
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing | all forms
专家控expert control
专家控expert controller
主动容错控active fault-tolerance control
主动阻力控active impedance control
二进图像binary image
二进指数退避Binary Exponential Back off
二进粒子群优化binary particle swarm optimization
二进编码基因binary gene
交互式对话式系统interactive control system
交通反应式控策略traffic responsive control strategy
交通控与管理traffic control and management
交通控策略traffic control strategy
交通控系统实验室traffic control laboratory
交通控设施traffic control device
介质访问控协议Medium Access Control
传感器控sensory control
传感控型机器人sensory controlled robot
伺服控型机器人servo-controlled robot
伺服控开关servo-controlled valve
位置/力混合控hybrid position/force control
信报控协议Internet Control Message Protocol
信道接人控Media Access Control
关节级控joint level control
关节轴协调控coordinated axis control
关节速率控joint rate control
兴奋-抑网络excitatory-inhibitory network
约刺激Conditioned Stimulate
约反应Conditioned R
前行forward conditioning
力控force control
功能限方程constraint equation
匀速控uniform speed control
即时控real-time control
变化时距时Variable Interval schedule
变化比率时Variable Ratio schedule
古典classical conditioning
同时simultaneous conditioning
回溯backward cond.
回溯控策略backtracking control strategy
回溯控策略back tracking control strategy
图搜索控策略graph search control strategy
基于传感器的控sensor-based control
基于关节的控joint-based control
基于图像的绘Image Based Rendering
校正duplication correction
多处理机控multiprocessor control
多点控multi-point control
大脑造产业brain building industry
大脑造者brain builder
定时时fixed interval ratio schedule
定比时fixed ratio schedule
容错控fault-tolerance control
导人机import mechanism
局部可控local controllability
工厂控factory control
差值脉冲码调Differential Pulse Code Modulation
幅度调半调技术amplitude modulated half-toning technique
幅度调相位测量法magnitude modulated phase measurement
幅-频混合调半调技术amplitude-frequency hybrid modulated half-toning technique
延宕delay conditioning
使用force fitting
微分控derivative control
微机控机器人microprocessor controlled robot
心理机psychological mechanism
快存慢取反向传输控协议Pump Slowly, Fetch Quickly
思想的适应性控一 thought 个关于认知的综合模型adaptive control of
拟人控anthropomorphic control
拟人控anthropomorphic controller
指挥、控、通信、计算机、情报、监视、侦察和目标捕获系统command, control, communication, computing, intelligence,surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting (C⁴ISRT)
分辨率control resolution
层级control hierarchy
搜索controlled search
模式control pattern
规则过滤controlled-rule filtering
论学派cybernet school
部件control component
操作operant conditioning
数据引导搜索控data-directed search control
整体匝道控integrated ramp control
无限语言unrestricted language
决策逻辑timing decision logic
设计timing design
时间分配控time sharing control
时间和空间限time-and-space restriction
智能过程控intelligent process control
有源阻力控active impedance control
设计mechanism design
机器人控技术robot control technology
柔性集成机器人造系统flexible integrated robotic manufacturing system
检索机search mechanism
模型视图控器体系结构model-view-controller architecture
PID 比例-积分-微分控控制Proportional-Integral-Derivative control
注视控gaze control
混合控hybrid control
火车动顾问专家系统train braking advisor
点位控point-to-point control
特征共现限feature coocurrence restriction
痕迹trace conditioning
眩光控glare control
神经控neural control
离散二进小波变换discrete binary wavelet transform
空间分配控space sharing control
端点控coordinated axis control
策略性控strategy control
管理式控supervisory control
线性摄动自适应控linear perturbation adaptive controller
终端控end-point control
网间控报文协议Internet Control Message Protocol
胚胎embryological manufacture
胚胎embryo facture
自主机器控autonomous vehicle control
自动导车Automated Guided Vehicle
自底向上控bottom-up control
自校正控self-correction control
自校正自适应控self-tuning adaptive controller
自适应控理论家adaptive control theorist
自顶向下控top down control
航空运输控系统air-traffic control system
被动容错控passive fault-tolerance control
计划应用机Plan Applier Mechanism
计算机综合Computer-Integrated Manufacture
话音控voice controller
话音控系统voice control system
语义限semantic restriction
语音控speech control
modulate spectrum
转移函数Modulation Transfer Function
车道管lane control
软实时控结构soft real-time control architecture
近代现代理论modem control theory
进口控inlet control
连续路径轨迹continuous path control
逆抑retroactive inhibition
选择注意机selective attention
选择限selectional restriction
递阶智能控hierarchically intelligent control
递阶智能控系统hierarchical intelligent control system
速限控speed limit control
长时程抑Long-Term Depression
闭环控close-loop control
阻力控impedance control
集中式体系控策略centralized control scheme
约刺激Unconditioned Stimulus
约反应Unconditioned Reaction
非伺服控non-servo control
非限型语法unrestricted grammar
音节结构限syllable structure constraint
预先编程控preprogrammed control
频率调半调技术frequency modulated half-toning technique
频率调相干测量法frequency modulated interference measurement
高承载率车优先行驶控High-Occupancy Vehicle Priority Control