
Terms for subject United Nations containing 前任 | all forms
任前体检表entry medical examination form
确定任务前的承付授权pre-mandate commitment authority
追溯:对于1996年7月1日前启动的任务,新旧偿还方法 §1都可作为部队/警察部队派遣国获得偿还的备选方案retroactivity. for missions activated prior to 1 july 1996, troop/police contributors have the option to accept reimbursement under either the new or the old reimbursement methodology
部署前访问指维和行动部外派任务组对会员国的访问.外派任务组将由适当职司部门部队组建处,财务管理和支助处及后勤支助司代表组成predeployment visits are visits by department of peacekeeping operations/field mission teams, comprising representatives from appropriate functional areas force generation service, finance management and support service, logistics support division etc., to member states’ countries