
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一步位式购买one-stop shopping
三权美国每季有一天是股票期权、指数期货和指数期权同时到期的日子,因此叫 "三权到期"triple witching
三权期日triple witching day
上市证券期日程表maturity schedules of marketable security
下一交收日next settlement day due
下级失误牵扯上级负责respondent superior
不规则odd maturity
不规则期日broken date
不规则期日远期交易broken date forward transaction
不速访surprise visit
从账面票据book to bill
使人民生活达小康水平make people fairly well-off
信用证期日L/C expiration date
信贷市场恐慌达历史性水平credit panic hitting historic level
信贷衍生品受强烈的抵触backlash against credit derivatives
倒闭的机构负债现在已经落纳税人的肩上liabilities of failing institutions loaded on the backs of taxpayers
借贷期通知note maturity notice
借贷的期通知书note notice
债券期不偿还本息default in redemption of bonds at maturity
债券期收益yield to maturity of a bond
债券期收益率bond yield to maturity
债券期日bond maturity
债券期还款bond redemption
债券与贷款期日期分布情况maturity distribution of loans and securities
债务obligatory maturity
全套银行业务步位银行业务one-stop banking
全部资金的项目fully funded project
全面synthetic maturity
准确期日very accurately defined maturity
出票人托收款项未drawn against uncollected items
分批serial maturities
in place
位资金in place funds
底机制reach through
……日为止as at
价格趋于一致maturity convergence
价格趋同maturity convergence
期不匹配风险maturity-mismatch risk
期交割月份指谷物合同的交割月份contract/delivery month
期付款payment in due course
期付款fall due
期价值expiry value
期价格expiry price
期借票due bill
期债券matured bonds (MB)
期债券应付款matured bonds payable
期债券违约不偿还本息default in redemption of bonds at maturity
期债务mature liability
期债务matured liability
期债务debt due
期偿还债券bond due for payment
期偿还债券本息meeting bond interest and principal
期偿还本金meeting principal
期偿还的证券non-callable securities
期偿还贷款loan due for payment
期出售due on sale
期分次承兑票据汇票bill at usance
期分配distribution by maturity
期利差maturity spread
期利息及分红interest and dividends due
期前发行premature distribution
期前始终有效的指令good through until date order
期前有效指令good-till-date order
期单据支票due bill check
期即付汇票bill on maturity
期后溢价赎回premium redemption
期处理maturity settlement
期失去价值expired worthless (期权)
期实得复合收益realized compound yield to maturity
期应付票据账簿/款账册bill payable maturity book
期/应付资金fund due
期归属权ownership of expiration
期提示通知reminder of due date
期收益maturity yield
期效应期货、期权到期时,交易者急欲交易而造成价格大幅波动的结果expiration effect
期无息债务matured non-interest bearing debt
期日law day
期日maturity (Mat.)
期日time of maturity
期日Mat. (maturity)
期日maturity day
期日final maturity date
期日互换maturity swap
期日保理服务maturity factoring
期日分布情况债券maturity distribution
期日延长extension of maturity
期日延长extend the expiration date
期日期maturity date
银行存款分类期日梯形结构maturity ladder
期日错配安排maturity mismatching arrangement
期日错配情况maturity mismatch profile
期时段maturity bands
期时间time of maturity
期时间当日交易最后时间expiration time
期月份expiration month
期期权far option
期期限term to maturity
期未付债务matured liabilities unpaid
期未付款back money
期未付的票据overdue bill
期本息大额还清balloon payment
期清算maturity settlement
期的衍生权证expiring derivative warrants
期的负债maturity liability
期票据登记簿maturity tickler
期类别maturity bands
期红利maturity bonus
期终止termination of term
期结算余额balance due
期计时基准maturity basis
期配比maturity matching
期重大债务due major debt
期错配风险maturity-mismatch risk
期阶段maturity stage
期阶段maturity phase
期风险maturity risk
期风险溢价maturity risk premium
货价final price
达顶部reached top level
剩余期日current maturity
加速资金账法案Expedited Funds Availability Act
单个月份single monthly mortality
单月份期还本率single monthly mortality
即刻期条款due on sale clause
即将期债务maturing liability
即将期日current maturity
即将期的长期债务current maturity of long-term debts
双权期日double witching day
双权期时相关资产的期货和期权同时到期double witching hour
反向reverse to maturity
充分保护的客户私隐client privacy sufficiently safeguarded
惊吓的投资者panic-stricken investors
合同期日contract expiration date
合同期月contract month
境内企业申请香港创业板上市审批与监管指引Guidance on the Vetting and Regulation of the Applications by Domestic Enterprises for Getting Listed on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market
复原原来的持股量position unwind
多次serial expiration
多种期债券multi-maturity bond
子弹式本金在到期日一次还清bullet maturity
存款Mat. (maturity)
存款maturity (Mat.)
存款期日不相配梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险deposit maturity mismatch ladder
容易借的资金loose funds
期可调整优先股maturing adjustable preferred stock
将要期的票据maturing note
就要来的风险imminent peril
债务偿债期fall in
已收的资金collected funds
市场达失去理智的火暴状态market reached lunatic levels of exuberance
常规期日regular date
常规期日远期交易regular date forward transaction
延期delayed availability
延期资金账时间表deferred availability schedule
延长的期日extended expiry date
当日账的款项good money
期的期权near option
息票债券的期收益率yield to maturity for coupon bonds
意识的风险perceived risk
承兑期账目acceptance maturity record
承诺期收益率promised yield to maturity
承销期expiration of the period for underwriting
把买价降最低minimizing purchase price
把潜在的司法纠纷降最低minimize potential litigation
把证券转归……名下vest securities in...
投人附属公司的资本investment in capital of affiliated concerns
投资未arrears in contribution
持有直至hold to maturity
持有至期日账户held-to-maturity account
持有证券等涨价时出售long of the security
无优先权债权人按比例得清偿rank ratably
损失结转下期loss carried forward to the next term
推定收constructive receipt
推迟delayed availability
提前期贷款prematured loan
支付期票据meet a bill at maturity
委托指令receive an order
期日发行undated issue
无固定期日的远期外汇option exchange
明日overnight maturity
最后期日final maturity date
最大最小债券mini-max bond
期权option expiry
期权期日option expiration date
期权期日option day
价位的期权underwater option
位的承诺资金capital commitment outstanding
not yet due
期应还债务debt payable at a future time
期提取premature drawing
期的偿还indebiti solutio
期的远期合同unmatured forward contract
期风险金准备reserve for unexpired risk
账资金uncollected funds
账项account in transit
未受控制的放贷增长unrestrained lending growth
未得适当的认可without due authorization
未挣的利息unearned interest
未挣的收人unearned income
未收付款的卖方权利right of unpaid seller
未收的资金uncollected funds
本年目前为止year to date
权证期前warrant's imminent maturity
标准期日standardized expiration dates
根据现场查看on the spot visit (监管机构)
梯型期策略ladder maturity strategy
期债券non-amortizable bond
每月single monthly mortality
每月期还本率single monthly mortality
法定期日legal maturity
涉及的风险risk involved
清偿期债务pay off due debts
清理期票据clean up due bill
现金及银行期存放cash and due from banks
票据结算行期票据clearing house items
票据结算行代理期票据clearing house due bills
期日时间time to expiry
私募收钱之后post money
第三者代管escrowed to maturity
简单期收益simple yield to maturity
系列serial maturities
系列serial expiration
绝对drop dead day
绝对期费drop dead fee
综合指数停止下滑势头、升16点、达5000点composite stopped the declining momentum, gaining 16 points to 5000
股东们可以得更多实惠yield more substantial benefits to shareholders
股价反弹回原位bounce back
股价跌最低点时买人bottom fishing
股指跌幅达10%降6元index slumped 10 percent to 6 Yuan
融资收钱之前pre money
认股权期收益yield to warrant expiration
设计规划要达的目标structuring objective
付款spot cash
付费pay on delivery
后付款汇票arrival draft
后付款汇票arrival bill
货币市场期日梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险money market maturity ladder
资本位率capital adequacy ratio
资本位率capital adequacy
的利息earned interest
赚不no money to be made
振奋心理作用股市上deliver a psychological boost
期日时间time to expiry
距离期日time to maturity
距离期日时间time to maturity
两年来新高hit a two-year high
承销人目标meeting underwriters' purposes
证券价格顶点top out
预订市价执行指令market if touched order
达不条件failing to meet the conditions
达不标准fall short of standard
迅速收交易确认prompt confirmation
远期交易期日forward maturity
交易later transaction
交易late trading
付款late payment
信息delayed data
逐步phased implementation
逐步phase in
冲击get hit
部门部门交易订单desk to desk trading booth orders
配对期日matched maturity
防止出现意想不的后果guard against unintended consequences
阻止危机发展失控的地步stop the crisis lurching from further out of control
随时能买on tap
隔夜overnight maturity
难以找很好的解决方案not susceptible to neat solutions
预填日期用以时偿还债务的支票memorandum cheque
预测期日projected maturity date
预计期收益return to maturity expectations
预计期日expected maturity
风险与期日关系risk maturity relationship