶室敷板检查主电缆安装inspecting main cable installation of wheel house before paneling decoration