
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不可提赎回债券non-callable debenture
不可提赎回债券non-callable bond
不可提赎回的公司债uncallable bonds
不可提赎回票据non-callable notes
不确定的就业和通胀uncertain outlook for both employment and inflation
不能提偿还的条件uncallable condition
不能提收回的公司债uncallable bond
为未来经济景蒙上一层阴影cast a cloud over the outlook
监管proactive regulation and supervision
计提基金advanced funding
亏损承deficit brought forward
亏损移扣减loss carry-back
信贷补充资金supplementary financing to previous credits
年度prior year
获得的销货利益profit on sales prior to acquisition
以支付溢价为成本的提还款权利make-whole call
以金融危机之的增长率快速扩张expand at rapid pre-crisis rates
企业增长business growth prospects
余额承balance brought forward
余额承balance brought down
《保险商品销售程序作业准则》Regulations Governing Pre-sale Procedures for Insurance Products
债票之期赎回call provision on bonds
全球经济global outlook
公司债券提偿还advance payment of bond
公司债券提偿还advance for payment of bond
公司利润corporate profits outlook
公司成立利润profit prior to incorporation
准上市交易pre-IPO deals
准上市基金pre-IPO fund (投资于企业上市之前或预期企业可近期上市的基金)
准上市股东pre-IPO shareholders
准上市资本pre-BPO capital
到期付款pre-maturity payment
到期付款prematurity payment
到期有效委托good-till-date order
到期背书endorsement before due
到目的收入revenue to date
一财政年度盈余surplus in proceeding fiscal year
公司predecessor company
列保证金客户top margin client
后对照cross reference
收市价previous closing price
景不乐观negative outlook
景乐观positive outlook
景光明的新业务领域promising new business
景理论prospect theory
景黯淡gloomy outlook
期债务accrued items
期决算preceding settlement
期改正prior period adjustments
期服务成本prior service cost
期滚结帐户brought forward account
期滚结损益loss and gain brought forward
期盈余surplus of the prior period
期盈余surplus at opening of the period
期盈余调整数adjustment of earning of prior period
期累结帐项brought forward account
期结转损失loss carried forward from the last term
期缴费服务prior contributory service
期调整prior period adjustments
桥干茧交易所Maebsahi Dried Cocoon Exchange
沿阵forward position
置定价法backpricing (金属市场的一种定价方法。按此方法,拥有长期合约的消费者有权根据伦敦金属交易所的有效结算价格确定其合约)
背书人preceding endorser
forward shifting
进保险公司Progressive Insurance (一家专门为私家车、摩托车、船只和其他类交通工具提供保险的公司,创立于1937年,总部设在俄亥俄州,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第499位)
页滚结结转brought forward
增加morning addition
结算morning clearing
卖方撤回有效报价offer good until withdrawn by seller
危机平均水平pre-crisis average
危机水平pre-crisis levels
反映市场对景的忧虑reflect concerns about the outlook
发行交易市场gray market
发行交易市场grey market
可提中止型掉期putable swap
可提中止型掉期callable swap
合计承total brought forward
回升到衰退的峰值水平recover to pre-recession peak
在新的历史征程上奋勇forge ahead on our historic course
坏账收益income before bad debts
坚持在创新中不断strive for progress through innovation
增长growth prospects
增长放缓的prospect of slower growth
宏观经济macroeconomic outlook
实施瞻性货币政策pursue forward-looking monetary policies
景很有信心be very confident about outlook
景持乐观态度be optimistic about the outlook
对中国景感到相当乐观be rather sanguine about China's prospects
对盘时段pre-order matching period
对目所得之偏好preference to current income
对短期景变得过度悲观turn excessively bearish on short-term prospects
工程最后验收扣发工程款项payment without prior to final acceptance of work
差额承balance brought down
应对当危机address the current crisis
应对当金融危机的挑战rise to the challenge of the financial crisis
开市交易pre-market trading
开市交易early bargain
开市分配时段pre-open allocation session
开市议价时段pre-market opening session
开市议价机制pre-market opening mechanism
价格current price
国际经济金融形势current international economic and financial situation
市场价值current market value
所得的欲望current income desires
收益率current return
期限current maturity
收益income before interest
税后收益earnings before interest after tax
息税收益income before interest and tax
息税收益earnings before interest and tax
截止目为止的摊销amortization to date
扣除利息净收益net income before interest charge
扣除利息及税项收益earnings before interest and tax
扣除利息、所得税、折旧、摊销及重组成本收益earnings before interest, income tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
扣除利息、折旧及摊销收益earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization
扣除利息、税项及折旧收益earnings before interest, tax and depreciation
扣除利息、税项、折旧及摊销收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization
扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及租赁成本收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and rent cost
扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及重组成本收益earnings before interest, tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs
扣除利息、税项、摊销及例外项目费用收益earnings before interest, tax, amortization and exceptional items
扣除所得税净收益net income before income tax
扣除所得税的净收益net income before income taxes
扣除折旧净收益net income before depreciation
扣除非常项目净收益net income before extraordinary items
carried forward
brought forward from previous page
bring forward
页之总数amount brought forward
投资活动pre-investment activity
折旧利润predepreciation profit
挪后补teaming and lading
挪后补应收帐款lapping teaming and lading
brought forward from previous page
交易when-issued trading (指在证券获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行的交易)
交易when issued (指在证券已获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行的交易)
交易制度when-issued trading system
交易合约when-issued contract
交易市场when issues market
交易股票when-issued stock (指已获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行交易的股票)
交易股票when-issued shares (指已获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行交易的股票)
交易证券when-issued securities (指已获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行交易的证券)
付款make payment beforehand
付款保证金advance payment bond
偿付voluntary prepayment
偿还日call date
偿还权call privilege
偿还权利call feature
取款罚金early withdrawal penality
和推后收付leading and lagging
履约early exercise
索偿收益率yield to put
索偿条款put provision
行使early exercise
赎回early redemption
赎回补偿make-whole provision
赎回费early redemption charge
赎回风险early redemption risk
还款风险prepayment risk
退保金值early surrender value
撤销有效委托good-till-cancelled order
支付无佣金no commission till paid
改善全球政治经济improve the outlook across the board would
日期提支票如三月三白签发的支票记为三月一日ante-dated cheque
期货outlook on futures
未到期偿还prematurity repayment
未计特殊项目之净利income before extraordinary item
特别提养恤金special early pension
信托living trust
信托inter-vivos trust (trust inter-vivos)
生产费用preproduction costs
交易pre-market trading
相对乐观的relatively optimistic outlook
短期short-term outlook
帐面利润book profit before tax
收益earnings before tax
收益income before taxes
收益减去税捐income before taxes less taxes
津贴pretax allowance
纳税净收益指所得税net income before tax
经济outlook for the economy
经济outlook for economies
经济economic future
经济景恶化falling growth outlook
经济增长和通胀outlook for growth and inflation
结帐试算表unadjusted trial balance
结帐试算表pre-closing trial balance
缴费prior contributory service
计算特殊项目之净收益net income before extraordinary items
调整余额pre-adjustment balance
过期之评价valuation prior to expiration
长期long-term prospects
附带罚金的提还款repayment with penalty
非现金费用收益income before non-cash expenses
非经常项目收益income before extraordinary item
项目期支持阶段pre-project support phase