
Terms for subject Business containing 到 期 日期 | all forms | in specified order only
上市证券到期日表maturity schedules of marketable security
义务履行到期日date when performance due
估计到达日期estimated date of arrival
信用证到期日期L/C expiration date
信用证到期日L/C expiration day
债务或其他义务履行到期日date of eligibility of the obligation
具体到期日specific maturities
到期应付票据日记簿bill payable maturity book
债券等到期日date of maturity
到期日dies ad quem
到期日expiration date
借据等的到期日due date
票据到期日due date
到期日expiry date
到期日期expiry date
到期日期expiration date
到期日通知notice of due date
到达日期date of arrived
原定到期日期original expiration date
大数欠款到期日balloon maturity
平均到期日equated time
应付账款平均到期日average accounts payable period
成品交库到期日due in finished stock
我方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
收到日期date of receipt
到期日期no expiration date
法定债务到期日obligatory maturity
票据到期日maturity date of a note
等同到期日equated maturity
规定到期日fixed maturity date
订单最早到期日期规则minimum due date per order rule
定到期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity date