
Terms for subject International trade containing 制定 | all forms | in specified order only
不经谈判由一方事前制定的合同adhesion contract
不适用限制规定inapplicability of the stature of limitation
1931 年日内瓦关于制定统一支票法的公约1931. 3. 19Convention providing a Uniform Law for Cheques Geneva, 1931
分区定价制度zone system for pricing
制定erect into
制定两年期计划biennial programming
制定法律的国家enacting state
制定票价和运价率fixing fares and rates
制定费率的机构rating organization
制造商的新定货manufacturer’s new orders
制造定单manufacture order
协定税则制conventional tariff system
协定税率制conventional tariff system
单方面制定合同内容unilateral fixing of the terms of the contract
发票人限制责任的规定stipulation by drawer restricting liability
合同规定的时间限制contractual limits of time
固定税率制general tariff system
国定税率制autonomous tariff system
国家协定税率制general and conventional tariff system
制定in-process order
基点定价制basing point system of pricing
外汇定额制度exchange quota system
定制make to order
定制made to order
定制品article made to order
定制的shop made
定制的定单order for custom-made
定单成本制度order cost
定期盘存制periodic inventory system
定额分配制quota system
定额备用金制度imprest system
定额备用金制度imprest account
定额零用金制度imprest system
工业制造成本或商业进货成本加赚头以决定售价的方式cost -plus approach
年斯特拉斯堡关于制定统一仲裁法的欧洲公约European Convention providing a Uniform Law on Arbitration Strasbourg, 20 January 1966 1966
强制性的法律规定imperative rules of law
强制性规定mandatory provision
中央银行对商业银行强制规定的最低存款储备compulsory minimum reserve requirement
成本核定制度cost measurement system
有法定时间限制的息票statute barred coupon
条款的制定formulation of provisions
流动性定货制order of liquidity
申请法院制成执行判决的裁定claim leave to issue execution
百分比定额制percentage quota system
管制性商品协定regulatory commodity agreement
紧急许可管制规定emergency permit control regulation
自愿限制协定self-restraint agreement
蠕动固定制度crawling peg system
规定准备制度reserve requirement system
规定准备存款制度reserve deposit requirement system
限制价格定货limited price order
限定变动汇价制wider currency band
限定变动汇价制widening of the band
零部件制造定单命令书parts production orders
预定间接制造成本摊配率predetermined factory overhead rate