
Terms containing 制成品 成本 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.产品制造及销售成本表statement of cost to manufacture and sell
oil产品制造成本cost of goods manufactured
fin.产品制造成本cost of goods manufacturing
avia.产品支援部成本/计划控制系统product support division cost/schedule control system
busin.产品营销成本控制marketing cost control by product
fin.产品销售的制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
interntl.trade.制品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
commer.制成产品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
interntl.trade.制成品成本cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本finish cost
busin.制成品成本产品成本cost of good manufactured
econ.制成品成本对固定资产的比率ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets
busin.制成品成本明细表schedule of cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本明细表schedule of cost of finished products
fin.制成品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
busin.制成品成本statement of cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本计算表statement of the cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本预算cost of goods manufactured budget
econ.制成品标准成本finished goods standard cost
busin.制成品标准成本finish goods standard cost
busin.制成品销售成本cost of goods manufactured and sold
fin.制成品预算成本表statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
fin.制成品预计成本projected cost of goods manufactured
tech.制成品预计成本predicted cost goods manufactured
busin.制成品预计成本计算书statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品预计成本计算表statement of the budgeted cost of goods manufactured
busin.制造品成本cost of manufactured goods
proj.manag.加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection
busin.商品制造成本manufacturing cost of commodity products
busin.商品流通成本控制commodity circulation cost control
textile在制品成本work in process cost
busin.在制品成本work-in-process cost
fin.在制品成本单production order
econ.在制品成本单factory order
textile在制品成本系数work in process cost fraction
busin.在制品成本系数cost coefficient of product in process
fin.在制品间接成本burden in process (manufacturing expenses in process)
econ.多种产品分组成本制multiple product cost system
busin.多种产品成本制multiple product cost system
econ.多种产品成本制度multiple-product cost system
fin.已完工制品成本单costed finished production order
fin.成品制造和销售成本cost of goods manufactured and sold
busin.损益表和制成品成本income statement and statement of cost of goods manufactured
fin.控制产品销售成本marketing cost control by product
busin.新产品试制成本new product trial run cost
busin.期初库存在制品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
busin.期末库存在制品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
interntl.trade.本国制成品domestic manufactures
busin.本国制成品domestic manufacture
commer.本国制造成品domestic manufactures
busin.联产品成本计算制joint product costing system
fin.联产品成本计算制度joint product costing system
busin.销售产品制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
busin.销售产品的制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
busin.预计制成品成本projected cost of goods manufactured