
Terms for subject Automobiles containing | all forms
车身体式导流器integral front spoiler
上止点before top center
上止点before top dead centercentre
上止点before top dead center
底盘/车架上部横梁upper front crossrail
底盘/车架上部横梁upper front cross member
下止点before bottom dead centre
下止点before bottom dead centercentre
下止点before bottom center
不合法禁用、超标照灯illegal headlight
不合法禁用、超标照灯illegal headlamp
车轮不平衡unbalanced toe-in
三桥汽车两个驱动桥的驱动桥forward rear axle
两片中间分开风窗玻璃two-piece windshield
两片中间分开风窗玻璃two-piece windscreen
两部分组成的长条座椅靠背two-piece front-bench backrest
中等负荷提特性曲线advance curve for mean load
串列朝上置式双级减速驱动桥见SAE J923-2012中图6tandem forward top-mounted double reduction drive axle
照灯main headlight
照灯main headlamp
主动式转向active front steering
机床主轴轴径spindle diameter at front bearing
主销negative caster
主销negative castor
主销negative wheel castor
主销negative wheel caster
车轮主销axle pin rearward rake
车轮/道路主销倾后置量negative wheel caster offset
车轮/道路主销倾后置量negative wheel castor offset
车轮/道路主销倾后置量negative castor offsettrail
主销后倾置量caster tail
主销后倾置量caster lead
伸缩套管式telescopic front axle
摩托车伸缩套管式空气支承air-assisted telescopic fork
伸缩式照灯retractable head lamp
摩托车前悬架倒置伸缩式upside-down telescopic fork
摩托车倒置式upside-down fork
倒车时碰到其他行车rear-end collision
倾斜的斜置式照灯sloping headlamp
倾斜的窗玻璃slanting windshield
倾角可调式排座椅front reclining seat
儿童向约束系统适于儿童的前向安全气囊和安全带front-facing child restraint system
儿童座椅目状况及方向探测传感器child seat present and orientation detection sensor
型号previous model
先进的照明系统advanced front lighting system
先进的照明系统advanced frontlighting system
先进的端碰撞试验假人advanced frontal crash dummy
光学轮定位仪light camber and caster aligner
光学轮定位仪light axle and wheel aligner
光学轮定位仪light aligner
光学轮定位校正台focus aligner
光滑形反射镜照灯smooth-form reflector headlamp
光电子照灯light-electronic headlamp (vehicle discharge lighting system)
车窗分开双块窗玻璃divided windshield
车窗分开双块窗玻璃divided windscreen
车身分开式散热器格栅split front grill
分开式长条座椅divided front-bench
分电器点火提distributor advance
分电器点火提装置ignition-distributor advance
刚性悬架rigid front suspension
底盘刚性整体式rigid front axle
初次故障工作时数first failure mode
制动力后分配brake balance, front-to-rear
削窄reduced face
削窄面宽度width of reduced face
一半first half
车身三角窗front quarter window
中置发动机位于前轴线后front mid-ship
曲轴箱主轴承front main bearing
曲轴主轴承front base bearing
车身举升垫板位置front jacking point
乘客安全带锁止开关belt lockswitch front passenger
传动系统传动轴front propshaft
传动系统传动轴front propeller shaft
伸的前翼子板thrust-forward front fender
位灯front position light
位灯front position lamp
倾叶片forward blade
客车入口front entrance
刀具leading edge
制动器护防溅shield front brake
制动软管hose front brake
驱动桥半轴front halfshaft
平衡调整fore and-aft trim
座椅滑动调节电动机sliding motor
摩托车后二人座tandem seat
-后制动力平衡front-to-rear balance
后可调式座椅longitudinal displacement adjustable seat
后可调式座椅forward and backward adjustable seat
车桥/车辆动力学后振动fore-and-aft shake
人体后振动back to chest vibration
后板簧悬架leaf-spring suspension, front and rear
后桥制动平衡brake balance, front-to-rear
车辆后桥质量分布weight dist, f/r
后桥距axle base
座椅后移动控制slide control
后端at both ends
驾驶人坐姿时后视野forward-and-rearward visibility
座椅后调整longitudinal adjustment
座椅后调整horizontal adjustment
座椅后调整范围forward or backward adjustable range
座椅后调节开关track slide switch
后轮共同加单独前轮分配每个前轮有两套制动管路,而后轮仅一套HI distribution
后轮分双回路式液压制动系统split-system hydraulic brake
后轮分开独立front /rear spKt
四轮转向、后轮同方向转向four-wheel crab
四轮转向、后轮同方向转向four-wheel coordinated
制动系统、后轮管路分离式front and rear split type
四轮转向器构后轮转向比传感器rear-to-front steering ratio sensor
后轮轮距track F/R
扬声器-后音量衰减控制钮front-to-rear fader
后驻车辅助装置front and rear parking assist
向儿童座椅forward-facing child seat
向碰撞警告系统forward collision warning
地板front floor panpanel
客厢地板front floor
地板front floor
外形图front outline
座椅头枕front headrest
座椅头枕front head restraint
小灯side light
小灯side lamp
嵌条front moulding
履带张紧轮front jockey wheel
叶轮弯叶片forward curved blade
悬架弹簧spring front
钢板弹簧弹簧托架front-spring carrier
钢板弹簧弹簧托架front-spring bracket
吊,支front cradle
市政车辆/拖拉机front mounting
市政车辆/拖拉机机具front-mounted unit
车身挡泥板wing skirt
车身挡泥板front mudguard
底盘摆动桥front swing axle
摇臂front arm
支承front support
发动机罩支撑板nose panel
发动机罩支撑板front-end panel
吊车支腿箱outrigger box
客厢放脚空间front footwell
期工程advanced engineering
样机期开发advanced development
期开发报告advanced development report
期控制before control
期研制advanced development
期研制车advanced development vehicle
期设计advanced design
车轮束变化toe variety
束变化toe-in change
束变化toe change
车轮束失准异常faulty toe-in
束尺测量器toe tester
束尺测定器toe-in tester
束尺toe-in gauge
束尺toe- gauge
束尺寸width of toe-in
确定前轮束尺寸width of gather
束差别角toe difference angle
车轮束改变bump toe-in
束测试台toe test bench
车轮束角toe-in angle
车轮束角toe angle
束调整机构toe control mechanism
束量规toe-in gauge
束量规toe- gauge
栏板门形架front guard frame
车身格栅front grille
车身格栅front grill
车身格栅护栏front grille guard
front axle
三轴汽车foremost axle
三轴汽车forward axle
fore axle
底盘前轮定位front alignment
桥前ahead of front axle
桥定位找正,调整front-end alignment
桥差速器front differential
桥总荷重gross from axle rating
桥载荷分配大的汽车前桥载荷超过总载荷50%front-heavy car
桥额定载荷front axle weight rating
模制装饰front moulding
车身横梁front cross member
车身横梁front crossrail
横梁front beam
串联式制动主缸第二,副活塞floating piston
车身活门front gate
照明照程范围head range
照明系统front lighting system
照灯参阅 headlampheadlight
照灯head lights
照灯参阅 headlampheadlamp
照灯欧洲经济委员会称法Hl headlampheadlight H1
照灯head lamp/headlight
照灯光束调节执行器headlight actuator
照灯安装支架headlamp carrier
照灯与除雾器继电器丰田电脑缩写词head light & defogger relay
照灯中心距center distance between headlamps
照灯位置headlamp position
照灯光束headlamp beam
照灯光束偏移量headlight azimuth offset
照灯光束对光headlight beam aiming
照灯光束自动调平automatic headlamp alignment
照灯光束调准headlamp alignment
照灯光束调平操纵件headlight beam level control
照灯光束高度校正head lamp beam leveling
照灯刮水器headlamp wiper
照灯刮水器操纵件控制器headlight wiper control
照灯刮水清洗器headlamp wiper-washer
照灯刮水清洗器headlamp wiper-wash
照灯圈headlamp rim
照灯外壳headlamp housing
照灯外壳headlamp case
照灯外壳headlamp body
照灯外罩搭扣卡子head-lamp door latch
照灯套件headlamp set
照灯套件headlamp kit
照灯开关headlamp switch
照灯开关switch headlamp
照灯开关head lamp switch
照灯式样模式headlamp mode
照灯总成headlamp assembly
照灯支架headlamp support
内藏式前照灯照灯收缩机构headlamp mechanism
照灯放下倾斜dipping of head lamp
照灯机械式校准对光mechanically-aimed headlamp
车间照灯校准器检测仪headlamp setter
照灯格栅grille for headlamp
照灯水平控制headlamp levelling control
照灯洗涤/刮水器beamwash wiper
照灯洗涤器headlight washer system
照灯洗涤器headlamp cleaner
照灯洗涤器headlight cleaner
照灯洗涤装置headlamp cleaning unit
照灯洗涤装置headlamp cleaning system
照灯清洁系统head lamp clean system
照灯清洗headlamp cleaning
照灯清洗器headlamp washer
照灯清洗器操纵件headlight cleaner control
汽车照灯眩光headlight dazzleglare
车身照灯腔headlamp compartment
照灯调平headlamp range adjustment
照灯调平水平调节headlight leveling
德语照灯调平控制【英语】headlight leveling controlLeuchtweitenregelung
照灯调平模块headlamp levelling module
照灯调整对光headlamp adjustmentaim
照灯调整设定set the headlamp
照灯调整校正setting of the headlamps
照灯调整校正setting of the headlights
照灯调整设定set the headlight
照灯调整headlamp adjusting
照灯透镜核准记号如El 为欧共体核准记号mark of approval in lens
车身前端照灯防护栅headlamp protection grille
照灯防眩遮板headlamp mask
牌照板front number plate
牌照板front licence plate
碰撞传感用电子传感器electronic frontal sensor
电源分配盒front power distribution box
示廓灯front position lamp
示廓灯front position light
示廓灯front corner marker light
示廓灯front corner marker lamp
车辆稳定板nose fin
leading edge
leading side
leading edge
脚坑灯驾驶人上、下车时照明用front foot light
车身front face
false front
客车forebody section
车身front compartment
空调落座front seat
行李箱front trunk (compartment)
车身行李箱front baggage compartment
车室front room
自卸车车底举升机构front underbody hoist
车架front frame
车身通风旋转角窗front vent window
车身防撞杆front protection bar
车身阻风板air dam skirt
金属切削刀具tool face
工作方位orientation of face
车辆正面碰撞frontal crash
面悬挂front mounting
面截形face profile
车辆面碰撞frontal impact
工业车辆面装载式装载机front loader
"面让路"标志yield ahead sign
面障碍物碰撞试验frontal barrier crash test
鼻部用一个单独构件组成的汽车车身前端部分,即包括散热器格栅周围,两个翼子板,前护板等front nose section
半挂车半圆挡板bay front
半封闭式照灯semi-sealed beam headlamp
半挂车牵引销至半挂车端距离king pin setting
半浮式带半浮式半轴的前驱动桥semi-floating front axle
同时改变另一只照灯光束方向的装置dip-and-switch control
后车撞rear end shunt
碰撞试验位移移动距离forward displacement
座椅翻倒折叠fold forward
车辆行驶forward driving
车辆行驶drive forward
行驶ahead running
运行ahead running
机床送料forward feed
圆形照灯round headlamp
圆形照灯round headlight
圆形照灯circular headlamp
圆锥外圈面挡边cup front face rib
在下次更换机油预期的温度范围确定机油粘度等级temperature range anticipated before next oil change
在形成疲劳裂纹的使用试验阶段precrack stage
在成批生产小批量生产的车辆prove-out vehicle
在排气门开启before exhaust valve opening
在节气门above the throttle valve
照灯outer headlight
照灯outer headlamp
外形车辆最前点间距离front span
外装式照灯external-mounted headlamp
远近光多光照灯multiple headlamp
多光束照灯multiple beam headlamp
多椭圆式照灯polyellipsoidal headlight
多椭圆式照灯polyellipsoidal headlamp
多椭圆球面照灯polyellipsoidal headlight
多椭圆球面照灯polyellipsoidal headlamp
多焦点照灯multifocus headlight
多焦点照灯multifocal headlamp
视野的车身full-view front
夹层窗玻璃laminated windshield (glass)
夹层窗玻璃laminated windscreen (glass)
夹层玻璃laminated-glass windscreen
夹装式扰流器clip-on front spoiler
封闭式照灯sealed-beam lamp
封闭灯芯式照灯sealed-beam lamp
点火系统小负荷轻载点火提正时曲线light load advance curve
尖顶壳体散热器pointed shell
屈服点的应变pre-yield strain
嵌入式凹入车身的照灯recessed headlight
嵌入式凹入车身的照灯recessed headlamp
嵌入式照灯built-in head lamp
带制动力矩补偿装置的悬架front suspension with braking-torque compensation
带拱形杆的双管式保险杠front double tube bumper with hoop
摩托车前叉带液压减振器的液压式hydraulic fork
带遮罩的照灯hooded head lamp
带遮光罩照灯blackout head lamp
开始爆燃时的点火提angle at the beginning of knock window
弹出式照灯pop-up headlamp (headlight hidden headlamp)
弹出式照灯hidden headlamp
弹簧滑柱式spring-strut type front axle
total toe
束角total toe-in angle
束角total toe angle
点火系统总提total advance angle
点火系统总点火提total ignition angletiming
总点火提total advance
生产的汽车pre-war car
生产的车辆pre-war vehicle
柴油机喷油泵手动喷油提manual advance device
手动调节点火提manual spark advance
手柄向push the lever
前驱动车辆挂上驱动后出现的不足转向现象power understeer
改变toe-in change
改变以技术设备的结构pretooling design change
大客车放大器式窗刮水器pantograph wiper
故障平均间隔平均初次出故障时间mean time to failures
故障平均间隔平均初次出故障时间mean time to failure
故障行驶的英里里程failure mileagemiles
故障损坏行驶的英里数miles to failure
座位/客厢H 点frontmost H-point
most frontward
面的传感器upfront sensor
面的位置foremost position
座椅/ 驾驶人驾驶姿势位置frontmost riding attitudeposition
座椅 /驾驶人驾驶姿势位置frontmost driving attitudeposition
点火系统最大提fully advanced
最大提full advance
最大提advance adjustment up to stop
发动机最大转矩时的最小点火提minimum spark advance for best torque
最大转矩时的最小点火提minimum advance for best torque
最大转矩时的最小点火提minimum spark advance for best torque
有色玻璃tinted-glass windshield
方向标志front orientation mark
车辆front wall
正向座椅front-facing seat
向前,前进运动forward movement
点火系统机械式点火提mechanical spark advance
机械式点火提装置mechanical advance
柴油机喷油泵机械式自动喷油提automatic mechanical timing-advance unit
标准照灯standard headlamp
椭圆形照灯ellipsoidal headlamp
刀具横向side rake
横截面side rake
悬架横置式钢板弹簧front transversal leaf spring
欧盟照灯制European headlamp system
气体放电照灯gas-discharge headlight
气体放电照灯gas-discharge headlamp
气缸体cylinder front
气门提开,闭valve lead
气门提开启early opening of valve
氙气照灯xenon headlight
氙气照灯xenon headlamp
车身流线形eddy-free front
内燃机反应preflame reaction
爆燃极限点火knock limit spark angle
生产的试制件preproduction part
生产试制性试验preproduction test
电刷向移动forward brush lead
电刷移brush lead
电子控制点火提electronic ignition spark advance
电子控制点火提electronic spark advance
电子伺服轮转向控制德尔福商品名Front Steer-by-wire
电子控制后轴转矩可变分配式四轮驱动active torque split 4WD
电子点火提控制electronic spark advance control
电子点火/电子点火提electronic ignition/electronic spark advance
电热式排座椅heated front seat
真空控制提vacuum-controlled advance
真空提vacuum advance
真空点火提正时vacuum spark advance
真空点火提正时vacuum spark timing
真空点火提vacuum ignition advance
柴油机喷油后着火的理化过程preinjection process
第一first face
第一次大修的使用期寿命original life
第二second face
参数识别缩写第2列气缸催化转化器温度传感器catalyst temperature B2 SI
参数识别缩写第1列气缸催化转化器温度传感器catalyst temperature Bl SI
缓慢inch forward
缩回的照灯retracted headlamp
参数识别缩写1缸点火提ignition timing advance for #1 cylinder
脏污的使用期使油变脏的使用期cleanliness life
行星齿轮式驱动桥planetary front axle
车身后部行李箱boot front bulkhead
车身后端行李箱隔板舱壁trunk front bulkhead
行车时与车拉开距离draw away
调整照灯adjust the headlamp
调整照灯adjustment of the headlamp
点火系统调节点火提正时timing control
调迟点火提adjustment of ignition timing to a more retarded angle
刀具negative rake
货车用照灯headlamp for trucks
牵引车/半挂车质量分配计算用牵引座置距fifth wheel lead for calculation of mass distribution
退役使用年数retirement age
通风式制动盘vented front disc
锁定在进档locked driving
四轮驱动锁止式轮毂lockup front hub
锁止式轮毂lockable front hub
清洁处理predeposition treatment
机械加工predeposition machining
进口压力upstream pressure
轮摆动装置antishimmy device
防抱制动系统泵左出口电磁阀ABS left front outlet solenoid
防抱制动系统泵左进口电磁阀ABS left front inlet solenoid
摩托车防点头anti-nose-dive fork
防眩照灯non-glare headlamp
防眩照灯non-dazzling headlamp
防眩目照灯antiglare headlamp
防雾照灯fog head lamp
阿克曼式Ackerman front axle
赛车鸭嘴型提高底板的nose with raised floor
赛车鸭嘴状高底板duck-shaped nose
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