
Terms for subject Electronics containing 制造品 | all forms
专用信号处理器快速样品制造计划rapid prototyping of application specific signal processors program (ARPA)
全国先进信息产品制造中心美国National Center for Advanced Information Components Manufacturing
合同电子产品制造商contract electronics manufacturer
样品[机]制造product modeling
欧洲消费类电子产品制造商协会European Association of Consumer Electronics Manufacturers
Sun 欧洲精品制造中心Sun European Manufacturing Center of Excellence
消费类电子产品制造商协会Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association (EIA)
精品制造中心manufacturing center of excellence
自有品牌制造商own brand manufacturer
西海岸电子产品制造商协会美国West Coast Electronics Manufacturers Association
计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助工程/计算机辅助制造与产品信息管理CAD/CAE/CAM and PIM