
Terms for subject Finances containing 制定 | all forms | in specified order only
使大宗商品定价和调控机制更加合理透明make the commodity pricing and regulating mechanism more equitable and transparent
关贸总协定体制GATT system
关贸总协定限制性品目表GATT negative list
分区定价制度zone system (of pricing)
利率制定流程rate-setting process
制定一个标准set a standard
制定一项强有力且系统化的危机对策formulate a strong and systemic response to the crisis
制定2013年经济政策的会议conference to set economic policy for 2013
制定总预算gross budgeting
制定预算的收益调整法adjusted income method
制约世界经济的持久稳定增长hamper sustained and steady growth of the global economy
制造成本与固定资产之比ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets
参与制定预算budgetary participation
合理透明的大宗商品定价和调控机制equitable and transparent commodity pricing and regulating mechanism
固定制造费用fixed factory overhead costs
固定制造费用价格差异fixed overhead price variance
固定制造费用标准fixed manufacturing overhead standards
固定制造费用耗量差异fixed overhead quantity variance
固定汇率制system of fixed rate of exchange
固定汇率制度fixed exchange rate system
国际标准制定机构international standard-setting bodies
在遵循一致性原则基础上制定规章以及措施formulate their regulations and measures in a consistent manner
定单成本制job order cost system
定单成本制度order cost system
定期检查制度periodic review system
定期的预算编制periodic budgeting
定额备用金制petty cash imprest system
定额备用金制imprest fund system (imprest method)
定额预付制度imprest system
成本认定制cost identification system
投资计划制定investment planning
指定制造成本specification costs
有关制定决策的成本cost for decision making
有法定时间限制的息票statute time-barred coupon
标准制定机构standard setting bodies
欧洲政策制定European policymakers
欧洲稳定机制European Stability Mechanism (2012 年 10 月 8 日正式启动,取代欧洲金融稳定机构 (EFSF)成为欧元区常设救援基金)
法定出口限制mandatory restrictions in export
法定速率限制legal limit
特种定货成本制度special order cost system
稳定机制stabilization mechanism
经济政策制定economic policymaking
经济政策制定economic policymakers
让自动稳定机制产生作用let automatic stabilizers work
货币目标的制定money targeting
费率制定机构rate-making organizations
跨国转账价格制定multinational transfer pricing method
通货膨胀目标制定inflation targeting
制定价法collar pricing
限制未确定抵押limited open mortgage
预定成本制度predetermined system
预定制造费用predetermined factory overhead