
Terms for subject Rail transport containing 制动 | all forms | in specified order only
不锈钢复合钢板旋压密封式制动spinning sealed brake cylinder by stainless composite steel plate
两压力制动two-pressure brake system
主动控制转向架active control bogie
云台全方位移动及镜头变倍变焦控制Pan Tilt and Zoom Lens
人力制动man-operated brake
停驻制动parking braking
停驻制动parking brake
允许制动缓解braking release enable
制动full brake application
内侧悬挂制动inside hung brake
再生制动regenerative brake
再生制动技术regenerative braking technology
列车制动train braking
列车〔运行〕自动控制〔系统〕automatic train control (system)
列车被动制动系统passive train braking system
到达时的制动试验incoming brake test
制动不衰竭性brake inexhaustibility
制动主管吊卡brake pipe hanger
制动作用器braking reactor
制动倍率braking leverage
制动倍率brake leverage
制动倍率brake leverage
制动初速initial speed at brake application
制动初速initial braking speed
制动动力试验台braking dynamometer
制动员室brakeman's cabin
制动地段braking section
制动安定性service stability
制动brake repair room
制动拉杆lever connection
制动控制器brake controller
制动支管brake branch pipe
制动支管branch brake pipe
制动支管三通branch pipe tee
制动故障braking trouble
AB 制动AB brake
制动brake system
AB制动AB brake
制动机模块组装装置brake modular assembling device
制动杆支点brake lever fulcrum
制动杠杆brake lever
制动杠杆传动效率brake rigging efficiency
制动杠杆销brake lever pin
制动柱塞阀spool valve
制动brake bracket
制动梁下拉杆brake beam bottom rod
制动梁吊座brake bracket hanger
制动梁夹扣brake beam clip
制动梁安全链卡子brake beam safety chain clip
制动梁弓braking bracing
制动梁弓形杆brake beam tension rod
制动梁拉杆brake beam pull rod
制动梁拉杆brake bracket connecting rod
制动梁撑杆brake beam brace
制动梁支柱brake beam strut
制动梁杠杆拉杆live lever connection
制动梁槽钢brake beam compression channel
制动梁滑槽brake bracket guide
制动梁缓解弹簧brake bracket release spring
制动检修所brake inspection point
制动检查期Clean Oil Test and Stencil interval
制动模式brake mode
制动brake propagation
制动波速braking propagation rate
制动波速度brake propagation rate
制动灵敏度brake sensitivity
制动brake shoes
制动特性braking performance
制动电抗器braking reactor
制动电阻元件braking resistor grid
制动电阻带braking resistor grid
制动电阻柜braking resistor cubicle
制动盘座brake disc seat
制动盘座前肩brake disc seat front fillet
制动盘座后肩brake disc seat rear fillet
制动盘组成brake disc assembly
制动端接管brake end nipple pipe
制动管减压量brake pipe pressure reduction
制动管压力梯度brake pipe pressure gradient
制动管数控气密性试验台brake pipe digital control air tight test rig
制动管管接头air brake hose nipple
制动管系模块化组装brake pipe system modular assembling
制动管路brake piping
制动管风压brake pipe pressure
制动系统检测设备brake system inspection device
制动缓解阀braking release valve
制动braking cylinder
制动缸体cylinder body
制动缸前杠杆cylinder lever
制动缸吊brake cylinder hanger
制动缸后杠杆auxiliary lever
制动缸排出量brake cylinder displacement
制动缸排风塞门brake cylinder exhaust cock
制动缸推力brake cylinder force
制动缸杠杆cylinder lever
制动缸杠杆托brake cylinder lever bracket
制动缸杠杆拉杆cylinder lever connecting rod
制动缸杠杆连杆cylinder lever and floating lever connecting rod
制动缸活塞行程piston travel
制动缸管brake cylinder pipe
制动缸缓解阀brake cylinder release valve
制动节制阀moderating valve (vacuum brake)
制动装置braking system
制动装置braking devices
制动装置brake equipment
制动设备备品spare parts of brake devices
制动调节器brake adjuster
制动软管数控水压试验台brake hose digital control water pressure test rig
制动软管连接器barke hose coupling
制动软管连接器brake hose coupling
制动软管连接器brake hose coupling
制动输岀模块braking output module
制动配管brake piping
制动铁鞋brake shoe
制动brake room
加速制动accelerated application valve
动模型试验控制系统control system of moving model rig
单元制动brake unit
单元制动brake unit
单元式基础制动package brake
单独制动independent brake
压型活塞旋压密封式制动profiling piston spinning sealed brake cylinder
双侧踏面制动clasp brake
双侧制动double-side braking
双侧制动clasp brake
双向作用制动double-acting brake cylinder
双管制动系统double pipe brake system
双速制动two speed brake
可控紧急制动controlled emergency application
司机制动driver's brake valve
同步制动simultaneous application of car brakes
坡道制动gradient braking
垂直轮齿轮传动手制动vertical wheel gear transmission hand brake
基础制动basic brake
基础制动bogie brake
基础制动装置brake rigging
复合制动composite brake pipe
外侧悬挂制动outside hung brake
大小闸制动试验brake test of the gate
制动时间Instantaneous Application Time
制动时间actual braking time
制动距离actual stopping distance
实际制动时间actual braking time
实际制动距离actual braking distance
带推杆复原装置旋压密封式制动spinning sealed brake cylinder with pull rod recovery device
常用制动service application
常用制动normal service application
常用制动normal brake application
常用制动波速service application propagation speed
平均制动average braking ratio
弦的随动控制chord follow-up control
快速自动空气制动quick action automatic air brake
制动quick service (作用)
制动quick application
制动作用quick service braking (常用局减)
制动quick service valve
制动quick service application valve
意外紧急制动undesirable emergency braking
意外紧急制动undesired emergency application
制动下棘轮bottom ratchet wheel
制动手轮hand brake wheel
制动拉杆hand brake pull rod
制动掣子hand brake pawl
制动掣轮hand brake ratchet wheel
制动曲拐hand brake bell crank
制动hand brake
制动杠杆hand brake lever
制动棘轮掣子brake finger
制动hand brake braking ratio
制动装置拉索hand brake pull rod chain
制动踏板brake foot board
制动踏板hand brake step
制动踏板托hand brake step bracket
制动转筒hand brake crank pulley
制动hand brake wheel
制动hand brake shaft
制动轴制止器hand brake shaft stopper
制动轴套brake shaft sleeve
制动轴导架hand brake shaft guide
制动轴托hand brake shaft bracket
制动轴托hand brake shaft support
制动轴托brake shaft bracket
制动轴支架组成hand brake shaft bracket assembly
制动hand brake chain
制动链轮hand brake sheave wheel
摩擦制动friction braking
摩擦制动系统friction brake system
放风制动系统passive train braking system
数据采集与监视控制系统/远动系统Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
旋压密封式制动spinning sealed brake cylinder
最大制动距离maximum braking distance
最大制动过载maximum deceleration
最小常用制动minimum service application
有效坡道制动effective grade brake
有线分布式动力控制Wireline Distributed Power
机车制动locomotive braking
柔性制动flexible braking
消防联动控制器调试debugging of fire linkage controller
消防联动控制设备fire linkage control equipment
涡流制动eddy current brake
涡流制动eddy current braking
涡流制动eddy current brake
液力制动hydraulic braking
液力制动hydraulic brake
液力制动hydrodynamic brake
温度自动控制装置automatic temperature-control device
溜放进路自动控制automatic switching control of humping yard by routes
牵引一制动位转换开关traction-brake changeover switch
牵引电动机供电制式traction motor power supply system
独立制动independent brake valve
电控空气制动ECPElectrically Controlled Pneumatic ECP brake
电控空气制动ECP Electrically Controlled Pneumatic ECP brake
电气制动试验electric braking test
电磁制动electro-magnetic braking
电空制动electro-pneumatic brake
电空制动控制器E-P brake controller
电空制动electro-pneumatic brake
电空制动电路E-P brake circuit
电空制动电路electro-pneumatic brake circuit
电空制动装置electro-pneumatic brake equipment
电阻制动resistor brake
盘形制动disc braking
盘形制动单元disc brake unit
盘形制动及踏面制动装置disc and tread brake equipment
盘形制动器座disc brake bracket
目的制动objective braking
直接制动direct brake
直通制动direct air brake pipe
直通电空制动direct acting electro pneumatic brake
直通空气制动装置straight air brake equipment
真空制动vacuum braking
真空制动vacuum brake
真空制动装置vacuum brake equipment
短循环制动short cycle brake
磁轨制动electromagnetic rail brake
磁轨制动magnetic rail brake
空气制动air brake
空气制动安全警惕装置dead man device
空气制动安全警惕装置air brake safety control
空气制动air brake
空气制动机安全控制air brake safety control
空气制动管理员air brake supervisor (美国铁路设此职位,一般对空气制动负责)
空气制动装置包括基础制动air brake apparatus
空气制动装置airbrake equipment device)(
空气制动试验test on air brake
空气制动软管air-brake hose
空气制动软管夹具air-brake hose clamp
空气制动软管接头air brake hose coupling
空气制动软管接头垫圈air brake hose coupling gasket
空气制动软管标签air brake hose label
空气制动软管连接器air brake hose coupling
空气制动配件防护件air brake fittings protector
空气真空两用制动装置air and vacuum dual brake equipment
空气自动控制装置automatic air control device
空车制动empty braking ratio
空重车制动装置empty/load brake equipment
紧急制动emergency braking
紧急制动波速emergency application propagation speed
紧急制动距离emergency braking distance
车长阀紧急制动conductor's valve emergency brake valve
紧急制动阀罩emergency brake valve hood
紧急制动风缸emergency brake air reservoir
紧急备用空气制动emergency pneumatic back-up brake
组合式制动combined brake beam
组合式制动梁闸瓦托combined brake beam brake head
缓冲制动缸容积dummy brake cylinder volume
罐体制动吊托自动检测装置tank body brake hanger support automatic measuring device
制动连杆foot brake connecting rod
脚踏制动foot brake
膜板式制动diaphragm brake cylinder
自动制动automatic braking
自动二进制数据传输装置Automatic Binary Data Link
自动列车控制Automatic Train Control
自动列车控制automatic train control ATC,
自动广播控制系统Automatic Broadcast Control System
自动电空制动automatic electro pneumatic brake
自动直通空气制动automatic and straight air brake
自动空气制动装置automatic air brake equipment
自动空重车制动automatic empty and load brake
自然制动spontaneous braking
蓄能制动energy-storing braking
蓄能制动energy storing brake
蓄能制动energy-storing brake
蜗轮和蜗杆式手制动wheel and worm handbrake
货车空气分配阀常用加速制动作用service acceleration brake application
货车脱轨自动制动装置automatic brake device at time of derailment
踏面制动tread brake
踏面制动缸吊座tread brake cylinder bracket
车体制动装置carbody brake device
轨道电磁制动magnetic rail brake
转向架制动bogie brake
转向架制动组件truck-mounted brake assembly
转向架制动组件truck bogie-mounted brake assembly
转向架基础制动foundation brake rigging
转向架集成制动装置bogie integral brake device
轮装盘形制动wheel-mounted disc brake
制动axle braking ratio
轴装盘形制动axle-mounted disc brake
辅助制动均衡杠杆auxiliary brake equalizing level
运行图编制自动化train working diagram drafting automation
进路自动控制automatic route control
远动控制remote control
远动控制模块remote control module
连续制动continuous brake
连续制动continuous brake
重车制动load braking ratio
铠装制动软管armoured brake hose
铸铁活塞旋压密封式制动cast iron piston spinning sealed brake cylinder
间接制动系统indirect braking system
间隔制动distance braking
闸瓦制动shoe brake
集成制动手制动杠杆integral brake hand brake lever
静态制动试验static braking application test
非踏面制动off tread braking
非黏着制动non-adhesion braking
风动闸瓦制动pneumatic shoe brake
驻车制动parking brake
黏着制动adhesive braking
黏着制动adhesion braking