
Terms containing 制成品 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一次烧成的制品single fired ware
tech.一次烧成的制品once-fired ware
econ.一般来说,制成的货品在发货前要经过一些严格检验Generally speaking, the manufactured goods undergo strict examinations before dispatch
tech.不成型的耐火制品unshaped refractory product
interntl.trade.世界制成品出口单位价值指数unit value index of world exports of manufactured goods
econ.世界制成品出口单位价值指数index of unit value of global exports of manufactured goods
met.中温烧成耐火制品medium-burned refractory product
econ.产品制造及销售成本表statement of cost to manufacture and sell
oil产品制造成本cost of goods manufactured
fin.产品制造成本cost of goods manufacturing
avia.产品支援部成本/计划控制系统product support division cost/schedule control system
busin.产品营销成本控制marketing cost control by product
fin.产品销售的制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
interntl.trade.人造合成纤维及其制品artificial and synthetic fibres and manufactures there of
gen.全国混凝土制成品协会National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
busin.全部制成品total manufacture
manag.全部工业制成品total manufacture
tech.冷成型制品cold formed product
interntl.trade.初级产品与制成品世界出口价格指数world export price indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods
econ.初级产品与制成品世界出口价格指数the world export price indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods
interntl.trade.初级产品与制成品价格之间的剪刀差disparity between the prices of primary products and those of manufactures
econ.初级产品与制成品价格之间的剪刀差disparity between the prices of primary products and those of manufacture
gen.初级产品和制成品primary commodities and manufactured goods
interntl.trade.制品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
commer.制成产品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
busin.制成品fabricated goods
busin.制成品complete products
econ.制成品manufacturer (制造商)
interntl.trade.制成品finished product
textile制成品made-up goods
qual.cont.制成品finished process goods
el.mach.制成品finished article
IMF.制成品manufactured goods
IMF.制成品final product
IMF.制成品end product
textile制成品manufactured product
textile制成品finished stock
interntl.trade.制成品spot goods
interntl.trade.制成品finished goods
econ.制成品manufacture (制造商)
econ.制成品ready-made goods
busin.制成品manufactured articles
manag.制成品manufactured products
fin.制成品finished goods (products;stock)
busin.制成品finish stock
commer.制成品manufactured production
busin.制成品finish product
busin.制成品final goods
shipb.制成品finished products
busin.制成品make goods
busin.制成品products manufactures
busin.制成品ready-made product
busin.制成品ready-made commodity
busin.制成品ready-made cargo
busin.制成品finished commodity
econ.制成品仓库finished goods warehouse
econ.制成品出口the exportable manufacture
stat.制成品出口单位价值指数Manufactures Unit Value Index
stat.制成品出口单位价值指数manufactures export unit value index pl. indices
econ.制成品出口商an exporter of manufacture
IMF.制成品出口国exporters of manufactures
fin.制成品分类帐finished goods ledger
econ.制成品分类登记表finished goods ledger sheet
econ.制成品分类账finished products ledger
interntl.trade.制成品周转turnover of finished goods
shipb.制成品周转turnover of finished products
manag.制成品周转数turnover of finished goods
busin.制成品周转率finished stock turnover
tech.制成品周转率turnover of finished goods
manag.制成品存货manufactured inventories
econ.制成品存货finished products inventory
econ.制成品存货finished goods stock
econ.制成品存货盘存inventory of finished goods
econ.制成品存货账finished goods inventory account
busin.制成品存量inventory of finished goods
busin.制成品市场market for manufactures
busin.制成品库存inventory of finished goods
busin.制成品库存manufactured inventory
econ.制成品库存finished goods inventory
commer.制成品库存finished products inventory
busin.制成品库存finish goods stock
econ.制成品库存对销售的比率inventory ratio of finished goods to sale
busin.制成品库存销售比率inventory ratio of finished goods to sale
busin.制成品成本finish cost
interntl.trade.制成品成本cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本产品成本cost of good manufactured
econ.制成品成本对固定资产的比率ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets
busin.制成品成本明细表schedule of cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本明细表schedule of cost of finished products
fin.制成品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
busin.制成品成本表statement of cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本计算表statement of the cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品成本预算cost of goods manufactured budget
auto.制成品放弃finished goods waiver
busin.制成品明细表schedule of finished products
busin.制成品明细表schedule of finished goods
econ.制成品服装能在一个月内供应给你方The ready made garments can be supplied to you within one month's time
econ.制成品标准成本finished goods standard cost
busin.制成品标准成本finish goods standard cost
qual.cont.制成品检验finished goods inspection
commer.制成品检验finished product inspection
fin.制成品登记单finished goods ledger sheet
busin.制成品的销售sale of finished goods
manag.制成品盘存finished products inventory
busin.制成品盘存inventory of finished goods
econ.制成品账户finished products account
qual.cont.制成品quality of conformance
econ.制成品贸易值value of trade in manufacture
busin.制成品贸易额value of trade in manufacture
econ.日本制成品进口促进组织Manufactured Imports Promotion Organization
econ.制成品销售sale of finished goods
busin.制成品销售成本cost of goods manufactured and sold
fin.制成品销售收入sales of finished goods
fin.制成品预算成本表statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
fin.制成品预计成本projected cost of goods manufactured
tech.制成品预计成本predicted cost goods manufactured
busin.制成品预计成本计算书statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成品预计成本计算表statement of the budgeted cost of goods manufactured
busin.制成商品finished market product
textile制成的产品finished stock
busin.制造品成本cost of manufactured goods
econ.制造商们哄抬产品价格造成了市场的混乱Manufacturers inflated prices of their products, and this caused chaos in the market
proj.manag.加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection
interntl.trade.制成品semi-manufactured goods
textile制成品half made
econ.制成品the semi-manufactured goods
commer.制成品crude products
shipb.制成品semimanufactured goods
tech.制成品crude product
busin.制成品semi-processed goods
anim.husb.制成品half-finished product
busin.制成品semi-manufactured products
busin.制成品partial manufacture
tech.制成品semi-finished product
commer.制成品semi-finished material
econ.制成品semi-manufactured commodity
econ.制成品semi-finished products
econ.制成品semi-finished goods
interntl.trade.制成品partial manufactures
ecol.制成品semi-manufactured material
market.制成品与零件fabricated material and parts
tech.制成品存量intermediate inventory
interntl.trade.半制成商品semi-manufactured commodity
plast.半成品制备preparation of semi-finished products
busin.半成品控制semi-finished product control
plast.合成制品synthetic products
auto.合成制品synthetic product
tech.合成建筑制品synthetical constructional product
tech.合成建筑制品synthetic construction product
tech.合成建筑制成建材产品synthetical building product
tech.合成建筑制成建材产品synthetic building product
chem.合成有机化学产品制造业synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry
gen.合成有机化学产品制造业协会Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers' Association
chem.合成有机化学产品制造商协会Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association
tech.合成结构制品synthetical structural product
tech.合成结构制品synthetic structural product
plast.后成型制品postformed moulding
plast.后成型制品postformed molding
busin.商品制造成本manufacturing cost of commodity products
busin.商品流通成本控制commodity circulation cost control
busin.国内制成品贸易intra-country trade in manufacture
busin.国际技术密集制成品贸易international trade in technology-intensive manufacture
textile在制品成本work in process cost
busin.在制品成本work-in-process cost
fin.在制品成本单production order
econ.在制品成本单factory order
textile在制品成本系数work in process cost fraction
busin.在制品成本系数cost coefficient of product in process
fin.在制品间接成本burden in process (manufacturing expenses in process)
market.在机器制造品生产的出口方面取得很大成功make it big in the export of manufacturing goods
gen.塑料制品成形压力plastic moulding press
busin.外部制成品加工费processing expense arising from outside manufacture
econ.多种产品分组成本制multiple product cost system
busin.多种产品成本制multiple product cost system
econ.多种产品成本制度multiple-product cost system
el.定制产品大规模集成电路custom product large scale integrated circuit
plast.层合成型制品moulded laminate
plast.层合成型制品molded laminate
econ.工业制成品manufacture goods
interntl.trade.工业制成品manufactured goods
commer.工业制成品manufactured product
fin.已完工制品成本单costed finished production order
manag.库存制成品manufactured inventories
tech.库存自制半成品self-manufactured semi-finished products in stock
textile成人失禁制品adult incontinence product
textile成人失禁用制品incontinence product
fin.成品制造和销售成本cost of goods manufactured and sold
fin.成品盘存制balance of stock system (balance of stores system; perpetual inventory system)
tech.成品盘存制balance of stock system
met.成品管长度控制control of finished pipe length
polym.成套制品模family mold
textile手工缝制成形针织品looped hosiery
commer.托销制成品finished goods on consignment
textile技术密集制成品贸易trade-in technology-intensive manufacture
interntl.trade.技术密集制成品贸易trade in technology-intensive manufacture
econ.技术密集型制成品贸易trade in technology-intensive manufacture
cosmet.护肤产品、护发产品、除臭剂和香水,还有清洁用品都是用天然材料制成的Skin care products, hair care products, deodorizers and perfumes, and cleansing products of our company are all made naturally
busin.损益表和制成品成本表income statement and statement of cost of goods manufactured
fin.控制产品销售成本marketing cost control by product
el.掩模限制场效应晶体管芯片成品率分析程序mask limited yield analysis program for FET chip
shipb.提成费按制成品数量计算royalty on finished product
shipb.提成费按制成品数量计算royalty on finished products
fin.改革大宗商品价格形成机制reform the commodity pricing mechanism
tech.制成品fresh product
tech.制成品freshly made product
busin.新产品试制成本new product trial run cost
tech.新制成的产品newly-made products
auto.最后制成品final product
earth.sc.有机化学、塑料和合成纤维制品organic chemicals and plastic and synthetic fibers
busin.期初库存在制品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
busin.期末库存在制品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
wood.木制半成品semi-finished wood products
interntl.trade.本国制成品domestic manufactures
busin.本国制成品domestic manufacture
commer.本国制造成品domestic manufactures
busin.杂项制成品miscellaneous manufacture
plast.注塑成型制品injection molded part
plast.注塑成型制品injection molded piece
plast.注塑成型制品injection moulded article
plast.注塑成型制品injection moulded part
plast.注塑成型制品injection moulded piece
plast.注塑成型制品injection molded article
tech.浇注成形耐火制品castable refractory
met.【耐】 烧成制品burned product
met.烧成制品burned product
avia.烧成制品burnt product
tech.照来样制成样品counter sample
tech.现存制成品finished goods on hand
tech.现成制品ready-made goods
tech.玻璃制品的热成形hot work
horticult.用红藻制成的类似紫菜的食品laver bread
anim.husb.碎肉制半成品chop-shaped ground meat
tech.粉末制品成型压力机powder metal press
tech.粗加工制成品roughly processed product
textile精加工制成品products requiring high-precision techniques
tech.精加工制成品highly wrought goods
textile缝制成形针织品loop hosiery
plast.缩口式制品的气胀成型blow undercuts
plast.缩口式制品的气胀成型〈美〉blow dieing
sport.美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,为垒球、曲棍球、射箭和自行车等奥运项目提供设备James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling
plast.耐挠曲成型制品flex resistant moulding
busin.联产品成本计算制joint product costing system
fin.联产品成本计算制度joint product costing system
anim.husb.制成品made-up meat (product)
anim.husb.肉制半成品meat packs
econ.自制半成品the self-manufactured semi-finished products
busin.自制半成品self-manufactured semi-finished product
el.自动半成品跟踪控制印制电路布线法automatic printed circuit routing with intermediate control of tracking
comp.name.英国合成树脂制品公司British Resin Product Ltd.
tech.衬碳模成型的制品paste mould ware
tech.衬碳模成型的制品paste mold ware
econ.该公司十年来成功地承担产品的制造、销售和进出口业务The company has successfully undertaken manufacture, sale, export and import of the products for ten years
tech.制成品rolled article
tech.制成品mill product
pulp.n.paper这种纸制品在成型性和抗张力方面均具优势The paper products have superiorities in formability and stretching resistance
tech.金属制成品metal build-up
busin.销售产品制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
busin.销售产品的制造成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
el.集成电路制品公司美国Integrated Circuit Works Inc.
tech.预成型制品preformed shaped
busin.预计制成品成本projected cost of goods manufactured
cosmet.香水制造的工艺过程一般包括准备精华油、预处理、混合、陈化、成品检验、装瓶The manufacturing process of perfumes includes preparing essence oil, pretreatment, blending, maturing, production inspection and bottling