
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
年底、 总公司要查核各分公司的账目情况The parent company would audit the accounts of every subsidiary at the end of each year
一群人正在研究消费者心理学和行为经济学、 他们收集的证据令人印象深刻、 已达学术水平A group there is studying consumer psychology and behavioral economics and amassing evidence that's impressive by any academic standard was collected
与互联网本身相似 DNS 设计为甚至在部分网络受严重破坏的情况下仍能工作Like the Internet itself DNS was designed to function even in the face of severe disruption of parts of its network
两年之后、美国的最低工资标准有望达每小时7. 25美元Over the next two years, the minimum wage in the United States is expected to rise to $7.25 an hour
什么是用户头像?我怎样可以得一个?What is an avatar? How do I get one?
从低高的排序ascending order
从摄像机监控主机为点对点的连接、以监控主机为中心构成星形网络From the camera to monitor the host for point-to-point connections, as the center console to monitor a star network
从文件中删除数据并把它移动剪贴板Delete data from the document and move it to the clipboard
任何员工如被证实有骚扰行为、 将受纪律处分、 直至被解聘All employees will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for any proven act of harassment
会议签单格式meeting attendance fonn
但是、我可以简单地创建自己的 EventLogEntryInfo 类、用于将每个事件日志条目复制其中However, it was simple for me to create my own EventLogEntryInfo class that I could copy each event log entry into
使用文件传输协议 FTP客户端将站点文件夹和索引文件上传所选的位置Use a File Transfer Protocol FTP client to upload the site folder and index file to the location of your choice
免费送目的地交货delivered free to destination
公共部门的工会也意识、 普通民众对它们的同情心是有限的Also the public sector unions realise that sympathy with their cause among the general public is limited
出乎意料地、她得了这份录影带讲经的小册子、她感受到内心的召唤、因此便携友同来To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart, so she came with a friend
创建一个当前设备的符号链接Create a symbolic link to the device
at the money
岸价格加卸货费cost, insurance, freight, landed
岸价格加班轮条件cost, insurance, freight, liner terms
岸成本landed cost
岸轮船舱底交货cost, insurance, freight, ex-ship's hold
付款fall due
远期汇票等的at maturity
期应缴税款tax due
期支付payment in due course
期清单due date checklist
期的become fall due
港日期date of arrival
目前为止、这种上升的趋势尚不及90年代末和前几年的科技热潮So far, the upswing doesn't begin to match the tech booms of the late 1990s and the middle years of this decade
货质量arrival quality
达地完好货价sound arriving value
参赛者达终点时、要触及固定在终点的触垫、同时两个收发器都必须保持原样Competitors must finish the race with both transponders intact and will finish the race by striking a touch pad anchored at the finish line
及时due arrival
只要物理运算符达其数据流的结尾、此计数器就增加一Whenever a physical operator reaches the end of its data stream, this counter is incremented by one
可口可乐也意识、 本次收购会给未来几年的收入拖后腿Coca-Cola has acknowledged that the acquisition will be a drag on its earnings for the next couple of years
合同expiration of contract
嗯、我想我们该谈谈报酬了。如果你和我们合作、你希望得多少佣金?Well, perhaps we should talk about payment. If you worked with us, how much commission would you expect?
因此、我必须先捕获它的两张单个画面、然后重整大小同一张画面上来制作编辑图片Therefore, I had to capture the picture into two frames first and then resized and made them into a single picture again
因此、数字电视转换后一两周、要使用机顶盒屏幕菜单定期扫描新的数字电视台So, for the first week or two after the switchover use the converter box's on-screen menu periodically to scan for new digital stations
因此、用户可以随时还原先前的修改该文件的内容So, the user can always revert back to an earlier revision of that document
在使用前、磁盘上的文件需要复制一个更大的系统盘上The files on the disk will need to be copied to a larger system disk before using
在前面的列表中、你可以看 EIOS 检查 CMOS中的设置来作为计算机的常规设置In the previous list, you saw that the BIOS checks the CMOS Setup for common settings
在添加该项之后、源代码管理插件将您的解决方案或者项目的本地工作副本绑定其数据库中的版本上After adding the item, the source control plug-in binds your local working copy of a solution or project to its version in the database
在讨论远高于我如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时、 布朗先生似乎遇了同样的不直率Mr. Brawn seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft
如今的磁带机有内置的硬件数据压缩、 可显著提高将数据传送驱动器的有效传送速率Modern tape drives have built-in hardware data compression that can significantly increase the effective transfer rate of data to the drive
如果你带着这些建议再去看你的录像、你会发现你不像你感觉的那么紧张了。好好享受你暴涨的自信心吧!If you watch your video recording with these tips in mind, you'll see that you dont look as nervous as you feel. Enjoy the confidence boost!
如果你退出一次编程会话、你所有的全局变量就被系统保存磁盘上的一个文件里If you quit your session, all your global variables were saved by the system to a disk file
如果勾选此项、光标被放置在被找的结果行末尾If checked, the cursor is placed at the end of the occurrence found
如果您觉得这个网站对您很有帮助、请将它加书签If you find this site helpful, please bookmark it
如果明天上网、你的电脑可能面临遭致命病毒破坏的危险Were you to go online tomorrow, your computer might run the risk of being attacked by a deadly virus
如果某一列表项绑定某一数据对象、则每个字段也都绑定到该对象的相应属性When a list item is bound to a data object, each field is bound to the corresponding property of the object
如果能够有效杜绝此类软件盗版、则将有更多的计算机用户感受开源软件的益处If this level of software piracy were reduced, more computer users -would see the benefits of open-source software
它告诉资源编译器哪里能找真实的位图文件It tells the resource compiler where to find the actual bmp file
对于在程序和最终用户之间的在线交互、 很少会用几百行以上的数据Rarely will more than a few hundred rows be useful for an online interaction between a program and an end user
对我来说、这是我最感兴奋的领域、尤其是微机To my mind that's the most exciting field, especially the minicomputer
期付款become fall due
将其他的菜单命令添加子菜单中Add additional menu commands to the submenu
将操作系统复制内存中的过程initial program load
将来期偿付的债项debt payable at a future time
将磁心存储器读出放大器的输出选通寄存器的触发器中的一种脉冲A pulse to gate the output of a core memory sense amplifier into a trigger in a register
嵌套泛型类型的名称必须对新引入类型中的类型参数的数目进行编码The name of a nested generic type must encode the number of type parameters newly introduced to the type
岸提货的提单accomplished bill of lading
弹出窗口链接一个音频文件、 以便您能听取和键入注册所需的指定字符This pop-up window links to an audio file so you can listen to and type the special characters required for registration
当你跟他们确立一个长期的合作关系之后、 将会享受意想不到的价格折扣、 以及更好的待遇It's amazing how much of a discount and better treatment you receive when you're 'willing to commit to a long-term relationship
当然、聪明的读者会注意、这种云计算趋势有一个明显的缺点Of course, clever readers will have noticed that this trend toward cloud computing has an obvious flaw
当表达式中用多个操作符时operator precedence
当该代理服务器接收响应时、它将结果发送回客户端、如同它是初始服务器一样When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the client as if it were the original server
很多年以来、总的趋势一直都是将文本文件整合特殊的应用文件格式中For many years, the trend was to embed text in specialized application file formats
怀有某种动机的个人也许会或难或易地把您的网络 IP 地址和您的真实身份联系一起It may be either difficult or easy for a motivated individual to connect your network IP address with your real-life identity
总线网络中的设备可以连接网络上的任何一点、或从网络上任何一点取下、而不影响其他部分In bus network, any devices can be attached or detached from the network at any point without disturbing the network
恰巧注意的差异just noticeable difference
感知的价值perceived value
感知的质量perceived quality
我原来的专业是计算机科学、但1999年的市场热潮让我转金融行业My main used to be computer science but I rerolled finance when the market was hot in 1999
我怎样找上传图像的绝对路径?How do I find the absolute path I need for uploading images?
我最近收很多垃圾邮件、花了很长时间才把它们删掉Recently, I have gotten a lot of spam, and it takes me hours to delete it
所有图标将被提取当前目录All icons will be extracted to current directory
推模式的简单实现是通过循环的方式将任务发送网格资源上A simple implementation of a push model could be built where the work is sent to grid resources in a round-robin fashion
文件已经被输入一台便携式电脑里了The documents have been typed into a portable computer
新无线通信与其他技术不同的是人们将很难注意它的存在What is different about new wireless communications is that people will barely notice them
无法创建快捷方式。请创建一个项目、然后将指向此文件的快捷方式插入该项目的文本框中Can't create the shortcut. Create an item, and then insert the shortcut to the file into the text box of the item
明年五月我要新加坡的一家联合公司当技术顾问Next May, I'm due to go to Singapore as a technical adviser to an associated company there
CAI 是个安排学生预先设计了学习计划的会话模式的电脑上的教育观念CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan
有资格得付款qualify for payment
out of the money
期汇票bill undue
检测数据载波data carrier detected
检测的数据载波data carrier detected
总包即付分包pay when paid
此示例显示如何创建加密密钥备份副本、 并将其保存软盘中密码保护的文件中This example shows how to create a backup copy of the encryption key and save it to a password-protected file on a floppy disk
物体的亮度或发光率定义为物体面积发射单位立体角内的光通量The brightness or luminance of an object is defined as the luminous flux emitted per unit area of the object into unit solid angle
现在、 您已经准备好、 可以将数据文件中的信息合并一个标签出版物中了Now you're ready to merge information from the data file into the label publication
电子设备故障率最高的部分总是位于维修最不易达的区域In electronics repair the part with the highest failure rate will always be located in the least accessible area of the equipment
目前该项目已经扩展软件、电影、录音和扫描书籍It has since expanded to software, films, audio recordings and scanning books
石油公司宣称收取暴利所得税并不能达预期的效果Oil industry analysts, however, say a wind fall pro fits tax might be counterproductive
码头仓库pier-to-house (P/H)
确保做这一点的一种方法是设计一个封装该共享资源的类One way to ensure this is to design a class that encapsulates the shared resource
票据迟拒绝付款dishonor by non-payment
票据迟拒绝承兑dishonor by non-acceptance
系统将生成高分辨率的数字影像、 而这些影像可以被传送您选择的分析软件The system produces a high-resolution digital image that can be transmitted to the analysis software of your preference
系统软件执行像从内存传输数据磁盘、或者将文本递交给显示设备这样的任务System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display device
结果表明:该系统能够达非常高的并行加速比和并行效率Results show that this system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency
继续点击这个单选按钮、 然后你将得一个新设定的选项Go ahead and click on that radio button and you'll get a new set of options
至少在债务重组后的一段时间内、 它将很难找贷款人At least for a time after a debt restructuring it 'would struggle to find lenders
若要累算任务实际工期结束为止的实际成本编辑结果、 请清除该复选框Clear this check box to accrue the actual cost edits to the end of the actual duration of the task
要传真的文档将自动转换为 TIFF 图像文件并附加电子邮件中The document you want to fax is automatically converted to a TIFF image file and attached to an e-mail message
请不要把音量电平调高于失真点The volume level should not be turned up to the point of distortion
调制解调器通常连接电缆或 DSL线、然后通过以太网电缆和网络适配器连接到计算机The modem is usually connected to a cable or DSL line, and is then connected to your computer through an Ethernet cable and network adapter
付款方式、能否告诉我、你们这方面通常怎么做?Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?
付款cash on delivery (COD)
贸易融资中断意味着发展中国家的供应商难以将商品输送市场Disruption to trade finance means that developing world suppliers are having trouble getting goods to market
运费payment of freight at destination
运费freight to be paid
运费freight to be paid at destination
运费express collect
还可以序列化对象以及将对象绑定控件You can also serialize objects and bind objects to controls
这些国家在危机来前都已习惯了盆满钵满的出口和税收收入、 现在都面临着重新调整All had become used to swollen export and tax revenues and face readjustment
这可能让喜欢某种官方批准的监管机构感不安、但它也会降低光环效应That might worry regulators who like some official seal of approval, but it would also reduce the halo effect
这种应用遇了一个关键错误This application has encountered a critical error
这种表现不只是因为钢铁等行业产能过剩、以极低的价格将产品倾销国外That performance is not just the result of excess-capacity industries, such as steel, dumping output abroad at cutthroat prices
这种跌幅将会使价格回落与长期趋势相符Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend
远程桌面连接使得用户能够远程连接启用了远程桌面或终端服务器的计算机Remote Desktop Connection makes it possible for a user to connect remotely to a machine that has Remote Desktop or Terminal Server enabled
的投标书late bid
通过主题树或者搜索引擎可以找你感兴趣的领域Either on the subject tree or with a search engine the fields of interest can be found
通过使用谷歌的新服务、学生可以共享日程表、以前他们则无法轻易做这一点Using the new Google service, for instance, students can share calendars, which they could not easily do before
邮寄mail to
铁路货通知railway advice
防火墙可以用于获得能连接您的 DNS 服务器的访问控制权Firewalls can be used to gain access control over who can connect to your DNS servers
陆运可达的地点overland common point
预算考虑了通货膨胀的准备金The budget made allowance for inflation
预见的损害赔偿费foreseen damages
预计达时间estimated time of arrival (ETA)