
Terms for subject Air defense containing 制 程 | all forms | in specified order only
先进数据通信控制程advanced data communication control procedures
全程制导guidance all the way
全程制导command all the way
全程距离显示和人工跟踪波门控制full range display and manual tracking gate control
功率程序控制power programming
可编程多轴运动控制programmable multi axile control
可编程调制解调器模块programmable MODEM module
天线程序控制系统antenna program control system
工程、制造和研制engineering manufacture and development
德克萨斯工程及制造有限公司Texas Engineering and Manufacturing Company Ltd
制程control sequence
短程雷达控制轰炸close control bombing
研究、研制与工程research, development and engineering
行程限制开关position limiting switch
远程控制long range control
远程操作控制设备remote operator control unit
远程空中交通管制雷达long range air traffic control radar