
Terms for subject Consulting containing | all forms
专业规章度实施委员会professional practice committee
专用设备设计special-purpose equipment design and production
主要约因素major constraints
义皮革与皮革品工业leather and leather goods industry
品制造业dairy product manufacturing industry
产品设计和试的标准化standardization of product design and trial production
任务费用控job cost control
仿落后期imitation lag
伦巴第利率短期抵押贷款制度Lombard interest system
全自动化控full-automatic operation
分时time sharing
品基本规格说明product base line spec.
图服务drafting service
图标准drafting standard
定最终总体工程进度develop finalized overall job schedule
药厂pharmaceutical factory
订执行规划和后续活动implementation planning and follow-up
造厂和贸易公司manufacturer’s and trading companies
造可行性分析manufacturing feasibility analysis
造方面要求事项make-to requirements
半自动化控semi-automatic operation
印刷与图业printing and graphics industry
双封two envelopes
合并限zoning constraint
向心体Centripetal system
国际货物销售的时限及限时效工作小组Working Group on Time Limits and Limitation prescriptions in the International Sale of Goods
塑胶作机器plastic injection moulding machines
设备reproduction equipment
外汇限的放宽freedom from foreign exchange restrictions
建筑用木和其它纤维制板材building boards from wood other fibrous materials
总额合同lump-sum contract
批量控系统batch control system
扩散controlling emission
收支平衡the break-even system
新产品试trial production of new products
日用玻璃glassware of daily use
最小限minimum restrictions
根据获得的资料定活动的方法developing method of action based on available information
汁量法metrological legislation
玻璃纤维水泥glass reinforced cement products
电子综合控设备packaged-electronic-controller equipment
直线体linear system
研究试research and development
研究试工作R&D efforts
研究试方案R&D program
科举imperial examination system
程序控progress monitoring
纺织业用化工品及消沫剂textile chemicals and defoamers
经济责任economic responsibility system
蓝图preparation of blueprints
联合国国民核算United Nations system of National Accounts
计划维修planning preventive maintenance system
计量单位system of units of measurement
计量规章metrological regulations
设备限因素equipment constraints
设计工作责任responsibility system in designing
资源限resource constraints
附带反响的效果pincer cam feedback effect
铁篦grid-iron system
性商业做法问题特设专家组Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices
项目工程师project engineer system
项目经理project manager-system
项目进度编次序project schedule preparation sequence
项目造价控project cost control