
Terms for subject Milk production containing | all forms
品是补钙的好来源Dairy products are the best source of calcium
recombined milk
奶加工厂milk reconstruction plant
奶油renovated cream
作奶酪的搅拌剂worked paste
作奶酪的搅拌剂kneaded paste of cheese
酪凝乳酶cheese rennet
加工干酪processed cheese product
/榨pressing of cheese
压榨作奶酪的凝乳块pressed cheese paste
喷雾法做的脱脂奶粉spray skimmed milk powder
品生产记录milk production recording
品生产记录cow testing
品生产记录milk recording
奶油是一种乳Cream is a dairy product
干酪cottage cheese
工厂化造的干酪factory cheese
干奶dried milk product
干酪smoked cheese
牛奶酶milk enzyme
酸奶酪quark cheese
purified milk
融化干酪的调processed cheese preparation
稀奶油recombined cream
rennet from Bacillus cereus enzyme preparation