
Terms containing 前任 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.争取在…之前完成任务race against
econ.他已提前完成他的任务He has fulfilled his task ahead of time
UN, tech.任前体检表entry medical examination form
avia.任务前准备时间setout time to mission
space任务前编程pre-mission programming
China, law任职前公示制度publicity system prior to the assumption of the post
econ.保证提前完成任务pledge oneself to fulfilling the task at time
exhib.前任主席past chairman
exhib.前任主席former chairman
proj.manag.前任受托人prior trustee
interntl.trade.前任核数师predecessor auditor
busin.前任经理former manager
busin.前任经理ex manager
corp.gov.前任职员former staff member
busin.前任董事长ex-chairman of the board of directors
securit.前任负责人former responsible person
busin.前任领导ex leader
busin.前任领导者former leader
tech.前台任务foreground task
econ.前任董事任期完毕之前,我们就事先为填补空位而选出了一位董事We elected a director to fill a vacancy before the expired term of the predecessor in office
econ.在合同到期之前,合同签署人不应推卸根据本合同应承担的任何义务、责任和职责The undersigned will not be relieved from any of their obligations, responsibilities and liabilities under the contract before its expiration
econ.在调查终止之前,他不得辞去财务主任的职务He was not permitted to resign from his post as finance director before the termination of investigation
proj.manag.如果说有什么不同的话、他似乎比自己的两位前任更热衷于探讨上调目前5%的销售税问题If anything, he appears keener on discussing an increase in sales tax from its current 5 per cent than either of his predecessors
tech.实时前台任务real-time foreground task
tech.前任current task
tech.前任务表current task table
gen.您应该当时检验核对现金的数量与真伪,因为现金一旦离开前台我们将不再担负任何责任The genuineness and amount of the cash should be checked as soon as you get it. I'm afraid we bear no responsibilities for that after you leave the Front Desk
el.指向当前任务的任务控制块task control block current
econ.提前完成出口任务fulfil the export tasks ahead of schedule
commer.目前客户不需要任何追加数量At present the customer does not need any additional quantity
UN, account.确定任务前的承付授权pre-mandate commitment authority
interntl.trade.装船前不负保险责任non-risk till waterborne
busin.解除汇票上前手当事人的责任discharge of a prior party
interntl.trade.解除汇票上前手的责任discharge of a prior party
securit.解除汇票上前手的责任discharge of a prior party on a bill
busin.解除汇票前手即原持有人的责任discharge of a prior party
econ.解除汇票前手人的责任discharge of a prior party
econ.解除汇票前手的责任discharge of a prior party
UN, tech.追溯:对于1996年7月1日前启动的任务,新旧偿还方法 §1都可作为部队/警察部队派遣国获得偿还的备选方案retroactivity. for missions activated prior to 1 july 1996, troop/police contributors have the option to accept reimbursement under either the new or the old reimbursement methodology
UN, tech.部署前访问指维和行动部外派任务组对会员国的访问.外派任务组将由适当职司部门部队组建处,财务管理和支助处及后勤支助司代表组成predeployment visits are visits by department of peacekeeping operations/field mission teams, comprising representatives from appropriate functional areas force generation service, finance management and support service, logistics support division etc., to member states’ countries