
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 制定 | all forms | in specified order only
制定并实施全球渔船、冷藏运输船和补给船记录确立架构和战略技术磋商会Technical Consultation to Identify a Structure and Strategy for the Development and Implementation of the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels
为粮食安全和持续农业及乡村发展的国别政策和规划援助而制定的特别行动计划Special Action Programme on Country Policy and Programming Assistance for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
关于制定内陆捕捞渔业鱼和渔产品生态标签国际准则的专家磋商会Expert Consultation on the Development of International Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland Capture Fisheries
关于港口国预防、制止和消除非法、不报告、不管制捕鱼的措施协定Agreement on Port State Measures
关于港口国预防、制止和消除非法、不报告、不管制捕鱼的措施协定Port State Measures Agreement
关于港口国预防、制止和消除非法、不报告、不管制捕鱼的措施协定Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
制定全球家畜遗传资源战略专家组Panel of Experts on the Development of the Global Strategy for Farm Animal Genetic Resources
制定动物育种战略制定准则Guidelines for Establishing Animal Breeding Strategies
制定国家家畜遗传资源管理计划基本准则Primary Guidelines for Development of National Farm Animal Genetic Resources Management Plans
制定《国际植保公约》能力建设战略开放性工作组Open-ended Working Group for the Development of an IPPC Capacity Building Strategy
制定核活动的委员会Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities
制定核活动规定的委员会Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities
动物育种战略制定准则Guidelines for Establishing Animal Breeding Strategies
市场价格厘定机制African Forest Research Network
改进水产养殖规划和政策制定专家磋商会Expert Consultation on Improving Planning and Policy Development in Aquaculture
政策及计划制定支持司Policy and Programme Development Support Division
标准制定文件结构的行政准则Administrative guidelines for the structure of standard-setting documentation
稳定出口收入制度Stabilization System for Export Earnings
计划制定、执行情况报告及评估支持系统Programme Planning, Implementation Reporting and Evaluation Support System
计算机化计划制定系统Computerized Programme Planning and Budgeting System
计算机化计划制定系统Computerized Programme Planning System
诊断规程制定技术小组Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols
诊断规程制定技术小组Technical Panel to Develop Diagnostic Protocols
诊断规程制定技术小组Technical Panel to Develop Diagnostic Protocols for Specific Pests
进出口食品检验和认证体系等效性协议制定准则Guidelines for the Development of Equivalence Agreements Regarding Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems
非洲街头食品管理措施制定准则Guidelines for the Design of Control Measures for Street-vended Foods in Africa
食典标准和相关文本的制定程序Procedures for the Elaboration of Codex Standards and Related Texts
食品进出口检验与认证体系等效协议制定准则Guidelines for the Development of Equivalence Agreements Regarding Food Imports and Export Inspection and Certification Systems