
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不保装船的风险no risk till on board
不变定值fixed predetermined value
不能提收回的公司债券uncallable bond
与当市场价格持平level with the current market
中间市场intermediate market outlook
中频置放大器intermediate-frequency preamplifier
事后检验before-after test
事后测定before-after measurement
"事事后"测验before-and-after test
事后设计before-after design
估计值advanced estimate
信息preliminary information
决策prior decision-making
准备advance preparation
和事后分析ex-ante and ex-post analysis
安排layout before event
征得同意with prior concurrence of
成本motivation cost
成本管理motivation cost control
投资ex ante investment
故意intent before the fact
无效void before the fact
测定before measurement
测验before test
通知advance notice
预测误差ex ante forecasting error
交易所交割日的一天ticket day
交货出售sales made in advance of delivery
交货检验pre-delivery inspection
交货提delivery lead times
试验preproduction test
提推出结论deduce a conclusion from premises
付息及税收益earnings before interest and tax
信贷补充资金supplemental financing to previous credit
年度收益income of previous years
年度税款prior years' tax levies
的报价previous offer
以当的市场情况为根据base on the ruling market
企业未合并销售利润profit on sales prior to acquisition
余额承balance brought down
使用准备日数preparation time in days before use
债券提偿还advance payment of bond
债券提赎回call provision on bonds
假定提下的试验hypothesis under test
期准备工作make first-phase preparation
preceding values
报价previous quotation
期望利润率prior expected profit
的使用prior use
积累previous accumulation
全面事测试full-scale pretest
以新债券换旧债券公债提转期advance refunding
公司税利润corporate profit before tax
公司税利润及库存值调整corporate profit before tax and inventory valuations adjustment
内在internal premise
减税before relief
出版广告评价prepublication evaluation of advertising
分离价格cost before split-up
分离成本before-separation costs
分离成本before separation costs
分配减除的税金tax deducted before distribution
利用当市场情况以低价买进take advantage of the present market conditions to buy at cheap prices
到期交货pre-mature delivery
到期偿还prematurity repayment
到期以ante diem
一个背书人antecedent party
一财务年度盈余surplus in preceding financial year
代顶点ascendant vertex
first component
previous price
任经理former manager
任经理ex manager
任董事长ex-chairman of the board of directors
任领导ex leader
任领导者former leader
偏的forward biased
关系人背书人antecedent party
半期first half
卷法roll forward
后不一致的影响front-to-back effect
后向合并backward and forward integration
后向合并指企业将制造、原材料供应和产品销售实行一体化经营; 亦即产供销联合backward and forward integration
后期adjacent period
后期之间所得税分摊interperiod income tax allocation
后相互影响front-to-back effect
向合并forward combination
向射线维forward ray cone
向差公式forward formula
向差分式forward formula
向插值forward interpolation
向法forward method
向滞后算子forward lag operator
向简波forward facing simple wave
向连锁forward linkage
向选择法forward selection method
向逐步回归法forward stepwise regression
年度折旧更正数correction of prior year's depreciation
年度收益更正数correction of prior year's earnings
弯式叶片forward-curved blade
所耒有all time
remote holder
推动态规划算式forward dynamic programming algorithm
方堆场transit storage area
方学校、请勿鸣笛school ahead, use no horn
期完成工作work down in previous period
期建筑priority construction
期投资计划front-loading project
期损益profit and loss for previous period
期损益调整adjustment of prior period gain or loss
期收益调整数adjustment of earning of prior period
期滚存账户brought forward account
期滚存账目brought forward account
期结转损失brought forward loss
期结转损益loss and profit brought forward
期结转损益loss and gain brought forward
期调整数prior-period adjustments
期负担费用的投资计划即投资者采用分期付款方式投资,期末获得固定利率的收益,但前期须负担开办费、服务费等费用front loading plan
before test
狭车架frame with narrowed front
移算子forward shift operator
级真空罐foreline tank
置时间leading time
置时间需求量lead time demand
置样本值presample values
置码prefix code
initial segment
视图front side
轮驱动自行车free-wheel bicycle
进计算法forward pass computation
进铁路仓库advanced railway depot
"门"交易指英格兰银行为贴现商行办理证券贴现的交易"front door" operation
"门"交易活动at the front door
面施工请绕行road ahead closed
页结转brought forward
馈控制feed-forward control
驱函数predecessor function
…前所的字all before
清算morning clearing
贷款morning loan
卖方撤回有效的报价offer good until withdrawn by seller
area in front of factory
反应超reactionary advance
发明已知的工艺prior art
发盘在未售出有效offer subject to being unsold
取消有效good till cancelled
变量置时间variable lead time
古典派以的经济学pre-classical economics
可提回收的优先股票callable preferred stock
合同到期的违约breach of contract before performance is due
合同期成本pre-contract cost
合计承total carried forward
垂直结合营销系统forward vertical integration
开动fetch headway
疏散onward distribution
疏散系统onward distribution system
转嫁税forward shifting tax
送料forward feed
向汇票手追索recourse against a remote party
向票据手追索recourse to a remote party
prior sale
在…之上或在…之前on or before
在公众面coram popular
在另行通知以Till Further Notice
在开舱卸货支付before breaking bulk
在签订正式合同之,我们再重申一下协议中的重点内容Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement
处理后数据before and after data
大修以的时间Time Since Overhaul
季节性提购货advance buying for the season's needs
完工提completion lead time
时间lead time
时间分布lead time distribution
期因素lead time factor
日期priority date
届满以ante diem
工作working hypothesis
并非目but not now
市场不景气萧条prevailing depression
价格猛跌prevailing slump in price
工作估计current working estimate
市价current market value
市场情况current market condition
状况current state
需求current demand
录用面谈employment interview
成立公司利润profit prior to incorporation
我方需在交货日期30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
截至目为止的摊销amortization to date
终止合同terminate a contract before the date of expiration
扣除所得税before tax
brought forward
bring down
brought forward (B/f)
B/dbrought down
amount brought forward
投资援助preinvestment assistance
投资活动preinvestment activity
投资研究preinvestment study
投资研究的基本方向和种类basic aspects and categories of preinvestment study
投资研究酬劳金commission of pre-investment studies
投资计划项目preinvestment project
投资项目preinvestment project
折旧纯利net profit before depreciation
carry back
拨付以年度的拨款授权款payment of prior-year obligations
按当情况修订预算budget update
in anticipation
一期预测one-period-ahead forecast
中止early termination
交付的票据bill for premature delivery
准备付款beforehand with one's payment
对远期票据的付款anticipated payment
付款折扣率anticipation rate
使用工资anticipate one's wage
付条款指分期付款销售及债券发行条款中的规定acceleration clause
偿付权right of anticipation
偿债advance refunding
偿还债务loan calling
偿还的价格redemption rate
债券回价格call price
兑换anticipated redemption
全部还清外债pay off foreign debts ahead of schedule
分配advance distribution
发放工程器材engineering advance material release
回收赎回债券条款指债券发行协议中的回收条款,发行人可视债券市场利率形势,趁利率下跌提前兑回,以避免损失call provision bonds
回收现金early recovery of cash
天数days in advance
完成时间early finish time
开支anticipated expenditure
或推迟结汇指进出口商预见到外汇变动,根据情况提前出口结汇,或推迟进口结汇, 以避免损失leads and lags
日期的支票ante-date cheque
编制的收购计划advanced procurement planning
裁决advance ruling
装运advanced shipment
购买antedated buying
因季节原因购进advance buying for the season's needs
赎回押品权利prime redemption privilege
还款的权利anticipation right
借款人有还款的权利anticipation right
退职应得权利vested right
撤回有效的报价见 standing offeroffer good until withdrawn
撤销发盘有效offer good until withdrawn
撤销有效good till counter-mended
撤销有效报价standing offer
撤销期定货cancelling former order (C. F. O.)
撤销期订货cancelling former
故障平均工作时间mean time before failure
方案conceptual prospect
途工作blind alley job
途工作blind alley employment
途的工作dead end job
日期提支票ante dated cheque
most significant end
10月份之能发货吗?Will it possible for you to ship the goods before October?
有发展途的地区growth zone
未到期交货pre-mature delivery of futures
未注销有效good till cancelled
未计固定费用的收益income before fixed charges
未计少数权益的收益income before minority interest
本文已述及的herein-before described
条件照terms as usal
没有例的诉讼action of the first impression
法律面人人平等equality before the law
满月圆月before full moon
满期均有利息interest to their maturity
满期都带有利息interest to maturity
订单repeat order
特别提养老金special early pension
行为act inter vires
生产作业preproduction activities
生产成本核算preproduction costing
生产资本支岀preproduction capital expenditure
申请书事审查pre-audit of requisition
利率existing rate
工资率existing rate
情况present situation
观点immediate outlook
输入限量existing quantitative import restrictions
利益momentary interest of the day
利益immediate profit
禁运价格preembargo price
净利net profit before taxation
净利net profit before tax
净收益net income before tax
利息pretax interest
利润profit before taxation
所得pretax income
收入income before tax
收益pretax income
收益earnings before taxes
收益比率earnings coverage
现金流量cash flow before taxes
税款抵tax carryback
all time
最高纪录all high
物价最高记录all high
未有的元件unparalleled component
畅销unprecedented sale
销售unprecedented sale
销售额unprecedented sales
销量或产量高峰all time high
第一个行事件first immediate predecessor event
签约询问签约人情况enquiries before contract
签约调查preliminary enquiry
签订代理协议premise to the signing of the agency agreement
紧接immediate predecessor
所得税净收益net income before taxes
经济economic prospect
结息期预计余额anticipate balance
结息期预计利息anticipate interest
结账试算表pre-closing trial balance
训练prejob training
实习pre-employment practice
训练pre-employment training
营业收入preoperating revenue
营销prospect of marketing
融资financing prospects
装火车风险不保no risk until on rail
装船不保风险no risk till no board
装运已检验surveyed before shipment
装运检验survey be for shipment
要求货物在某日或运达require the goods to arrive on/before
解除汇票即原持有人的责任discharge of a prior party
解除汇票上手当事人的责任discharge of a prior party
解雇谈话termination interview
计息净收入net income before interest charges
计息净收益net income before interest charge
计算证券损益的收入income before security gain or loss
调整试算表preadjustment trial balance
贸易trade prospects
起诉之ante litem notam
功率因素leading power factor
经济活动的指标leading indicator
控制advance control
标准化leading standardization
滞后关系lead-lag relationship
/滞后法lead-lag method
/滞后法lead-lag approach
生产计划和管理系统Advanced Production Scheduling and Control System
广告headlight display
近在眼的危险imminent danger
进厂闭锁工厂preentry closed shop
进厂闭锁工厂pre-entry closed shop
进度提ahead of schedule
违反departure from precedent
退休教育preretirement education
采购提procurement lead time
重新安排还债期限约定的应偿还债务contractual debt service due prior to rescheduling
项目拟定拨款preproject allocation
领取执照培训pre-license training
首次故障平均工作时间mean time-to-first-failure
偏倚pretest bias
高于一成交价的交易up tick