
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一个国家,两种one country, two systems
一国两one country, two systems
"一国两"、"港人治港"、"澳人治澳"、高度自治的方针the principle of "one country, two systems", under which "Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong" and" Macao people administer Macao" with a high degree of autonomy
一院unicameral system
三审three reviews
三审system of three readings
不受地域限be not subject to regional restriction
不受时效限imprescriptible right
不受限be not subject to
不受限be free from the restriction
不听refuse to be stopped
不断完善的法环境constantly improving legal environment
不断完善社会主义的各项steadily improve socialist institutions
专业技术职务聘任system of appointment for professional or technical post
专业技术职称system of professional and technical titles
专家咨询expert advisory system
专营税taxation system for franchised business
专门的安全管理special system for safety control
专门的安全管理specialized safety administration rules
两审终审system in which the second instance is the final instance
两院bicameral system
严格控的原则principle of strict control
严格控行政机关新建、扩建办公大楼strictly control building and expansion of office buildings of administrative organs
严格的问责a rigorous accountability system
个体、私营等非公有经济individual and other non-public sectors
个体、私营等非公有经济private and other non-public sectors
个体、私营等非公有经济the non-public sectors of the economy such as the individual and private sectors of the economy
个体、私营等非公有经济the nonpublic sectors of the economy such as the individual-proprietorship businesses
个体、私营等非公有经济private companies and other components of the non-public sector of the economy
个体、私营等非公有经济the non-public sectors of the economy such as the individual-proprietor ship businesses
个体、私营等非公有经济self-employed, private and other non-public sectors
个体、私营等非公有经济non-public sectors comprising businesses of individual and private ownerships (individual and private businesses)
个体、私营等非公有经济individual-proprietorship businesses, private companies and other components of the non-public sector of the economy
中国共产党领导下的多党合作和政治协商the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation led by the Communist Party of China
中国民主法出版社China Democracy and Legal System Publishing House
中国特色社会主义物权the Chinese-style socialist property system
中国的根本政治the basic political system of China
中国的民主法建设China's democracy and legal system
中国选举China's electoral system
定法律提供实践经验provide actual experience to help in formulating a law
主体控controlled by the party
举报system for reporting
九年义务教nine-year compulsory education
九年义务教育制度system of nine-year compulsory education
企业改股份制改革transform enterprises into stock companies
企业改enterprise restructuring
企业改股份制改革transformation of enterprises into stock companies
企业经营管理systems of enterprise operation and management
企事业单位民主管理system of democratic management practiced in government institutions and enterprises
休假holiday system
会员membership system
会计accounting bylaws
保障institutional guarantees (for)
性障碍structural obstacles hindering
性障碍institutional barriers
机制创新innovation in institutions and mechanisms
机制创新innovation in systems and mechanisms
健全不同地区间的协调互动的市场机、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for promoting cooperation
健全不同地区间的协调互动的市场机、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for mutual assistance and the support mechanism to ensure balance and interaction among different regions
健全不同地区间的协调互动的市场机、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制improve the market mechanism
健全国家立法establish a sound legislative system of the State
健全法improve the legal system
健全监督机improve the oversight mechanism
健全社会主义法improve the socialist legal system
健康管理health management system
《儿童权利公约》关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情品问题的任择议定书Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
克服许多困难和约因素overcome many difficulties and restraints
全国人大常委会法工作委员会法工委the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the NPC
全方位的涵盖各领域的整体对话机an all-dimensional and all-embracing dialogue mechanism (with)
全民所有ownership by the whole people
全民所有ownership of the entire people
全民所有工业企业industrial enterprise owned by the whole people
全民所有经济economic sector under ownership by the whole people
法律全面准确地体现坚持社会主义基本经济give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
法律全面准确地体现社会主义基本经济give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
法律全面准确地体现社会主义基本经济laws reflect the basic socialist economic system as fully and accurately as possible
全面分析了定监督法的必要性和重要性fully analyze the necessity and importance of formulating the Law on Oversight
公开审判open trial system
公开审判open adjudication system
公有为主体public ownership is dominant
公示publicity system
公示,听证a system of public notices publicly announcing and public hearings
公费和劳保医疗free medical services and a labor-protection medical care system at public expense
共享机mechanism to share
共同worked out jointly
共同推进社会主义民主法建设joint efforts to improve socialist democracy and the socialist legal system
分配a distribution system
刑事强措施compulsory criminal measures
创新政府管理度和方式make innovations in the systems and means of government administration
利益协调机mechanisms for balancing interests
work out
作案情报告书make a written report of the case
作笔录make written records
作计算机病毒create the computer virus
定一整套制度formulate a set of regulations (for)
定五年立法规划formulate a five-year legislation program
定、修改和废止enactment, amendment and repeal
法律定、修改和废止办法measures for formulating, revising and nullifying (laws)
定军事法规enact military decrees
定出台formulate and introduce
定后续政策work out follow-up policies
定后续政策formulate follow-up policies
定和修改enact and amend
定和修改基本法律enact and amend basic laws
定和执行各种守则、公约promote the formulation and observance of rules of conduct and common pledges
定国家法律draw up state laws
定国家法律enact state laws
定地方性法规enact local statutes
定地方性法规enact local decrees
定地方性法规adopt local regulations
定城市规划formulate a city plan
定实施办法formulate measures for implementation
定实施条例formulate implementing regulations
定实施细则formulate rules for the implementation (of)
定常委会立法和监督工作计划plan legislation and oversight work of the Standing Committee
定并实施……的政策措施formulate and implement policies and measures (to)
定并执行政策formulate and implement policies
定最低工资确定办法公约Convention Concerning the Creation of Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery
定机关enactment organ
定法律法规formulate laws and administrative regulations
定法律的条件成熟the conditions are ripe for making a law on the affair
定法律禁止legislate against
定的法律law enacted
定相关配套法规规章formulate related supporting rules and regulations
定程序procedure for enacting
定自治条例enact autonomous decrees
定行政法规formulate administrative regulations
定行政法规enact administrative regulations
定规划map out a plan
定规章enact rules
定货币金融政策formulate monetary and financial policies
定选举实施细则formulate rules for the implementation of elections
定配套法规draw up supporting regulations
度不健全institutional deficiencies
度保障an institutional guarantee
度创新an institutional innovation
度和政策system and policy
度建设system building
度建设make institutional improvements
止不正当竞争行为stop acts of unfair competition
止危及大陆架固定平台安全非法行为议定书Protocol for the Suppression on Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约Convention for the Suppression on Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation
止在为国际民用航空服务的机场上的非法暴力行为的议定书Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation
止浪费prevention of waste
片者享有be enjoyed by the producer
种合同contract production of hybrid seeds
裁犯罪活动penalize criminal activities
造无号的枪支manufacture guns without numbers
造毒品manufacture narcotic drugs
造民族分裂instigate division of the nationalities
造民族分裂的行为act which instigates division of the nationality
包费fixed lump sum
区块登记管理regional registration system
医疗保险度改革reform of medical insurance system
医药卫生体the pharmaceutical and health care systems
协作机coordination mechanism
协商机a negotiation mechanism
协议工资agreed-upon salary system
协议控contract control
协调劳动关系三方机tripartite coordination mechanism for labor relations
协调机mechanism for coordinating
协调机coordination mechanism (for)
单一国家a country with a unitary political system
管理办法measures for administration of printing
各种所有企业enterprises under all types of ownership
各种所有经济all the economic sectors of the various forms of ownership
合作机cooperative mechanism
合规报告regulatory compliance reporting system
合议collegial system
同一机关enacted by the same agency
启动长效机launch a permanent mechanism
商品储备merchandise reserve system
商品合格评定commodity assessment system
商品名称及编码协调度的国际公约Convention on Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
土地承包the system of land contracts
土地承包经营contractual management system in spect of land
土地用途管control over the purposes of use of land
土地督察a system for supervising land use
在海上工作的儿童及未成年人的强体格检查公约Convention Concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea
在限转让期限内during a period when any transfer of securities is prohibited
地域限regional restriction
坚决止不良风气put a resolute stop to these unhealthy practices
坚决遏投资过快增长resolutely curb overheated growth of investment
坚持"一国两"、"港人治港"、"澳人治澳"、高度自治的方针uphold the principle of "one country, two systems", according to which "Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong" and "Macao people administer Macao" with a high degree of autonomy
坚持公有为主体keep public ownership dominant
坚持公有为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度uphold the basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
坚持和完善人民代表大会uphold and improve the system of people's congresses
坚持"和平统一、一国两"的基本方针remain committed to the basic principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems"
坚持"和平统一、一国两"的基本方针continue to follow the fundamental principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems"
坚持按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配keep to the distribution system in which distribution according to work is dominant and diverse modes of distribution coexist
坚持民主集中uphold democratic centralism
坚持民主集中、集体行使职权、集体决定问题、依法按程序办事的原则uphold the principles of democratic centralism, collective exercise of functions and powers, collective decision making and acting in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures
坚持社会主义基本经济adherence to the basic socialist economic system
坚持社会主义基本经济adhere to the basic socialist economic system
备案register system
备案filing system
发行reproduce and distribute
works reproduced
right of reproduction
淫秽音像制品duplicate pornographic audio-video products
行为act of reproduction
外汇管政策foreign exchange control policy
多种所有经济economic sectors of diversified ownerships
多种所有经济the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership
多种所有经济economy of multiple ownership
多种所有经济共同发展the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
多种所有经济共同发展have the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
失业保险unemployment insurance system
失业预警unemployment alert system
婚姻marriage system
系统schooling system
系统内的学校school governed by the schooling system
学业证书system of education certificate
学位system of academic award
学校教育school education system
封建地主阶级的土地所有land ownership by the feudal landlord class
封建帝feudal monarchy
封建帝the feudal monarchy
封建把头the feudal gangmasters system
就业援助employment aid system
属于限进出口的货物goods import and export of which are restricted
市场信息发布system for dissemination of market information
市场竞争机market competition mechanism
带薪年休假system of annual vacation with pay
交易行为coercive trade behavior
保险险种compulsory insurance product
免疫compulsory immunization
免疫计划plan for mandatory immunization
医疗compel sb. to receive medical treatment
回收compulsory recycle
性一揽子许可mandatory package licensing
性产品认证compulsory product certification
性技术规范compulsory technical specifications
性教育措施compulsory educational measures
性标准compulsory standards
性的用能产品mandatory energy-using products
性能源效率标准mandatory energy efficiency standards
性节能标准mandatory energy conservation standard
性要求mandatory requirements
性要求compulsory requirements
扑杀destroy through mandatory means
执行coercive execution
报废compulsorily scrap
拆除demolish the project by compulsory means
拍卖forced sale by auction
拍卖船舶compulsory auction of a ship
排除妨碍forcibly remove obstacles
措施和处罚mandatory measures and penalties
检定compulsory verification
检查conduct a compulsory examination
检测subject to compulsory test
消毒compulsory disinfection
缴纳compel someone to pay
许可compulsory license
迁出房屋compulsory eviction from a building
隔离戒毒compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation
隔离戒毒决定书written decision on compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation
隔离戒毒场所compulsory isolation center for drug rehabilitation
隔离戒毒期满expiration of the period of compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation
隔离戒毒的期限period of compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation
录音录像audio-visual recordings
总理负责system of Premier assuming overall responsibility for the work of the State Council
总量控区内in the area for the control of total emission
成人教育system of adult education
所有the ownership system
打击假售假、虚假广告、商业欺诈、传销和变相传销、偷逃骗税、走私贩私等违法活动crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit goods, false advertising, commercial fraud, pyramid schemes, including pyramid schemes in disguised forms, tax evasion, tax fraud, smuggling and sale of smuggled goods
执业兽医资格考试examination system for the qualification of licensed veterinarian
执业注册system of registration for practice
执法责任an accountability system for law enforcement
执法过错追究a mechanism for investigating and prosecuting law enforcement improprieties
按照自己的意愿自主地选择社会政治度和发展道路selection of their own social and political systems and a path for development with the initiative in their own hands
按照规章under the statutes of
捕捞许可证license system for fishing
捕捞限额quota system for fishing
携带管刀具carry controlled knives
right of production
收入分配the income distribution system
收入分配an income distribution system
放射性核素控标准standards for the control of radioactive nuclides
政府投资决策责任追究an accountability system to cover decisions made on government-financed projects
政治度和国家体制political system and system of government
政治体political structure
政治体改革reforms in the political system
政治协商system of political consultation
故意作、传播计算机病毒intentionally create or spread the computer viruses
故意intentionally cause
故意造保险事故intentionally make an insured incident
敌视和破坏我国社会主义be hostile to China's socialist system and try to undermine it
教师职务system of professional title for teachers
教师聘任system of appointment for teachers
教师资格teachers' qualification system
教育educational system
教育、度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系system for punishing and preventing corruption that combines education, regulation and oversight
教育督导educational supervision system
教育职员system of educational administrator
教育评估educational evaluation system
数字化digitized product
毒化学品chemical materials that can easily be transformed into narcotic drugs
最低工资a minimum wage system
最低工资保障system of guaranteed minimum wages
最低生活保障a system of basic cost of living allowances (for)
最低生活保障a basic minimum cost of living allowance system
有关民族区域自治度、特别行政区制度、基层群众自治制度的法律laws pertaining to systems for regional ethnic autonomy, special administrative regions and primary-level mass self-governance
有效effective check and balance
有效控keep under effective control
有管理的浮动汇率system of managed floating foreign currency exchange rates
机动车强保险mandatory motor vehicle insurance
机动车强报废制度compulsory system for scrapping motor vehicles
村务公开the system of making public village affairs
标志mark system
校长负责system under which the principal assumes full responsibility
核事故应急emergency system for nuclear accident
根据授权定的法规administrative regulation or local decree enacted pursuant to an enabling decision
根据授权定的法规regulations formulated upon authorization
根本basic system
根本政治the fundamental political system
根本政治the basic political system
正常增长机mechanism for normal increase
步入法化的轨道put...on a legal footing
歧视性的禁止、限措施prohibitive, restrictive measures that are discriminatory in nature
歧视性限discriminating restriction
民主和法建设democracy and legal construction
民主政democratic government
民主政治democratic political system
民主法democracy and rule of law
民主法建设democratic and legal system building
民主集中democratic centralism
民主集中原则the principle of democratic centralism
民主集中的原则principle of democratic centralism
民事基本fundamental civil system
民事基本basic civil system
民族区域自治the system of regional national autonomy
民族区域自治autonomy system of ethnic regions
民族区域自治the system of autonomous ethnic minority areas
民用枪支造许可证件certificate permitting manufacture of guns for civilian use
清理、修订现行抑消费的不合理规定和政策eliminate or revise unsuitable regulations and policies that discourage consumption
牢固树立党的观念、大局观念、群众观念、民主观念、法观念firmly establish the concept of giving high priority to the Party, the overall situation, the people, democracy and the legal system
物权a property system
物权的限restrictions on the property right
生产资料所有的社会主义改造socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production
生产资料的社会主义公有socialist public ownership of the means of production
生产资料私有private ownership of the means of production
生产资料私有the private ownership of the means of production
由全国人民代表大会be enacted by the NPC
由立法会自行made by the Legislative Council on its own
由行政机关设立咨询组织的system of establishing advisory body by the executive authority
申报登记system of report and registration
申请人民法院强执行apply to a people's court for compulsory enforcement
申请海事强apply for a maritime injunction
申请海事强令错误wrongfully submit an application for a maritime injunction
电子签名作数据creation data of an electronic signature
畜禽遗传资源保护system for protection of the genetic resources of livestock and poultry
省长负责governor responsibility system
着眼建立长效机focus on setting up permanent mechanisms
研究work out
破坏社会主义disruption of the socialist system
确立法律set up a legal framework (for)
社会主义度的内在要求a basic requirement of the socialist system
社会主义全民所有经济the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people
社会主义公有经济的补充complement to the socialist public economy
社会主义劳动群众集体所有经济socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people
社会主义劳动群众集体所有经济the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people
社会主义民主法建设socialist democracy and the socialist legal system
社会主义法socialist legal system
社会主义的度和政策socialist system and policy
社会主义责任socialist system of responsibility
社会保障a social security system
社会公示和听证system of public notices and hearings
社会动员机social mobilization mechanism
社会和法委员会Committee for Social and Legal Affairs
社会、经济social and economic system
《禁止或限使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》所附的“关于激光致盲武器的议定书”第四号议定书Protocol on blinding Laser Weapons Protocol IV Annexed to The Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
《禁止或限使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》所附的“禁止或限制使用地雷、诱杀装置和其他装置的修正议定书”修正的第二号议定书Amended Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices Amended Protocol II Annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
《禁止或限使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》第一条修正案Amendment to Article I of the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
税收taxation system
稳定增长的长效机a permanent mechanism for ensuring a stable increase (in)
稳步推进财税体改革steadily proceed with reform of the fiscal and tax systems
符合人民代表大会度的特点be in conformity with the characteristics of the people's congress system
第三者责任强保险compulsory third party liability insurance
累积记分system of cumulative recording of point
缉私体anti-contraband mechanism
draw up
修建性详细规划draw up a detailed construction plan
修改方案make plan for modification
全国城镇体系规划formulation of the national urban hierarchical plan
国家中长期科学和技术发展规划formulate a medium-and long-range state plan for developing science and technology
国有资本经营预算compile budgets for the management of state capital
国民经济和社会发展计划和国家预算draw up the plan for national economic and social development and the State budget
序列order of establishment
招标文件prepare documents for bid invitation
清算报告prepare a liquidation report
规划compile plans (for)
限额limit of the authorized size
预算compilation of the budget
预算compile the central government budget
编辑责任system of editorial responsibility
罚款决定与罚款收缴分离system of separating the decision on fines from the collection of fines
罪犯的日常考核routine check-up system for prisoners
耕地保护system of protection for arable land
职业教育system of vocational education
职业资格证书system of vocational qualification certificate
联合定规章jointly enact an administrative rule
联合抵交易boycotting of transaction
聘任employment system
聘任公务员public servant employed under the appointment system
聘用employment system
航空器造业aircraft manufacturing industry
航行控control of the navigation
航运经营和管理体system of shipping management and shipping regulation
草原统计statistics system for grasslands
草原防火责任responsibility system for protection against grassland fire
草畜平衡system for the balance between the yield of grass and the number of livestock raised
行政审批administrative examination and approval system
行政强措施administrative coercive measures
行政强the Law on Administrative Decrees
行政执法体a system of administrative law enforcement
行政执法责任administrative law enforcement accountability system
行政赔偿a system of administrative compensation
行政问责the administrative accountability system
衔级systems of titles and ranks
谈话诫勉the practice of persuasion and admonition
谈话诫勉the system of persuasion and admonition
负责overall responsibility for the work
财务度和监督制约机制financial regulations and oversight and restraint mechanisms (for)
财政法律度体系legislation related to public finance
财政转移支付system of government transfer payments
责任追究system of affixing responsibilities
责任追究accountability mechanism for (smth)
责任限基金limitation fund
货币金融monetary and financial system
质量体系认证quality certification system
质量保修system of the warranty of quality
质量管理management system for quality
资本主义物权the capitalist property system
资源、环境有偿使用a compensation system for the use of natural resources and for damage to the environment
赔偿责任限limit of liability
退休system of retirement
选举electoral system
选人用人和激励约束机a mechanism for personnel hiring and placement and for incentives and restraints
选任election system
镇长负责heads of towns assuming overall responsibility
附件 3:贸易政策审议机Annex 3: Trade Policy Review Mechanism
附加限性条件impose additional restrictive conditions
业务活动restrict the business operation
交通restrictive traffic
人身自由limit personal freedom
人身自由restrict the freedom of person
人身自由restrictions of personal freedom
公民人身自由restrict a citizen's freedom
其权利restrict the right
出境restrict the exit
分配红利restrict the distribution of dividends
办理restrict the provision of
实施目录catalogue of the restricted investment
寄递restrict from delivery
或干涉restrict or interfere
措施restrictive measures
收购purchase restricted
民事行为能力limited capacity of civil action
民事行为能力人person with limited capacity for civil action
活动movement restriction
用火restrict the use of fire
竞争restrict competition
赔偿责任limit the liability for compensation
赔偿责任limit the liability for damage
转让restricted transfer of
进出口的货物goods whose import or export are subject to restrictions
进出口的货物goods restricted to import and export
进口import restriction
通行restrict the flow of traffic
限期淘汰time-limited system for the elimination
院长或者所长负责system whereby the president or director takes responsibility
除限人身自由以外的with the exception of restricting freedom of person
陪审principle of trial by jury
非全日用工part-time employment
非全日用工双方当事人two parties to part-time employment
非公有经济the non-public sector of the economy
非公有经济the economic sector of non-public ownership
非公有经济non-public sector of the economy
非法造枪支illegally manufacture guns
非法买卖人民警察式服装illegally buy or sell the people's police uniform
非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥夺或者限公民的人身自由unlawful detention or deprivation or restriction of citizens' freedom of the person by other means
非法持有易毒化学品illegal possession of chemical material that can easily be transformed into narcotic drugs
非法生产人民警察式服装illegally manufacture the people's police uniform
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