
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
书籍正文的材料front matter
先验估计apriori estimation
事件向判别event forwarding discrimination
以太网最一英里Ethernet for the first mile
端系统pseudo-front-end system
补偿write precompensation
一个十进位previous decade
before image
像日志before-look journal
foreground partition
最先处理foreground processing
最先安排foreground scheduler
台初启的后台作业foreground-initiated background job
台/后台处理foreground/background processing
台/后台程序foreground/background program
台处理foreground processing
台进程foreground process
后检查before and after look
向业务信道forward traffic channel
向功率控制forward power control
向可信验证trusted identification
向呼叫信号ring forward signal
向差分矩阵forward difference matrix
向接入信道forward access channel
向显式拥塞通知forward explicit congestion notification
向码分多址信道forward CDMA channel
向误差分析forward error analysis
向连接feedforward connection
向递归forward reduction
向链接推理forward chained reasoning
向错误恢复forward error recovery
向预测forward prediction
导判定leading decision
导字符leading character
导零leading zero
导零删除leading zero suppress
床工作台receiving table
序元素preceding element
序遍历preorder traverse
期联编early binding
沿脉冲时间leading-edge pulse time
焦距front focal length
石纟禰forward error correction
端分析front-end analysis
端/后端front end/back end
端和后端缓存front and back buffers
端处理机front-end processor
端处理机front end processor
端总线front side bus
bus 端总线和后端总线frontside bus and backside
端系统front-end system
端系统front end system
端编辑front-end edit
端网络处理机front-end network processor
端计算机front-end computer
端软件front-end software
端通信处理机front-end communication processor
端通信控制器front-end communications controller
端预处理系统front-end preprocessor system
缀性质prefix property
缀表示法prefix notation
缀表示法Lukasiewicz notation
置放大器head amplifier
置条件断言precondition assert
置运算符prefix operator
部压缩front compression
馈原理feedforward principle
馈控制feedforward control
馈控制系统feedforward control system
馈网络feedforward network
馈网络模型feedforward network model
反馈馈网络模型feedback-forward network model
发送等待wait before transmit
发送确认等待字符wait before transmit positive acknowledgement character
可变置量variable leading
版本管理forward version management
安装完启用检验readiness review
呼叫call forwarding
固定标题fixed header prefix
固定首标fixed header prefix
做…preliminary to (+ ing)
地址address prefix
字组block prefix
基于缀的索引based on prefix index
外部请求台程序outside request foreground program
定时提timing advance
对话监听listen before talk
展现offer the challenge
平均首次失效时间mean time to first failure
开放印接口open prepress interface
优先级last priority level
主动位置active position
信元速率current cell rate
卷指针current volume pointer
图形窗口current graphics window
备份版本current backup version
屏幕画面active screen
左边界current left margin
打印位置current print position
指针current pointer
文件磁盘地址current file disk address
文档current document
格式current form
活动栈current activity stack
版本current release
状态current mode
状态加强current state emphasis
状态指示符currency status indicator
用户active user
目录current directory
目录路径current directory path
激活的窗口active window
活跃索引文件active indexed files
组指示灯current-group indicator
组指示符current-group indicator
current line
行指针current line pointer
表格active sheet
记录current record
转换矩阵current transformation matrix
选择项current option
current page
执行表格或数组preexecution-time table or array
扩大amplifying prefix
释放令牌early token release
文件沿document leading edge
文件向恢复forward file recovery
文档沿document leading edge
无应答呼叫call forwarding on no reply
无应答呼叫CFNRy (call forwarding on no reply)
无应答呼叫call forwarding on no answer
无条件呼叫call forwarding unconditional
显式向冲突指示explicit forward congestion indication
显示display foreground
最长缀匹配longest prefix match
最长公共longest common prefix
标号label prefix
检修平均工作时间mean time to repair
模拟analog front end
wave front
活动页,当页面active page
电子沿基金会electronic frontier foundation
电子的词汇有时也用小写 字母表示。例如,e-business 或 e-commerce (电子 商务)、e-mail (电子邮件)、e-joumal (电子期刊)、e-fanatics (网迷)、e-trade (电子贸易)、e-service (电子 服务)、e-revenues (电子商务收入)等electronic
移动用户不可及呼叫CFNRc (call forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachable)
移动用户不可及呼叫call forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachable
移动用户遇忙呼叫call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy
程序置条件program precondition
系统system prefix
缓冲buffer prefix
缩位拨号abbreviated dialling prefix
网络network prefix
脉冲波校正线路pulse corrector
节点间顺序internodal sequence prefix
写运行记录log write-ahead
写运行记录log tape write ahead
电流leading current
读队列read-ahead queue
负载leading load
键入缓冲区type-ahead buffer
键入能力type-ahead capability
逻辑logical leading end
避雷器波冲击击穿放电电压front of wave impulse sparkover voltage of an arrester
领域当指示符realm currency indicator
首席瞻性官chief visionary officer
高级向链路三边测量advanced forward link trilateration